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This Is Embarassing!

Eureka. Where is Diogenes when you need him or her?

I've got the answer. And it's better than tips.

Put pilots and flight attendants on "piece work" rates.

You know how you have textile or dress or clothing factories and people get paid by how many pieces of apparel they sew up? Do the same thing for the pilots and FAs.

You pay them for the number of passengers in the seats.

Let's say that a pilot ought to get a buck and a quarter an hour per passenger on board.

Copilots? Maybe 75 cents per passenger per hour.

Flight attendants? Somewhere between 15 and 20 cents.

Why hasn't someone thought of this before? Nobody has to tip.

It's fair to the senior folks and junior folks...the seniors will be looking at loads and trying to grab the high density flights. Thus the senior people will make more than the junior folks, which is as it should be.

If the airline fails to prosper and the loads are abysmal, employees make less. By the same token.....what an incentive for FAs to hustle and make sure passengers hurry back to fly another flight.....the more folks that come back and fly, the more folks make.

If you have a full flight and work hard as a result, you make more. Similarly, if there are 10 folks on board, you don;t work as hard, you shouldn't earn as much.

No need to set up a tip can. Just pay your folks a reasonable wage based upon the work they have performed.
Winglet said:
In the airlines of the future, airline employees aren't going to be professionals. In fact, I'd argue they're not now and sure aren't considered pros by managements. I don't see anything wrong with tips. Pilots = busdrivers and FAs = waitresses. With the money being paid regional and JetBlew pilots in NYC, go check what bus drivers make for being away from home at work for 40 hours every week vs what a RJ pilot makes for being on call/at work much more than that.

It ain't a profession anymore, folks. It's just a job, so be happy and compliant with what the executive aristocracy happens to throw your way.

Let's compare the entire compensation package ok?

Lets see, my first year at US I made $36000
My first year at JetBlue I made $68,000
Reservations agents should be tipped at least $5.00 per res. That's how much the airlines are charging pax to call into the res centers to book their flights to cover the cost of "distribution" I want to know what distribution since most tkts are now done by etkt. How about it==$5.00 for every reservation booked.

The problem with the kinds of savings you are talking about from the magical "Transformation Plan" is that nobody can really be sure that the current management has any intent to implement those kinds of things.

They are all fired up to chop and slash and burn and whack employees wages.

As you so cleverly pointed out...BIG savings are available by doing things that has nothing at all to do with how much folks are paid.

It would have cost management little or nothing to steer their clients away from Sabre, Orbitz, expensive mechanisms for generating sales. Yet they haven't.

They'd much rather eviscerate the wage structure.

It's hard for me to imagine that you can't see what they are doing.

This is not about transforming USAirways.

This is all about grooming USAirways for sale to Mesa & Orenstein.

Sending the company to the beauty shoppe in preparation for such sale does not involve changing the way they do business and it has everything to do with wreaking havoc on the wage scales so that they are roughly equivalent to those Mesa is accustomed to paying.

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