Well, very interesting to compare current wages with the cruise line industry. You see, I think airline wages are going into that direction. Right now, the game of management is to make the job as miserable as possible so people will quit. When they quit, they can hire real low wage workers. But, who would want to be a flight attendant for $8.00 a flight hour? Maybe a high school kid, or some foreigner?
Just wait in 10 years airline jobs will be so low paying they will have to import workers from India, Philippines, eastern Europe, basically any breathing human being that can speak English will be actively sought to come work in the U.S. for a the new and improved (?) LCC carriers. This is how the cruise lines do it; wonder how you can possibly take a 7-day cruise for $499? In short, it's because of the cheap labor they import from the countries mentioned earlier. $800 a week is what the average waiter makes on a mass market cruise line like Carnival. That's 16 hour days, 7 days a week, back breaking labor, but it's big money back home. Americans just do not want to work that hard for a paltry sum. Case in point, follow what's going on at Norwegian Cruise Line NCL, they have two American flag based cruise liners and have hired thousands of Americans to work on their ships due to U.S. labor law. Most are Hawaiian kids who thought it would be cool to work on a cruise ship; then they get onboard and find out it's really, really hard. They can't keep these people because they are quitting left and right. And, they are getting MORE pay than what a Phillippino waiter on NCL's non US-flagged vessels. To put it mildly, it's a fiasco beyond epic proportions. NCL has ended up refunding a lot of people's Hawaiian cruises or giving substantial discounts on a future cruise because of the horrible service. This is what I believe is going to happen to the U.S. airline industry. It will be flooded with foreigners in ten years because of the low wages.