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2015 AMT Discussion

From GTD:
From our VP of Maintenance:
Company reaches agreement with IBT
I am pleased to announce that during the current negotiation session we were able to reach agreement with the IBT to put out a proposed JCBA for ratification. This industry-leading contract includes a 25 percent pay increase in technician top-out rates to $46.15 per hour at date of signing and a 33 percent increase over the life of the contract, a $100,000 voluntary early out offer, an $80 million dollar signing bonus pool, furlough protection, as well as wage resets in the event the industry moves above United’s pay and benefit offerings, not only during the life of the contract but also beyond the amendable date if a successor agreement is not reached in a timely fashion.
From the IBT:
The International Brotherhood Teamsters today announced an agreement to put a proposed joint contract out for ratification for members working at United Airlines. The deal, if approved, would cover the company’s aviation maintenance technicians and related workers.
The proposed contract would combine the subsidiary groups of workers formerly associated with Continental and Continental Micronesia with United. In all, more than 9,000 technicians and related employees would be covered under the single agreement.
The IBT and United worked under the guidance of the National Mediation Board to conclude the negotiations. Details of the proposed agreement will be released shortly. Voting on the contract will begin within one to two weeks.

Do you want your negotiating committee to go to the table prepared or just wing it?
This is not a TA, the IBT agreed to put it out for a vote but is not endorsing it. 
Do you want your negotiating committee to go to the table prepared or just wing it?
Our negotiating committee has had more than adequate time to prepare. They are unelected and unaccountable and in no hurry to do their job!
Talking to my coworkers today along with my opinion is that the low signing bonus pool amount will be the issue that prevents it from passing the membership vote. 
The last UA pilot agreement had a lump sum of 450 million that the company wrote off as a special charge on a quarterly result.
So they ought to be able to do at least half that for mechanics...........................
D7571987 said:
Talking to my coworkers today along with my opinion is that the low signing bonus pool amount will be the issue that prevents it from passing the membership vote.
Looks to be about $10k per person signing bonus.
10K per person...not to shabby...thinking that was about the amount the IAM negotiated years ago as a retro giveback!!!
D7571987 said:
Talking to my coworkers today along with my opinion is that the low signing bonus pool amount will be the issue that prevents it from passing the membership vote. 
Funny thing....We who have the TWU representing us would be quite happy with ANY signing bonus.
The trouble with turning down a 25% raise because of a signing bonus is your negotiaters could take another 5 years to get you a deal. Like our Union their pay and raises keep coming even when yours don't.
bigjets said:
I like how you Tulsa like to threaten line stations with your seniority. Once you get to the line station you'll realize working for an airline means days with weekends off rarely happens. Use to happen for senior guys, but all the shops that use to be at line stations moved to Tulsa.

You guys will soon learn that pay is the most important thing, because you can always CS. especially for the guys trying to commute home. So welcome when you finally get to a line station.

S80 going away, lite C being done during phase insp, Airbus being done somewhere else, iam not selling out AMTs with OSMs, DWH getting another 100 mechs doesn't look good for TUL
Yeah ok pal I know you are God's gift to us lowly AMTs.  Not a threat.  Reality.  You think 1200 AMTs bumping to the system would not create a domino effect?  You are so full of yourself and your superiority complex won't let you think rationally.  By the way....  I was on a mod line in the early 90s and I had TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY off here in Tulsa.  We can't CS where I work cupcake so keep posting the same old crap.  I stand by an earlier statement that you make all line guys look bad.  Skip a puddle and break a leg will ya?  Next up on the ignore list is you.  
Looked over the Association agreement today to see language on keeping the ratio of TWU to IAM.  It is in there but does not protect any of us.  It merely says that if the ratio changes, they will re-arrange the stations as to who is the representative.  Example.  Closing Tulsa would reduce the TWU numbers so they make Pittsburgh a TWU station.  This is just an example so don't attack me for suggesting it will happen.  The bottom line is the TWU and IAM protected their own interests again and dropped us in the grease.  Theoretically, AA could get rid of every legacy AA AMT and it would not be a violation of the Association agreement.  