From GTD:
From our VP of Maintenance:
From our VP of Maintenance:
Company reaches agreement with IBT
I am pleased to announce that during the current negotiation session we were able to reach agreement with the IBT to put out a proposed JCBA for ratification. This industry-leading contract includes a 25 percent pay increase in technician top-out rates to $46.15 per hour at date of signing and a 33 percent increase over the life of the contract, a $100,000 voluntary early out offer, an $80 million dollar signing bonus pool, furlough protection, as well as wage resets in the event the industry moves above United’s pay and benefit offerings, not only during the life of the contract but also beyond the amendable date if a successor agreement is not reached in a timely fashion.
From the IBT:
The International Brotherhood Teamsters today announced an agreement to put a proposed joint contract out for ratification for members working at United Airlines. The deal, if approved, would cover the company’s aviation maintenance technicians and related workers.
The proposed contract would combine the subsidiary groups of workers formerly associated with Continental and Continental Micronesia with United. In all, more than 9,000 technicians and related employees would be covered under the single agreement.
The IBT and United worked under the guidance of the National Mediation Board to conclude the negotiations. Details of the proposed agreement will be released shortly. Voting on the contract will begin within one to two weeks.