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2015 AMT Discussion

bigjets said:
are they negotiating through the weekend?
lol. you can be forced to work the holiday but in headquarters naw, they get the holiday off. they want to get thru the holidays then drag their feet for as long as possible. they have no intention of giving us anything we dont earn.
After reading Gary Petersons letter of events my conclusion is the company has no respect for the Association and it's employees. They showed up with no proposal other than Delta plus whatever and wanting to tweak a few articles and leaving the rest alone. Sad part is we as a group have no respect for ourselves and our unions. Company sees this and plays on it. We have always been divided and this will never change. You can lay some blame on the TWU but for the we had many opportunities to fix this. Unfortunately here we are today scratching our heads. Merry Christmas everyone.
1AA said:
After reading Gary Petersons letter of events my conclusion is the company has no respect for the Association and it's employees. They showed up with no proposal other than Delta plus whatever and wanting to tweak a few articles and leaving the rest alone. Sad part is we as a group have no respect for ourselves and our unions. Company sees this and plays on it. We have always been divided and this will never change. You can lay some blame on the TWU but for the we had many opportunities to fix this. Unfortunately here we are today scratching our heads. Merry Christmas everyone.
As long there is this thing called the "Association", you will never have unity. There will always be differences among those two dues collectors, and the trickle down flooding affect will be bickering among it's members. You can already see forms of it now. This is the new labor reality at AA!
As long there is this thing called the "Association", you will never have unity. There will always be differences among those two dues collectors, and the trickle down flooding affect will be bickering among it's members. You can already see forms of it now. This is the new labor reality at AA!
We've never had unity. This Association bs just created another divide.
1AA said:
After reading Gary Petersons letter of events my conclusion is the company has no respect for the Association and it's employees. They showed up with no proposal other than Delta plus whatever and wanting to tweak a few articles and leaving the rest alone. Sad part is we as a group have no respect for ourselves and our unions. Company sees this and plays on it. We have always been divided and this will never change. You can lay some blame on the TWU but for the we had many opportunities to fix this. Unfortunately here we are today scratching our heads. Merry Christmas everyone.
imho it seems Parker is a salesmen the way he is in the meetings on jetnet . he went from delta plus 7 to delta plus 3 without offering us the profit shareing . He says what he thanks people want to hear . But again imho he wants to get a jcba by offering delta plus what ever and keep our holidays and vacation the same no double time etc. this jerry glass has negotiated us air contracts and so we can see how low the us air people were paid just like aa people. To me it seems Parker only cares about flight crews he got them contracts right away plus pays for there tsa pre. If your going to do something for one are two groups do it for the rest more divide in the company . Plus since the supposed 4 percent raise was for the good year last year every one should have got it. Again the only two groups who had jcba was pilots and flight att . Merry Christmas
Getting JCBAs with the APA and APFA was where the big value to company was in the regards to synergies. Sure there is value in the having IAM and TWU AMTs and ramp employees working each other's aircraft but the big value from those groups was extracted in the BK CBAs through outsourcing and reduction of staffed union staffed stations. Parker can live with separate CBAs for a while. A decision will have to be made by the negotiating team as to if they want to push for restoration of the pre-BK/2003 concession CBA conditions or get money, holidays, VC and some work rule changes now. Go for the rest in 2018. Otherwise I see this taking a long time before we get a JCBA.
History has showed us negotiations last year's. If we did our jobs like they negotiate our lively hood nothing would leave ...
The company shows up late for negotiations, are you kidding me. The same guy who shows up late stands up in front of the camera at these warm and fuzzy town halls and says the company is ready to go, and that 591's president is the problem. Again are you kidding me! They have no proposal to show for "being ready to go" or enough respect for maintenance group to show up on time. They do not listen to us on anything!! Just saw a picture of the new proposed uniform shirt, once again better suited for picking up 7-10 split than working on airplane. Many good ideas for shirts for us sent in, not one made it any other place than the circular file. This company or association has no interest in listening to anything we have to say or want or need. We will take the table scraps that are left and we will like it. New boss same as the old boss.
dfw gen said:
word today is that the company told the union they have no conference rooms available until after the holidays in January.....so any further negotiations will have to wait. did i mention that its been a year, that is 12 months since everyone EXCEPT association members got a  4% raise? that is what WE MEAN to the company....hosed for another TWO holidays.
Now would be a great time for someone to say that this was just a horrible rumor...
How about a nightmare?  I can't believe that no one thought of possibly reserving a conference room for more than one meeting.  Did they actually think they'd get everything wrapped up in one meeting?
They've brought together the best brains in the industry and this is what we have.  No one thought on our side to reserve or suggest a room for any additional days.  F...... amazing. 
If the Association allows the company to use that " rumor", then they all should be fired. I have a huge pasture here in Texas where a circus tent can be thrown up for these clowns with redneck space heaters, cots for for 24/7 negotiations, a pond where they can bathe and piss if need be and I will even cater in Dickey's Barbecue for them to munch on. Not a place to hold negotiations would be absurd and make the Association even less trusted than they are now.
Roadking5560 said:
How about a nightmare?  I can't believe that no one thought of possibly reserving a conference room for more than one meeting.  Did they actually think they'd get everything wrapped up in one meeting?
They've brought together the best brains in the industry and this is what we have.  No one thought on our side to reserve or suggest a room for any additional days.  F...... amazing.
Did it cross your mind that this was all planned ahead of time? The Association is killing us. We are divided into so many groups that no one outside of the International cares in keeping the Association in its current structure. This was the first step in working together between the Association and the company. It's off to a wonderful disrespectful start. Care to guess what's in store in 2016?
If the Association allows the company to use that " rumor", then they all should be fired. I have a huge pasture here in Texas where a circus tent can be thrown up for these clowns with redneck space heaters, cots for for 24/7 negotiations, a pond where they can bathe and piss if need be and I will even cater in Dickey's Barbecue for them to munch on. Not a place to hold negotiations would be absurd and make the Association even less trusted than they are now.
Hey, sounds great, I'll contribute to the Dickeys Fund for the clown food.

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