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2015 AMT Discussion

Not just Bag Smashers, but Bus Drivers and many other forms of Transportation. 
In a perfect world of Socialism, however we do not live in a perfect world and those in charge believe that the Union struggle is the same when it started.
Sorry for using bag smasher it is derogatory. It is frustration. If i offended anyone I apologize.
xUT said:
If "ALL' union members thought and "ACTED" like you, we would not have the problems we have with division of unions today.
Yes, you dealing with knuckleheads whom cannot grasp the concept of 'solidarity'.
Too bad your iam cheerleader is working against you and you have to fight within as well as outside.
Best 2 U!
B) xUTtwu 
When the Union Leadership, especially those at the TWU  International and the AFL-CIO  are more concerned with the flow of revenue than the well being of the membership,
the solidarity you speak is not a priority and has not been for a longtime. 
Buck said:
On one hand you have the Pro Union groupies who want to ensure that no matter how much money is on the table, Scope is the most important aspect of the contract. Then there is those on the BigJets team, which I am not quite sure what he wants in his contract, except from his last post, money no matter the cost. Big Jets I  laid out what I would accept after 30+ years of service.
I came in the door with a half pay contract, because those already here wanted a decent retirement package. Big Jets, do you really believe you are going to get 27%? If it did happen, would it be all at once or spread out over the length of the contract and at what cost? Would you just take the money and watch 50% of your coworkers be laid off? ( that is what Delta is Big Jets, non-union and 50.1% outsourced.) "Doug" has already backed down from Delta +7% to 3% or did he? It seems that you would sell out your fellow union brothers and sisters just for money? Selling out the unborn ( those not here yet ) is a historical tactic of the TWU. What is it that you want? Do you want what you believe to be a fair wage? ?That is what I have been asking for form entire time here, not the bottom of my profession wage scale. No matter the amount of money the company earns or has, there is only so much they are going to let the ground workers have. Why is it the TWU has always negotiated last? Then when they finally get a contract it is substandard for the mechanic. I do not know for sure where you work. I do not know if I should just tell you "Why don't you just move to Tulsa" or today just out vote Tulsa to get the contract you feel "YOU" deserve. What is your exact position? Let us know so that we can become informed and  possibly side with you. Again after 31 years o service, I do know what I want, just what I have learned from the TWU. Screw the next guy I am taking the money. So you are wrong,I would vote yes for the right amount of money for me. What would you give up for the 27%?
Where I stand, is to be paid like my peers at the other major airlines. What I would give up? 100% line 50% OH scope. I do expect to get a 27% raise or Delta +3 (in case my math is off) at the DOS, and at LEAST a 9% raise over 5 years (what the agents got) at LEAST 10% 401k CONTRIBUTION (what the FAs got) anything less, then that whole strength in numbers from the union rhetoric is just BS!!!!!
This is what I find funny, when the shops here at ORD were sent to TULE there was no outrage from union "brothers" in Tulsa. When we voted to save jobs in 2003 and 2012, did we not see MCI, AFW, TAESL,DTW, MSP, etc etc stations close? I'm not saying the union is to blame or that AA is out to screw the mechanics, business models change, and I'm willing to bet that AA was caught off guard by RR, because AA hired off the street to fill spots at ORD, it's much easier and cheaper to bring in a guy from another station then it is to hire new.
My stance is GO FOR THE MONEY!!!!!!!
AS I'm sure I don't need to tell you, AA WILL do what is necessary, like go into bankruptcy with $4b in the bank. 
bigjets said:
Where I stand, is to be paid like my peers at the other major airlines. What I would give up? 100% line 50% OH scope. I do expect to get a 27% raise or Delta +3 (in case my math is off) at the DOS, and at LEAST a 9% raise over 5 years (what the agents got) at LEAST 10% 401k CONTRIBUTION (what the FAs got) anything less, then that whole strength in numbers from the union rhetoric is just BS!!!!!
This is what I find funny, when the shops here at ORD were sent to TULE there was no outrage from union "brothers" in Tulsa. When we voted to save jobs in 2003 and 2012, did we not see MCI, AFW, TAESL,DTW, MSP, etc etc stations close? I'm not saying the union is to blame or that AA is out to screw the mechanics, business models change, and I'm willing to bet that AA was caught off guard by RR, because AA hired off the street to fill spots at ORD, it's much easier and cheaper to bring in a guy from another station then it is to hire new.
My stance is GO FOR THE MONEY!!!!!!!
AS I'm sure I don't need to tell you, AA WILL do what is necessary, like go into bankruptcy with $4b in the bank. 
When your stance is 100% Line 50% OH Scope, you are already voting to cut jobs.
Is it ok to cut a union brother or sisters job in one place in one place but not the other?
Of course the union is to blame, they are trying to save jobs instead of compensating you with your peers at the other major airlines, But that is their philosophy,
The company,they are just running the business and I do believe they make mistakes.
When you ask for compensation "like the others" the pilots and flight attendants,  you are stepping outside of what you ask for at the other majors.
Do you really believe the "Strength in Numbers"? Do you believe the Pilots would walk for you? or should they?
The 27% raise? What if this Association deems it necessary to divide the funds available for your portion of the contract to another Title Group based on a theory of "everyone is the same " brother? Go for the money, yes it is about time but you will not have a contract for over a year.....
Buck said:
When your stance is 100% Line 50% OH Scope, you are already voting to cut jobs.
Is it ok to cut a union brother or sisters job in one place in one place but not the other?
Of course the union is to blame, they are trying to save jobs instead of compensating you with your peers at the other major airlines, But that is their philosophy,
The company,they are just running the business and I do believe they make mistakes.
When you ask for compensation "like the others" the pilots and flight attendants,  you are stepping outside of what you ask for at the other majors.
Do you really believe the "Strength in Numbers"? Do you believe the Pilots would walk for you? or should they?
The 27% raise? What if this Association deems it necessary to divide the funds available for your portion of the contract to another Title Group based on a theory of "everyone is the same " brother? Go for the money, yes it is about time but you will not have a contract for over a year.....
This statement is why I'm for non Union, except for AMFA. When I say peers, I mean AMTs at other airlines, I compare percentages for raises and 401Ks with other work groups at AA. We should actually fall in some place behind pilots and above everyone else, because of education skill and responsibility.

What I believe is if Tulsa wants AA to have a 100% OH, then maybe TUL should have wage and benefit packages like other MRO facilities. By saying NO to those wages you are killing jobs. By wanting line mechs to accept less pay so OH can have same pay, you're trying to create a socialist utopia.

That sir is unAmerican. 🙂

Besides, when has trading pay, work rules, and creating new categories of mechs saved jobs?

Vote like a line mechanic, because more then likely you will be one soon. Writing on the wall. Like when AA says they're parking 757 and using GEs on 777-300, TAESL closing was just a fore gone conclusion. When AA already sends wide body OH to China and buys new airplanes that don't require OH for years, AA hasn't said where the A320s will be overhauled, Doug says AA isn't in the MRO business, AA even outsources human resources, This is all hand writing on the wall. If AA was outsourcing all of its line Maint I would be applying at flight check, someone has to do the line work.

Remember TUL doesn't have the numbers any longer, the IAM is in charge for next two years, they already have a 100% line 50% OH scope at usair. This new contract will not be like the past, we are a different company with a different "union". Hopefully better then the last. We will see.
ATD said:
Sorry for using bag smasher it is derogatory. It is frustration. If i offended anyone I apologize.

I hope we can all get away from trashing one another (not just on here, but in general). The only people that win when that happens are the bosses...
Unions need a major rethink in general. Most unions in general were designed to operate for a different time and set of regulations. What is the AFL-CIOs strategy? I am pro-union just the unions need to do what they are supposed to do organize labor to get unified beind the cause of workers rights and to improve our situation. Where are the leaders?
Kev3188 said:

I hope we can all get away from trashing one another (not just on here, but in general). The only people that win when that happens are the bosses...
Agree wholeheartedly. The strength in a union is its UNITY. These days, unions(all of us) need to speak with our actions, not words, and there is only one language the bosses understand.  How do you think the French would handle our situation?
Overspeed said:
Unions need a major rethink in general. Most unions in general were designed to operate for a different time and set of regulations. What is the AFL-CIOs strategy? I am pro-union just the unions need to do what they are supposed to do organize labor to get unified beind the cause of workers rights and to improve our situation. Where are the leaders?
You're asking the wrong guy OS, I have a negative opinion of the afl-cio and the twu. Don't forget I'm the non-union guy. Ever since the union just took 14% of my equity, and refused to take a vote on which union the membership wanted.

I don't even blame the unions for the outsourcing, pension freeze, loss of retiree medical. I blame the unions for what they control. We just suffered through industry changes, like when we went from horses to cars.

These industrial unions don't have skilled labor best interest at heart. As powerful as the afl-cio is, there should have been changes in the railroad labor act to help out airline workers and especially mechanics in a modest way.
Overspeed said:
Unions need a major rethink in general. Most unions in general were designed to operate for a different time and set of regulations. What is the AFL-CIOs strategy? I am pro-union just the unions need to do what they are supposed to do organize labor to get unified beind the cause of workers rights and to improve our situation. Where are the leaders?
I totally agree with the need for a rethink with our "leaders".  It seems the new yokels we get to replace the old ones aren't any better.  They talk the game prior to getting in, but soon enough they are of the same mold as the old.  They're in it for themselves getting their weekends off (they're "right" according to a top local union official.  Meanwhile when we need a steward on the weekends, no one can be found.  Wonderful leadership at its best.
The AFl-CIO is not in the business to help members. . The teamsters told them to pound sand. AFL-CIO is a mirror image of what the democratic party has become socialists. Socialists do not promote skill they want everyone to be the same.Except the ones running the show.

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