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2015 AMT Discussion

WeAAsles said:
Buck why is Sean stuck with the job? Have you asked enough questions about that? Have you asked Dale or the other two maintenance Presidents to tell you.

Let me say this. We are autonomous. Fleet Presidents were told to chose among themselves 6 out of 9 people to go and represent us in the talks. So why are NYC, MIA and ORD out? Because that's who the Presidents chose to be out. Now for maintenance there's one spot and 3 people who might want it. Who rules who out? Ask your President to tell you.

Dale has taken the TWU bait huh? How do you know that he just hasn't seen the change you guys have wanted for a very long time? Again all the names of so many people you guys bashed on here in the TWU where are they now? If the leadership were out to screw you WHY are they not still in?

Open communication? Who is supposed to communicate to you in an automous structure. Your President. You just said he's communicating with you. What do you feel he's leaving out?

Maybe, maybe some things for the betterment of the Chess game of negotiations? You can't play poker with your cards turned towards the guy your playing against.

Buck start asking more questions of the guys you're paying directly to answer them.

And yea the Teamsters vote and the Peterson complaint to the NMB did slow things down. That's a fact whether you like Dale saying it or not. But other things slowed it down too. Including my own loved TWU.
Sean stuck? He can resign any time......the mechanics don't need him.
I have been asking question for 30 years. Same answers BS. Question: why can't the mechanics watch their negotiations in person?
Buck said:
Why do the Mechanics require a Fleet rep to oversee their negotiations? Tell me again how these are separate negotiated contracts......
I was not there but when TWU Local 514 President opened his mouth today he blamed the Teamsters and AMFA for the ASSociation slowdown along with the company. Dale Danker has taken the TWU bait just like the rest of them. Now he is speaking for the ASSociation I guess? Understand this, this TWU membership was promised open communication, that was the TWU's first lie.
Once the bite the hook their words are nothing but BS and have been for 30 years. They are good at one thing for sure, instilling fear into this membership.
We are in the position that we find ourselves because we as a group keep on believin that the TWU is our savior from AMFA and the IBT. Ask why the majority of your fellow Tulsa union brothers would not sign an amfa card and why many signed Teamster cards. I hear the bitchin everyday how we got screwed. No vote on the association, Fleet service calling the shots for us, negotiations dragging on, all the money we a are losing day after day, the loss of all the line locals. We deserve the screwing we are getting because we did it to ourselves. Blame the union or the company or the NMB or the BK judge or your neighbors dog. Bottom line is that we are the only ones to blame for this mess. Too late brother it's over. Suck it up and take it like a man. That's the level we have lowered ourselves too. Enjoy the ride.
1AA you are 1000% correct we did this to ourselves. Tulsa carries alot of the fault.
The question is how do we move forward, or do we reap the benefits we sewed.
the future looks bleek, it sucks being in perpetual gloom and doom.
I do like my job and the guys I work with that keeps me here at AA.
1AA said:
We are in the position that we find ourselves because we as a group keep on believin that the TWU is our savior from AMFA and the IBT. Ask why the majority of your fellow Tulsa union brothers would not sign an amfa card and why many signed Teamster cards. I hear the bitchin everyday how we got screwed. No vote on the association, Fleet service calling the shots for us, negotiations dragging on, all the money we a are losing day after day, the loss of all the line locals. We deserve the screwing we are getting because we did it to ourselves. Blame the union or the company or the NMB or the BK judge or your neighbors dog. Bottom line is that we are the only ones to blame for this mess. Too late brother it's over. Suck it up and take it like a man. That's the level we have lowered ourselves too. Enjoy the ride.
This is 100% correct.  It is time now for the entire membership to own up to it.  Moral to the story is the membership is now stuck with what they have, and yes, as you have indicated, now the membership must live with it.  A ride it will be for you guys, can only hope for something good to come out of it, but I have my extreme doubts.  Still wishing you guys good luck...
UAL mechanics TA results
T/A Shot down...........   87% of eligible voters voted. Out of the voters, 93% said NO.
8946 eligible
7805 NO
531 Yes
Lets see what the ibt does with this powerful tool the membership just handed them?
WeAAsles said:
Buck why is Sean stuck with the job? Have you asked enough questions about that? Have you asked Dale or the other two maintenance Presidents to tell you.

Let me say this. We are autonomous. Fleet Presidents were told to chose among themselves 6 out of 9 people to go and represent us in the talks. So why are NYC, MIA and ORD out? Because that's who the Presidents chose to be out. Now for maintenance there's one spot and 3 people who might want it. Who rules who out? Ask your President to tell you.

Dale has taken the TWU bait huh? How do you know that he just hasn't seen the change you guys have wanted for a very long time? Again all the names of so many people you guys bashed on here in the TWU where are they now? If the leadership were out to screw you WHY are they not still in?

Open communication? Who is supposed to communicate to you in an automous structure. Your President. You just said he's communicating with you. What do you feel he's leaving out?

Maybe, maybe some things for the betterment of the Chess game of negotiations? You can't play poker with your cards turned towards the guy your playing against.

Buck start asking more questions of the guys you're paying directly to answer them.

And yea the Teamsters vote and the Peterson complaint to the NMB did slow things down. That's a fact whether you like Dale saying it or not. But other things slowed it down too. Including my own loved TWU.
weather peterson complaint slowed down the process is debatable he did what his membership wanted . most did not want the association and i would say most wanted a vote on it from the nmb . like others said its our fault for not getting amfa in . now were screwed . the twu international has never been
one to communicate. just like jim little trading our profit sharing for the 4.5 percent . the profit sharing was in our bk contract so jim decided to screw us again.its something how when it comes to taking money away from us the company and twu seem to work fast . we didn't get to vote on losing profit sharing either. and during the 2003 paycuts they worked that out in record time. but when it comes to adding pay and benefits it takes for ever . the association dose not care as long as  there getting paid and making there high salaries.the association knows were angry look at the face book page and they answer so they read it. as far as having a clerk on the maintenance team is wrong regardless if ord mia nyc did not go. they could have put out saying if any mechanic wanted to be on the nc team. but that would go against twu/iam of letting members participate and be involved.but then the twu would not be able to do there back door deals. and the twu has been communicated to that we want the rest of our shares of stock they stole from us back. and they know we want our prefunding back that there not getting us.
I will not defend the mechanics at TUL. However there was a time 25 years ago when it was the Line holding out with TUL.
That being said 1AA is correct, now it is those with the majority to join the minority in TUL who want the change. I realize the change cannot be today, but it is coming in the future. The IAMPF is probably in your contract whether you want it or not. If you acept this at your age you are foolish. Stand like the men at United with their 93% NO VOTE. YOU are minus $10.00 an hour with your fellow mechanics. This is not about the other work groups because they could care less what happens to you.
swamt said:
This is 100% correct.  It is time now for the entire membership to own up to it.  Moral to the story is the membership is now stuck with what they have, and yes, as you have indicated, now the membership must live with it.  A ride it will be for you guys, can only hope for something good to come out of it, but I have my extreme doubts.  Still wishing you guys good luck...
the only bad thing is just about every contract we have turned down in my 30 years. the next one is worst. for some reason the twu dose not listen to us and gives more up the second time. amfa on the other hand works for there members. but i will vote no on anything that dose not bring every thing we lost back . and the money better be industry leading . so if the association allows us to vote on the ta we have the power of the no vote. thats about the only thing we have if were allowed to use it
D7571987 said:
UAL results are 93% no.

This is what happens when the Union is on its own agenda.
Teamcare was the big issue that the IBT was trying to shove down the AMTs throats, sound familiar? (IAMNPF)

Save us all a lot of time and money and take the IAMNPF out of the TA for anyone that doesn't want it.
I think there is power in voting down a TA as long as it is a resounding no. UAL/IBT sent a strong message twice now. They refused to vote on the $38/hour one a few years back and now slammed this one. Neither UAL or AAL are in dire financial straits. The only issue is that we are not in Sec 6 and the TWU CBA has a few years left on it. We can't even get a release for years. Accepting an inferior offer isn't going to work though.
D7571987 said:
UAL results are 93% no. 
Word is they want 3 years of retro pay. And the 5 percent over 6 years isn't sitting to well either. Cant blame them companies making billions and all they want to give you is 5 percent over 6 years. Not to mention the sodomizing that was done to them over the past 3 years with no contract and no raises. Sounds like the twu oh wait we have been without a raise for 13 years I bet we pass anything that is shoved up our arse.....
Traymark said:
This is what happens when the Union is on its own agenda.
Teamcare was the big issue that the IBT was trying to shove down the AMTs throats, sound familiar? (IAMNPF)

Save us all a lot of time and money and take the IAMNPF out of the TA for anyone that doesn't want it.
Preventing the IAMPF from the TA could be the very reason a contract would pass.
No one here and certainly no Union Representatives have yet to explain how an American Airlines mechanics are to benefit from the IAMPF?
I am 56 years old and have 31 years how do I have time to have a positive effect from the IAMPF.
using capitals in forums is considered to be yelling
Buck said:
Preventing the IAMPF from the TA could be the very reason a contract would pass.
No one here and certainly no Union Representatives have yet to explain how an American Airlines mechanics are to benefit from the IAMPF?
I am 56 years old and have 31 years how do I have time to have a positive effect from the IAMPF.
using capitals in forums is considered to be yelling
No one is touching your underfunded frozen pension, especially not the IAMNPF.

But you all know this but you have to use scare tactics, what were you just saying about the TWU?

And now your doing what you accuse them of.

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