No i don't have a hard on for the IAM, thats you......clearly.700UW said:What held up negotiations?
The NMB making its determination.
You really have a hard on for the IAM and the TWU.
what a crazy idea. You should love the IAM.dvlhog212 said:What held up negotiations was/is the AFL-CIO. If the IAM had simply stepped aside as the TWU was/is the majority union, we probably would not be in this mess. That did not happen since the AFL-CIO did not want to see an expenditure of cash with these two unions fighting over membership dues. Long gone are the days of a union bettering the workers work-life. Now it is all about the dues money and the unions political agenda, members be damned.
That's a fact. And we get the association.2ndGENAMT said:"On Feb. 12, the carrier will pay $1.5 billion in employee profit-sharing, equal to an average employee pay boost of 21.4%. This will increase labor pressure on other airlines, particularly American, where employees lack profit-sharing."
Well, unless you're represented by the TWU/IAM association..
your the one who dose not have facts .because even if they could not negotiate with aa the iam/twu should have been talking to merge they knew there would be no vote they and the afl/cio gave a big donation to the. Nmb700UW said:The IAM/TWU legally couldnt present anything to AA as they werent the certified bargaining agent.
When they were, meetings were scheduled and a presentation given to the company.
They negotiated last week, this week, next and nine more weeks scheduled.
No union ever gets nine weeks straight of negotiations outside of bankruptcy.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
English not your strong points?conehead777 said:your the one who dose not have facts .because even if they could not negotiate with aa the iam/twu should have been talking to merge they knew there would be no vote they and the afl/cio gave a big donation to the. Nmb
I didn't say anything about AA700UW said:The IAM/TWU legally couldnt present anything to AA as they werent the certified bargaining agent.
When they were, meetings were scheduled and a presentation given to the company.
They negotiated last week, this week, next and nine more weeks scheduled.
No union ever gets nine weeks straight of negotiations outside of bankruptcy.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
It's all about the money. Keeping the dues flowing in the pockets of the IAM. Keeping the scam IAMPF going as long as the IAM is still on the property. If the two sides had to pick a union the IAM would have been out. If there would have been a run off both loser unions were in danger of being thrown out. So here we are with the scam association without a vote at our expense. Many months and no increase in pay and benefits. But the unions keep collecting dues. We are in unchartered territory. Who knows what we will get or give up to get it. How long and if we will even see a JCBA.topDawg said:I didn't say anything about AA
Was the ass ready, on the day they got the green light (without a vote, mind you) from the NMB, to sit down at the table with AA, yes or no?
Also, why is it that every of work group could pick a single union, quickly, and get a TA quickly, but the IAM and TWU couldn't get their s**t together and had to do questionable things to keep dues payers?
And you are? AMT? A TWU member? A IAM member? Which airline are you currently employed with?700UW said:So are you Ms Cleo now?
And no the Association wasnt ready as the IAM and TWU didnt meet right away to prepare due to internal Association issues.
The IAM tried to get the TWU to sit down, and they refused as there were some issues.
And that has what to do with the topic at hand?1AA said:And you are? AMT? A TWU member? A IAM member? Which airline are you currently employed with?
I hope that Ms Cleo is not a Racial remark?700UW said:So are you Ms Cleo now?
And no the Association wasnt ready as the IAM and TWU didnt meet right away to prepare due to internal Association issues.
The IAM tried to get the TWU to sit down, and they refused as there were some issues.