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2015 AMT Discussion

Acting like a Canadian, eh?
No Rogallo, you have me confused with someone else. Bob use to be extremely active, I truly am wondering what has happened, comprende?  B)
Sí. Es obvio que ha estado amordazada!
Buster CRC said:
"We are tentatively scheduled to continue joint contract negotiations in Washington D.C. the weeks of January 18th and January 25th.  In addition, we have secured the following weeks to continue negotiations:  February 8th, February 29th, March 7th, March 21st, and March 28th ."
are you friggin kidding me? 2 months and they meet 5 times? Thats its? Jeesh our craft is so screwed.
That is way more than normal.

Look at what's going on at WN.

You really need the look at how negotiations work.
700UW said:
That is way more than normal.

Look at what's going on at WN.

You really need the look at how negotiations work.
that is the problem. "the way things work" are screwed up. 
700UW said:
Blame the government and corporations.
yeah because the IAM/TWU has shown nothing but speed in this deal *rolls eyes* 
but its never the IAM, its everyone else. 
What held up negotiations?

The NMB making its determination.

You really have a hard on for the IAM and the TWU.
What held up negotiations?

The NMB making its determination.

You really have a hard on for the IAM and the TWU.
What held up negotiations was/is the AFL-CIO. If the IAM had simply stepped aside as the TWU was/is the majority union, we probably would not be in this mess. That did not happen since the AFL-CIO did not want to see an expenditure of cash with these two unions fighting over membership dues. Long gone are the days of a union bettering the workers work-life. Now it is all about the dues money and the unions political agenda, members be damned.
700UW said:
What held up negotiations?

The NMB making its determination.

You really have a hard on for the IAM and the TWU.
No, the IAM not bowing out has held it all up.  
An association.....what a crock of chit!
700UW said:
What held up negotiations?

The NMB making its determination.

You really have a hard on for the IAM and the TWU.
Did LAA and LUS stop talking and planning while waiting for the DOJ's decision?  You are the one always making excuses for the association.Are you saying there was no infighting at the association and that didn'tcontribute to the delay?
It was nice when a certain someone was in the cornfield. It would be even nicer if this someone would go back to the cornfield.

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