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2014 Pilot Discussion

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luvthe9 said:
Crushing bid coming. This one will enrage the West more senior guys.
330 Cap going very junior in PHL.
Ferguson will have a hard time showing his face in the crew room now.
Ferguson, more than welcome in east crew rooms. Everyone wants to thank him.
Pi brat said:
Yet you're here running you mouth about something that doesn't directly affect you. Although I'm guessing someone close to you has fed you the BS you spew. So, if you don't work here, what does your posting habit say about you?
Ask him how the west new hire super lawyer cost the west pilots more than LOA 93 cost the east. There will be years of court cases and PHX pilots are going to be locked away for years. Los Angeles has Americans attention. PHX is merely a minor concern now.
Crzipilot said:
Interesting reads....
Something about having a transition agreement, and negotiating for awhile, Then viola APA gets single carrier and they go on their merry way. Seems simple enough? Granted, don't know the history that well, but some of the statements in those documents seem to be mirroring something that is happening present day?! Or no?http://www.amrcaseinfo.com/pdflib/955_15463.pdfhttp://www.alliedpilots.org/Public/A...sitionstmt.pdf
This is exactly the lead up to M/b legislation. It will not happen again.
The east pilots will benefit enormously while the court battles rage.
Metroyet said:
Only one participant needs/has the authority. The APA....
An arbitration of one party?

That is stupid, but you still sound smarter than Judge Silver... You posted anonymously on a web board, but she signed her dicta predicting the same thing. 😀
Metroyet said:
why would the West be screwed "more"? Hasn't USAPA been providing fair representation for ALL their pilots?
I know it's tough, but for once in your life think. Separate ops, separate seniority lists, separate fleets...
Claxon said:
Ferguson, more than welcome in east crew rooms. Everyone wants to thank him.
That's good because I think he'll be an excellent rep for the APA. He's lives a short distance from the union office, 14600 Trinity Blvd #500, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
luvthe9 said:
No, you guys just screwed them over along with Reno and Air Cal.
How did Aircal get screwed?
Where would you put Reno guys on the AA list?
snapthis said:
That's good because I think he'll be an excellent rep for the APA. He's lives a short distance from the union office, 14600 Trinity Blvd #500, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
Agreed. He is an intelligent person. An excellent rep.
He just made the mistake of hiring Marty and not having a background in labor law.
Jeff Freund was the one you should have stuck with.
Last night I caught a ride home with a West crew, who were all very cordial and treated me like family......much appreciated.
Apparently, not everyone in this mix of an airline, present and future, have the arrogant attitude of DM out West, and hopefully, not the hateful attitude of many of the posters on various boards.
You guys have a good day, this stuff will shake out eventually.
Claxon said:
He just made the mistake of hiring Marty and not having a background in labor law.
Jeff Freund was the one you should have stuck with.
Freund warned them at Wye River - how did he know the risks?

Oh well, all Water under the Chesapeake Bridge, maybe the Eric and Marty puppet show will face some independent thought this time.
Claxon said:
Ask him how the west new hire super lawyer cost the west pilots more than LOA 93 cost the east. There will be years of court cases and PHX pilots are going to be locked away for years. Los Angeles has Americans attention. PHX is merely a minor concern now.
Speaking of PHX as a "minor concern," here is an interesting link:
Note the Hub Operations box, and see that even DCA (which I thought was a "Focus City," but I guess has had its status upgraded) beats PHX in terms of number of flights, and they do it with less than 1/3 of the employees (admittedly, the PHX number probably includes hangar and HQ personnel)  and only 2/3 of the gates.  
PHX is already an "also ran," even without taking into consideration the AA operations and hubs.  If the New AA can acquire more gates in LAX, it's buh-bye PHX.  (PHX employees take special note: PIT and BWI are no longer on the list...a sign of things to come.)
nycbusdriver said:
Easy.  He was in class at law school the day they taught law.
Well, that plus he and Katz have been bumping heads since the Alaska/ Jet America days.

Freund represented the Atlas pilots, Katz Polar. That merger started in 2001 down exactly the same path we followed here 4 years later. They both saw it played out right in front of them.

Interesting to see the Frontier/ Republic show.

Like Arbitrator Eichen threw his IMSL and all IBT merger MOU grievances in the trash . Pesky little details like the award never being implemented, a new corporate transaction and change in Single Carrier Status jumped out at me.

But, then again, I'm not such a "bright pilot" .
Jeff Freund was the one you should have stuck with.
Jeff may appreciate the endorsement. Certainly wasn't needed though for us to get him on retainer to represent west pilots on our merger committee with the APA. I think he will present east pilot actions quite well regarding the Nic and the current east seniority list (and seats held) before the arbitrator...don't you?
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