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2014 Mechanics T/A Contract Vote

WeAAsles said:
Call it what you want. In relation to everyone in your career field in the USA you guys are still doing very well against the average. Not everyone can have the nicest looking house in the neighborhood even if that's what they want.

I want an Aston Martin. Ain't gonna get it though so I learn to love my Mustang instead.

Keep chasing your tail though. Maybe one day you'll catch it.
Sage advice from a supposed Fleet Service Agent from American Airlines.  Thanks.
Real tired said:
Sage advice from a supposed Fleet Service Agent from American Airlines.  Thanks.
Please try again. Attempting to discredit me by using my chosen profession is embarrassing if that's the best you can muster?

I expect better if you would care to try again?
WeAAsles said:
Call it what you want. In relation to everyone in your career field in the USA you guys are still doing very well against the average. Not everyone can have the nicest looking house in the neighborhood even if that's what they want.

I want an Aston Martin. Ain't gonna get it though so I learn to love my Mustang instead.

Keep chasing your tail though. Maybe one day you'll catch it.
Are you saying we shouldn't be trying to better ourselves? Just learn to love what you have instead of striving for better? That's a sorry excuse for a substandard contract. Oh wait- you forgot the 'we'll get them next time!'
WeAAsles said:
And you will be where your peers are in another 14 months with keeping more jobs then them.

So what right?
They'll be there in 14+ months- while their peers are there NOW! In 14 months their peers could be well ahead of them. The company has no need to rush a JCBA that will up their costs, they have a 4 year reprieve. They're going to be making a killing in the next 4 years and be crying poor when it's time to negotiate new contracts- and they can wait. It took the FAs 7 years to get a joint CBA.
blue collar said:
Are you saying we shouldn't be trying to better ourselves? Just learn to love what you have instead of striving for better? That's a sorry excuse for a substandard contract. Oh wait- you forgot the 'we'll get them next time!'
Of course not. Far from it. But you should fight the laws and legislators who have allowed your wages to become substandard. Focus your energy and passion on your real enemies.
blue collar said:
They'll be there in 14+ months- while their peers are there NOW! In 14 months their peers could be well ahead of them. The company has no need to rush a JCBA that will up their costs, they have a 4 year reprieve. They're going to be making a killing in the next 4 years and be crying poor when it's time to negotiate new contracts- and they can wait. It took the FAs 7 years to get a joint CBA.
They negotiated a TA that the members ratified by 67%. This is how negotiations work in a union. As a combined group under a JCBA vote you can change that outcome if the majority agrees with you.

That day will come and your voice will be heard with your vote.
WeAAsles said:
Call it what you want. In relation to everyone in your career field in the USA you guys are still doing very well against the average. Not everyone can have the nicest looking house in the neighborhood even if that's what they want.

I want an Aston Martin. Ain't gonna get it though so I learn to love my Mustang instead.

Keep chasing your tail though. Maybe one day you'll catch it.
Well, at least you're not in our voting block.  You are a perfect example of why AMTs need the AMFA.  Keep posting!
WeAAsles said:
Please try again. Attempting to discredit me by using my chosen profession is embarrassing if that's the best you can muster?

I expect better if you would care to try again?
Profession? Really; in all fairness, most clerks I know pretty much got their jobs because the airline called before Mcdonalds did.  The way I see it, this is a thread for AMTs, and their pay and benefits.  We had to put up with clerks running our union for the first fifteen years of my employment, and I had to watch the clerks slowly take work away from the AMTs, and help vote in crappy contracts for us as well.  "Let us help you to screw yourselves" - should have been the fleet service clerk motto to AMTs back then.  Funny how things haven't changed for you after all this time.  Do you think there is a reason the Pilots don't ask the other work groups how much they should make?   Anyway, the days of AMTs leaving their best interests up to part time fleet service clerks working for beer money are over.
Typical elitist.
So if there werent Fleet Service at AA you think AA would give you more money?
How did that elitism work out at NW, ACA and AS?
Take work away?
Same old BS arguments, any work not done by maintenance was negotiated and voted to change by mechanics not ramp, the ramp doesnt vote on the mechanic CBA.
Funny a ramp person never had any say at US on the M&R CBA and vice versa.
Vortilon said:
Profession? Really; in all fairness, most clerks I know pretty much got their jobs because the airline called before Mcdonalds did.  The way I see it, this is a thread for AMTs, and their pay and benefits.  We had to put up with clerks running our union for the first fifteen years of my employment, and I had to watch the clerks slowly take work away from the AMTs, and help vote in crappy contracts for us as well.  "Let us help you to screw yourselves" - should have been the fleet service clerk motto to AMTs back then.  Funny how things haven't changed for you after all this time.  Do you think there is a reason the Pilots don't ask the other work groups how much they should make?   Anyway, the days of AMTs leaving their best interests up to part time fleet service clerks working for beer money are over.
You are exactly what's wrong with certain union members today. Your attempt to stir an emotional reaction speaks to your level of intelligence not mine. Whatever people like yourself get and have gotten out of life I'm sure it's well earned. Well earned.
WeAAsles said:
Of course not. Far from it. But you should fight the laws and legislators who have allowed your wages to become substandard. Focus your energy and passion on your real enemies.
Who said I'm not? I don't blame the membership- although I would be disappointed in them for agreeing to this. As far as fighting the laws and legislators- i do what I can, but what has the mighty afl-cio done? They're the ones with the means financially and politically- and they haven't done a damn thing.
blue collar said:
Who said I'm not? I don't blame the membership- although I would be disappointed in them for agreeing to this. As far as fighting the laws and legislators- i do what I can, but what has the mighty afl-cio done? They're the ones with the means financially and politically- and they haven't done a damn thing.
They've done a little in the past but otherwise you're right and more needs to be done. It's hard to convince an apathetic public though. Until there is a disaster because of the shoddy work performed by these foreign chop shops I'm afraid it's going to continue to be business as usual.

I read articles and write my congressional leaders because I care about my friends in Maintenance and I also want American work to stay in America where it belongs. I basically do what I can.
That is one thing that really torqued me about the IAM, one issue of the 142 Messenger I believe it was, on the cover they had a big story about some IAM AGC's & VP's traveling to El Salvador, on the members dime!!!! "Proud hardworking" was one quote used. Not sure what the reasoning was other than dues.... Sent in a few emails to the Intl, none answered of course!!
AP Tech said:
That is one thing that really torqued me about the IAM, one issue of the 142 Messenger I believe it was, on the cover they had a big story about some IAM AGC's & VP's traveling to El Salvador, on the members dime!!!! "Proud hardworking" was one quote used. Not sure what the reasoning was other than dues.... Sent in a few emails to the Intl, none answered of course!!
The AFL/CIO has been supporting the issue of "Illegal" immigrants here in the US This is where I part ways with them. I understand that it's a good area to go to try and recruit more new members if they can help to get them legalized but that should not be to the detriment of those of us who were born here in this country.

I can't speak for what you say the IAM did as I'd have to read the story but no, it doesn't sound like something I'd support? I want to read more stories about how unions are trying to bring back American jobs for Americans. 

My work boots are made in the USA by Union workers. They cost me a little more and I had to buy them online but I'm very proud of them.
700UW said:
Typical elitist.
So if there werent Fleet Service at AA you think AA would give you more money?
How did that elitism work out at NW, ACA and AS?
Take work away?
Same old BS arguments, any work not done by maintenance was negotiated and voted to change by mechanics not ramp, the ramp doesnt vote on the mechanic CBA.
Funny a ramp person never had any say at US on the M&R CBA and vice versa.
Elitist, that's funny - no-one says that to flight attendants.  They broke away from the TWU as well.  Regarding NWA, you tell me what your hero union would have done - given the same choices:  Vote Yes - 52% of the membership gets put out on the street (most of which were non A&Ps) or Vote No - and self help?   This ought to be good.
Your strength in numbers (one size fits all) type unions have failed us for all of my 29 years (save for the 2001 AMFA copy cat contract)!
As far as your saying ramp never had a say so on a M&R contract at US Air - the same cannot be said at AA!
Don't try and tell me that watering down the same benefits so a pt clerk gets the same benefits as a ft career employee - doesn't affect the level of benefits we receive.

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