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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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And you are just doing the same, you are expressing your opinion.
Were you on the Negotiating Committee?
Do you have a law degree in labor or collective bargaining?
Are you a healthcare and the Affordable Healthcare Act expert?

What are your credentials?
And the members of the NC have clearly explained it to you numerous times, yet you say you are correct and the are wrong.
So since you are a not a lawyer, an insurance executive nor a member of the NC, who is to say you are the all knowing Tim Nelson and whatever you say is the truth and gospel?
Back it up with facts.
Oh wait I forgot, its all about your failed quest for power for the past 20 years.
Must suck to be on the outside looking in all the time.
Everything you do is politically motivated for your own gain, not what is in the best interest of the membership.
When you realize the members come first, then maybe someone will elect you, does ORD need a dog catcher?
700UW said:
And you are just doing the same, you are expressing your opinion.
Were you on the Negotiating Committee?
Do you have a law degree in labor or collective bargaining?
Are you a healthcare and the Affordable Healthcare Act expert?
What are your credentials?
And the members of the NC have clearly explained it to you numerous times, yet you say you are correct and the are wrong.
So since you are a not a lawyer, an insurance executive nor a member of the NC, who is to say you are the all knowing Tim Nelson and whatever you say is the truth and gospel?
Back it up with facts.
Oh wait I forgot, its all about your failed quest for power for the past 20 years.
Must suck to be on the outside looking in all the time.
Everything you do is politically motivated for your own gain, not what is in the best interest of the membership.
When you realize the members come first, then maybe someone will elect you, does ORD need a dog catcher?
I haven't expressed any opinion about this process. I have expressed complete objectibility. I left the guessing games to the AGC's who claim they will 'fix this' in joint talks.  I'm uncomfortable putting a dollar figure on our cost in 3.5 years and I've stayed away from that sorta argument.  I don't need to be on the negotiation committee to read this health care letter or realize that they walked away from part time issues, lied about the pension, didn't bother with the holidays, didn't bother with the wage progression, and only took a money grab as they exchanged scope for cross utilization.  Don't need to be on negotiations to see what happened, the witness to what happened is in the TA, which I have read. 
If you want to continue suggesting that all the things they walked away from will be "Fixed" and handled "Next time" in joint talks then I won't even argue against that.   But I do see less of a compelling reason for management to want a joint agreement and pay more or give more since the IAM gave them a free pass on a fence agreement and plunged right into cross utilization.  Ole AH got the "Golden Slipper" on this one and should get a bonus!  Please let me know exactly what leverage we now have since cross utilization parted the seamless sea?
WeAAsles said:
Far too much doom and gloom. The glass is not always so half empty in life you know Tim.
And nobody knows how empty the glass is regarding health care as well.  Obamacare in 2018 may be seriously weakened and have much higher cost associated with it to survive.  Not a day goes pass where the Republicans and/or citizens are trying to torpedo aspects of it.  Today, another article, http://finance.yahoo.com/news/conservatives-hoping-10-words-finally-101200788.html
The problem for me is that my health care is in the line of this political fire as my AGC's either waived my cap or decided not to bother to negotiate one that limits yearly increases. 

OTOH, the company has 'full protections' with this TA and doesn't have to worry if there are 4 Republican judges or 4 Democratic judges on a 9 judge panel. 
700UW said:
And you are just doing the same, you are expressing your opinion.
Were you on the Negotiating Committee?
Do you have a law degree in labor or collective bargaining?
Are you a healthcare and the Affordable Healthcare Act expert?
What are your credentials?
And the members of the NC have clearly explained it to you numerous times, yet you say you are correct and the are wrong.
So since you are a not a lawyer, an insurance executive nor a member of the NC, who is to say you are the all knowing Tim Nelson and whatever you say is the truth and gospel?
Back it up with facts.
Oh wait I forgot, its all about your failed quest for power for the past 20 years.
Must suck to be on the outside looking in all the time.
Everything you do is politically motivated for your own gain, not what is in the best interest of the membership.
When you realize the members come first, then maybe someone will elect you, does ORD need a dog catcher?
He may not be an expert, or have law degree, but my understanding is that he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express... in Houston Texas I think it was...
Hey look, Stassi wins another one!
In a hotly contested election overseen by the National Mediation Board (NMB), nearly 220 Spirit Airlines ramp agents voted overwhelmingly, by 80 percent, to be represented by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).

The victorious ramp agents, who work at airports in Fort Lauderdale, FL, Detroit, MI, Atlantic City, NJ and Myrtle Beach, SC began their campaign for IAM representation this spring, and attained the requisite "showing of interest" shortly thereafter. The NMB scheduled a representation election that began June 16th.

"The days of Spirit management unilaterally dictating wages and working conditions ends today,” declared Daniel Krampert, a Spirit Ramp Agent in Atlantic City. “This vote begins a new era where we have a voice in determining our future."

"I congratulate and welcome the ramp agents at Spirit Airlines into the IAM family," said IAM Transportation GVP Sito Pantoja. "Every ramp agent at Spirit should know they now have the IAM's full support and resources at their disposal to achieve the contract they deserve. I'd also like to thank District 141 Organizing Director Joe Stassi and his team for doing a great job on this campaign."

The IAM prevailed over an aggressive anti-union campaign by Spirit management that included numerous and flagrant violations of the federal Railway Labor Act, including a sudden and significant pay raise for all employees, except the ramp agents seeking IAM representation. Federal labor law prohibits granting or withholding pay increases that are designed to influence the outcome of a union representation election.

"Ramp agents at Spirit should be applauded for their courage and conviction in seeking dignity, respect and fairness in their profession," said District 141 President Rich Delaney. "Today's victory over harassment and intimidation is a win for the entire labor movement."

The IAM represents more than 110,000 fleet service, mechanics, flight attendants, customer service, reservation and related airline employees. ​
For more information about the IAM's Spirit Airlines organizing campaign, please visit www.iam4spirit.com. ​


700UW said:
Hey look, Stassi wins another one!
In a hotly contested election overseen by the National Mediation Board (NMB), nearly 220 Spirit Airlines ramp agents voted overwhelmingly, by 80 percent, to be represented by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).The victorious ramp agents, who work at airports in Fort Lauderdale, FL, Detroit, MI, Atlantic City, NJ and Myrtle Beach, SC began their campaign for IAM representation this spring, and attained the requisite "showing of interest" shortly thereafter. The NMB scheduled a representation election that began June 16th."The days of Spirit management unilaterally dictating wages and working conditions ends today,” declared Daniel Krampert, a Spirit Ramp Agent in Atlantic City. “This vote begins a new era where we have a voice in determining our future.""I congratulate and welcome the ramp agents at Spirit Airlines into the IAM family," said IAM Transportation GVP Sito Pantoja. "Every ramp agent at Spirit should know they now have the IAM's full support and resources at their disposal to achieve the contract they deserve. I'd also like to thank District 141 Organizing Director Joe Stassi and his team for doing a great job on this campaign."The IAM prevailed over an aggressive anti-union campaign by Spirit management that included numerous and flagrant violations of the federal Railway Labor Act, including a sudden and significant pay raise for all employees, except the ramp agents seeking IAM representation. Federal labor law prohibits granting or withholding pay increases that are designed to influence the outcome of a union representation election."Ramp agents at Spirit should be applauded for their courage and conviction in seeking dignity, respect and fairness in their profession," said District 141 President Rich Delaney. "Today's victory over harassment and intimidation is a win for the entire labor movement."The IAM represents more than 110,000 fleet service, mechanics, flight attendants, customer service, reservation and related airline employees. 
For more information about the IAM's Spirit Airlines organizing campaign, please visit www.iam4spirit.com

this is very good news as spirit will triple. Hopefully the frontier ramp votes likewise in a few weeks. Congratulations to stassi and our union.
Actually i find it interesting that there havent been any successful mx organizing in this industry of late. Some union should work on dl spirit jetblue mx. It might not take a whole lot.
I've pretty much quit reading but just one quick comment. I had lunch today with a good friend who is part time (owns his own business) & I asked him his opinion of the agreement. His response " I could care less, I've only got 3 more years ". I can only hope he's the exception.
Tim  Kev has mentioned there is an on going card drive at DL for Fleet and I believe FAs  Hopefully theyll will also join in at some point real soon too
robbedagain said:
Tim  Kev has mentioned there is an on going card drive at DL for Fleet and I believe FAs  Hopefully theyll will also join in at some point real soon too
i think sito is getting a new budget and figuring out fleet service at delta for a renewed push from what i heard.
Harry Callahan said:
I've pretty much quit reading but just one quick comment. I had lunch today with a good friend who is part time (owns his own business) & I asked him his opinion of the agreement. His response " I could care less, I've only got 3 more years ". I can only hope he's the exception.
My understanding is that CLT is abuzz with talk, and questions regarding this agreement. There are a lot of folks talking about going to the informational Meetings being held tomorrow above the food court between 10AM and 6PM...
The overall consensus is that most are excited about voting, and moving on to Joint Talks...
I hate to say this... but your friend is not acting very intelligently; 3 years will encompass this agreement, AND probably the JCBA as well. That’s tens of thousands of potential pay-roll dollars he would not have seen without the agreements, along with hundreds a month in additional life-time pension compensation. Not to even speak of buy-out languages worth thousands that he may eventually qualify for!
EVERYONE needs to go get informed in these meetings...
ROA I agree 1000% with you, but this guy is pretty much "loaded" & just wants to fly & yes I hope folks will go to the meetings & get info from "the horse's mouth".
Harry Callahan said:
ROA I agree 1000% with you, but this guy is pretty much "loaded" & just wants to fly & yes I hope folks will go to the meetings & get info from "the horse's mouth".
Does he realize that his benefits as a retiree puts him close to last on the list?...If he is loaded then ok. He will buy a seat i guess so I'm not getting his reasoning.....
Absolutely correct ROA. The real leverage is the SCS filing not the strike vote. No ratification.... no SCS filing. The leverage remains. Although a strike vote can serve as a show o solidarity it can also show a membership divided and unwilling to strike. The latter would be disaster for any NC having to return to the table. Besides... I think the company is quite confident the chances of a release by the NMB are slim. Hell... even if there was a release it would be followed by quick intervention by Capital Hill and the appointment of a PEB. 
That would be the White House, its a Presidential Emergency Board.
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