USA320Pilot said:
US Airways does not want to "shed its maintenance dept", but the IAM is giving the company no choice. US Airways has said that it wants to meet on the A320 issue and a new contract to cost effectively conduct maintenance in-house.
Nobody wants to see this fight, but the IAM is giving the company no alternative because of their unwillingness, so far, although there is reason to believe that is changing, to participate in the new business plan.
There are two options: US Airways and its mechanics work out an agreement or the IAM will see "imposition", just like any other labor group.
Basically, the IAM has given the company no options due to the economic realities of the marketplace. It's really too bad because many IAM members could get "whacked" and nobody wants to see this, but again I fully support their choice to let this happen.
How many times do I have to tell you the same information? But you will never understand because you are scared because the IAM is not backing down and it is jepordizing your $200,000 a year income.
And I find it ironic you are more concerned about the IAM employees then your own ALPA brothers and sisters. Your obsession shows your are terrified of the consequences of workers who have actually said enough is enough.
And explain how your 1113 letter prevented the second round of concessions and the termination of your pension?
Oh, wait you won't because it is not worth the paper it is written on!
The company's plan for maintenance is:
Total Elimination of 1,008 Utility workers
Total elimination of Stock Clerks
Total elimination of GSE, Plant Maintenance, Shops.
Total elimination of Base Maintenance
Elimination of at least 2,009 mechanics with upwards of 2,500.
Elimination of the scope language.
There is no, none, zero reasons for the IAM to meet with the company. Our mechanics are effiecent and cost-effective, but the company wants to pay a vendor who pays their employees $13 an hour to overhaul the plane your flying.
The IAM has given the company millions of dollars in concessions all ready pnly to see our contract violated on a daily basis.
The IAM has also given tens of millions of dollars in cost-saving ideas that have not been acted upon.
The company has hired more Directors, Managers and Foreman, yet the rank and file employee counts has decreased.
So like numerous posters have told you, mind to your own union and its business and leave the IAM members alone, because your constant postings of false information, threats and intimidation only makes the IAM members more resolved to keep the current stance when an outsider keeps annoying them.