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From the We've really gone too far now file...

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Aug 19, 2002
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No scissors allowed at Pittsburgh airport ceremony
The Associated Press
9/20/02 2:49 PM
IMPERIAL, Pa. (AP) -- When it was time to cut the ribbon on a new exhibit at Pittsburgh International Airport, there were no scissors to be found. The reason? Security.
A replica of a Tyrannosaurus rex was dedicated at the terminal Thursday, but security measures prevented Allegheny County Chief Executive Jim Roddey and others from using scissors to cut the ribbon.
They had to tear the ribbon instead.
Scissors and other objects that could be used as weapons were banned from the airport after last year''s terrorist attacks.
The replica is meant to promote attractions in the Pittsburgh region, including the dinosaur collection at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
When you read something like this you just have to shake your head...
Things that make you go, hummm. I can see a terrorist running by the ribbon cutting ceremony and grabbing the 3 foot pair of scissors and trying to get the by our wonderful TSA.
True. This is foolish. But even more foolish is the idiots who were doing the ribbon cutting. All they had to do was go up the escalator and into any number of offices in the terminal and borrow a pair of scissors. Or even better, go to the Office Max that is in the terminal and purchase a pair. Sheer luncacy.
I can top this one as TOTALLY GONE TOO FAR, and it's from within our own 4 walls.
How about partial refunds on business fares when orig. tkt bought through an agency at a higher tier level than what rez or dot com sells(e,g their Ba3us/B8us is 450 ow, ours is 400)..This occurs in thousands and thousands of business mkts.....then when passgr makes a change he/she can reissue to our lower fare and get a refund. Lunacy? Yes. Valid? Yes. Problem recognized or solution being worked on? No.
So Davey, Why is it we are losing money again?
Hey...Why didn't they get a couple of Federal Air Marshalls to shoot the ribbon to pieces. They could've had loads of fun with this by doing a quick draw routine or some trick shot.
No scissors allowed at Pittsburgh airport ceremony
The Associated Press
9/20/02 2:49 PM
IMPERIAL, Pa. (AP) -- When it was time to cut the ribbon on a new exhibit at Pittsburgh International Airport, there were no scissors to be found. The reason? Security.
A replica of a Tyrannosaurus rex was dedicated at the terminal Thursday, but security measures prevented Allegheny County Chief Executive Jim Roddey and others from using scissors to cut the ribbon.
They had to tear the ribbon instead.
Scissors and other objects that could be used as weapons were banned from the airport after last year''s terrorist attacks.
The replica is meant to promote attractions in the Pittsburgh region, including the dinosaur collection at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
When you read something like this you just have to shake your head...

Where's the ingenuity? Did they tear the ribbon with their teeth?! :blink: LOL
That dinosaur has been there for years.

And that article is dated 2002.

Now that is going too far.
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