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This is good news. Maybe they will re- establish the PIT hub now? :lol:
STOP the Maddness RIGHT THERE! No Way, No How......PIT is NOT going to be a HUB (get over it already), it is barely a destination for many corporations. There was a time when the region had the largest amount of Fortune 500 firms located between NY and Chicago.....NOT anymore. I never understood the love affair of the locals and the region (and I was there for 12 years.....the people were ok, the City OLD and the weather sucked BIG TIME. Oh, pierogis a plenty :lol: It wasn't my favourite by ANY means, but to each his own.
STOP the Maddness RIGHT THERE! No Way, No How......PIT is NOT going to be a HUB (get over it already), it is barely a destination for many corporations. There was a time when the region had the largest amount of Fortune 500 firms located between NY and Chicago.....NOT anymore. I never understood the love affair of the locals and the region (and I was there for 12 years.....the people were ok, the City OLD and the weather sucked BIG TIME. Oh, pierogis a plenty :lol: It wasn't my favourite by ANY means, but to each his own.
I think it is so hysterical that any post that has the two words PIT and hub in it gets so many people's collective panties wadded up. I think there should be a study done on all of you. I would hate to see if PIT really would be re-hubbed again...I think some of these people would spontaneously combust!!
I think it is so hysterical that any post that has the two words PIT and hub in it gets so many people's collective panties wadded up. I think there should be a study done on all of you. I would hate to see if PIT really would be re-hubbed again...I think some of these people would spontaneously combust!!
But come on, the flights are all FULL!! 😱
Another city, Philadelphia is on the top 10 list. I know of many, in fact countless workers, who left that city of taxes, high crime, etc, as soon as they could.

Philly does lead in one department though, murders. Philly beats out even big cities like New York and Chicago with sheer number of slayings, now getting close to 2 per day.

Another city, Philadelphia is on the top 10 list. I know of many, in fact countless workers, who left that city of taxes, high crime, etc, as soon as they could.

Philly does lead in one department though, murders. Philly beats out even big cities like New York and Chicago with sheer number of slayings, now getting close to 2 per day.

Any chance that the murders have been linked to the res cutover?


I hear ya, it's just a fact that PHL still generates so much dam $$$ for US, even after the recent continuous issues......
STOP the Maddness RIGHT THERE! No Way, No How......PIT is NOT going to be a HUB (get over it already), it is barely a destination for many corporations. There was a time when the region had the largest amount of Fortune 500 firms located between NY and Chicago.....NOT anymore. I never understood the love affair of the locals and the region (and I was there for 12 years.....the people were ok, the City OLD and the weather sucked BIG TIME. Oh, pierogis a plenty :lol: It wasn't my favourite by ANY means, but to each his own.

When I posted this, I thought about you. I gave you 2 hours before you would have to say something negative about PIT. You held out for 12 hours - that had to be the longest 12 hours of your life. We get it - you don't like PIT.
They would be smart to funnel traffic from Phl to Pit instead of Clt, it is a mess!
They would be smart to funnel traffic from Phl to Pit instead of Clt, it is a mess!
No, they wouldn't, because then we would lose money. CLT and PHL are messes, but sweet lovin' money makin' messes.... :wub:


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