I must be getting old, crotchety and out of touch. You guys are arguing with your bank accounts. Reality isn't even coming into play here guys. If you had been around pre deregulation, you would know that your arguments are baseless. If you had paid attention to your corporate leadership and their feeble ways of dealing with the 'new kid on the block', whom all of you are determined to blame on your faltering wages, you would realize that good companies survive in all conditions. Your blame is pointed in the wrong direction and a result of your own frustration. I've said it before and I'll say it again, after having paid my ALPA dues for well over 25 years and worked for the 'elite' and seen the same go down the drain with the promise of victory ringing in our loyal ears, I believe you may be guilty of drinking the Kool Aid my friend. Look at history awhile and let's see what happened with all the old timers who have led the industry after economics of the country finally made it necessary to either produce or reduce. Reductions have taken their tolls and always are blamed on the employee groups huge wages. It may be a bitter pill for you to swallow but you may have to shed your dinosaur shell and recognize that it is not the employees of JBU, Airtran, SWA, etc, etc, who are your nemesis but the changing times which some companies adapt to and others don't. We are a lot of beat up individuals one and all. Deny it and look at your written rhetoric. We are all doing what we like to do and if you think that it is no longer a fair and even playing field, quit whining and go elsewhere oh bold one.