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Jetblue Emb-190 Rate


Aug 21, 2002
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Congrats to the U pilots for setting the bar on the EMB-170 so low. Jetblue has now followed suit and given just a small bit above the U -170 rate for the -190.....as expected. If U survives, count on all of your 737s being replaced by EMB-190s flown for 72$ an hour. Way to go.

First year capt $70.71 for first 70 hours/ $106.57 over 70
2nd year $72.32
First year F/O $37.10 for the first 70 /
2nd year $39.95
michael707767 said:
Congrats to the U pilots for setting the bar on the EMB-170 so low. Jetblue has now followed suit and given just a small bit above the U -170 rate for the -190.....as expected. If U survives, count on all of your 737s being replaced by EMB-190s flown for 72$ an hour. Way to go.

First year capt $70.71 for first 70 hours/ $106.57 over 70
2nd year $72.32
First year F/O $37.10 for the first 70 /
2nd year $39.95
Hey at least they will have a job at least thats the way USA320Pimpilot figures it.
michael707767 said:
Congrats to the U pilots for setting the bar on the EMB-170 so low. Jetblue has now followed suit and given just a small bit above the U -170 rate for the -190.....as expected. EMB-190s flown for 72$ an hour. Way to go.

First year capt $70.71 for first 70 hours/ $106.57 over 70
2nd year $72.32
First year F/O $37.10 for the first 70 /
2nd year $39.95
U has nothing to do with "Setting the bar" on the pay rates. Now that the rates are out, many seem to be blaming U for the low rates. Don't come blaming another airline for JB's issue (190's). JB for the most part has done very well for themselves. I personally hate it when people point fingers. it's asinine