Hey maybe that can be the frequent flyers contribution towards our restructuring? Only kidding!!! But it is sad how little the Leaders care about making the customers experience enjoyable.longing4piedmont said:I think I could clean the first class cabin real well with a bottle of 409 in about 10 minutes or less.
Don't laugh. I know and have seen other flyers bring handi-wipes into the cabin and wipe down the seat, arm and tray. I don't go that far as evidenced by my SUV. It's worse than the planes. Honest to God, my wife found grass growing in the back once. But then again I'm on a plane about ten times as much as I'm in my truck.DCD said:Hey maybe that can be the frequent flyers contribution towards our restructuring? Only kidding!!! But it is sad how little the Leaders care about making the customers experience enjoyable.
Ok. Let's say I know the station manager at GSO. Does it do any good to have a little chat with him at the local level. Is the station manager responsible for this or is this some one else? I have a digital camera and as they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Would sending them to any one help. Maybe a friend in the press?700UW said:Nope, GSO is a vendor or ramp station, it comes into CLT on the first flight, full of trash and lavs smelling ripe.
Well the 757 is my favorite bird, or at least used to be. Now that it only has 8 of those nice big seats up front and I have an aversion to being a coachroach, I try to avoid them. Last one I was on was CLT/SJU and it was clean.700UW said:Next time you fly a 757, pick up the seat, those planes are the filthiest of them all.
See I can be a nice guy if I want too, lol
so whats the diffrence what if a pax did it would you ask him the same question?walk a mile in a fa shoes and see how tough there job is , Right now I am playing my violin for you700UW said:The seat covers are suppose to be changed when they are dirty or frayed. And there is a schedule of changing but I don't know the numbers off hand.
But management has actually tried to discipline workers for trying to cause a slow down because they wanted to change the covers and the majority of them are nasty.
I don't take offense to it, when you put several people on an airplane as a vendor or ramp station does compared to maybe one utility, I would expect a better job.
And I know who you are talking about, that is Don. Great worker, nice guy and does a great job as much as time allots.
What really irks me is our own F/As who sit in the bulkhead with their shoes on and have thier feet up on the carpeted bulkheads.
I usually ask them if they put their dirty shoes on their walls at home.
Actually I see it all the time as a pax (other pax) and I really wish some one would ask them to get their feet off the wall. It shouldn't make a difference who it is. To say the least it is very poor manners and worse when the shoes are off.jetmech01890 said:so whats the diffrence what if a pax did it would you ask him the same question?walk a mile in a fa shoes and see how tough there job is , Right now I am playing my violin for you