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1113e Filed - Check 800- Usdaily

cavalier said:
NO ONE of sound mind will defend such lunacy where non skilled union members rake in big bucks for menial skills
Who are you really? Jerry GLass? Or is it that you are planning for a new job with Harisson and Ford? and just sucking up his mojo. Well, wake up and start acting like the christian that you proport to be. 20 dollars per hour for rampy/cleaner/stock clerk etc... is hardly "BIG BUCKS" it is barely the price of a ticket to middle class, of which any one here long enough to top out deserves providing they do the job that they were hired to do.
You mean we still have cleaners as US? From the looks of the planes lately I thought they had all been let go.
longing4piedmont said:
You mean we still have cleaners as US? From the looks of the planes lately I thought they had all been let go.
I think maybe it has something to do with the frequent flyers that usairways has been attracting, or maybe we need more supervisors.
There are Utility at 8 stations on 3 shifts and the other 10 are third shift only.

The department is so short staffed it is unreal.

And remember more airplanes RON at non-mtc then at mtc, so the majority of the cleaning is done by the ramp or vendors.

US flies into 89 mainline stations and mtc is only at 18.
700UW said:
And the cleaners at UAL since AMFA has taken over are just about gone, the vendored out the majority of the work.

And I guess mr I am not an employee now I am an employee did not even know those are not the pay scales that are current nor negotiated by amfa, the pay scale was done by the IAM.

Just like the UAL mechanics under the IAM before bankruptcy were making $32 an hour and got full retropay spread out into 4 payments.

I get it ... its all the IAM's fault that both U and UA are in such dire straights. You would think that a Union would have better things to do than to try to get its membership paid top dollar.

With that in mind wouldnt it be better to just decertify and become at will employees? Im sure that Bruce and Jerry would be more than happy to make sure that you and your family are well taken care of. NOT!
Uinvestor said:
The harsh reality has finally fallen upon the employees.

I remember advising many years ago that sooner or later the outrageous aviation salaries of the majors would be adjusted.

Don’t blame your management-blame the harsh reality of the aviation industry.

Welcome back Jack, no pun intended that’s your name as you stated in a post I kept from a few years back. I used to think you were crazy, but it seems I am the one who had it wrong. You are and were on the money with your posts, harsh as they are and were.

Look at all the cry babies screaming at me when I post the truth about non skilled labor being over paid. Like spoiled children they are acting because that is just what they are.

If one wants to earn a decent buck in this country they better have an education or skill or be born into wealth and have it handed to them, the path to easy street provided by the unions is all but gone with the airline industry woes finishing off the last reaming parasites.

The world is changing and the politicians will not come out and save the union members, it won't happen, mark it down.

With the global economy upon us if anything it will become worse unless as individuals you rely on own God given resources and forget about the unions “onceâ€￾ saving grace, because all they save nowadays is themselves with nepotism and the buddy system. They are like a secret society when it comes to getting information, “unlessâ€￾ you are one of the insiders. They have become leeches sucking the blood out of their membership and offering nothing in return except the promise that if you keep paying then "IF" you get called back to work when furloughed you won't have to pay the "mandatoryâ€￾ initiation fee all over again. I paid it twice in my lifetime (IAM) and they can go straight to hell and will never receive another dime from "my" pay check again. They have done absolutely nothing for me except help with stomach ulcers a few years back.

Look no further than these boards to see a clear picture of why unions are in big doodoo. They are plagued with divisiveness, infighting, and reps who scream at their membership like they are dogs and not humans expecting people to react with servitude. They are their own worst enemy and only need a mirror to see their problems.

Yes, corporate America exploited these facts, and can you blame them, it was there for the taking.
That is good cav, dont pay your dues so the company will terminate your employment.

Yep the company gave you your wages and benefits out of the kindness of their hearts.

But hey, one day your an employee, one day you are not and the next day you are again.

Ever hear of credibility?
700UW, Any Usair employee with a brain and eyes can see that utility clean our a/c exactly the way their supervisors want them to. Over time I have brought problem areas pertaining to a/c cleaning and possible solutions to the attention of utility supervisors at all levels, only to be brushed off with excuses like we don't have the manpower or time etc...
I agree DCD, management does not care and niether do the executives.

Whenever Bronner or anyone else of officer level flies, management tells the lead on the particular gate to clean first class better before they board.

We call it the Dog and Pony show.
cavalier said:
They are their own worst enemy and only need a mirror to see their problems.

No their worst enemies are self-righteous hypocrites begrudging fellow employees for earning a living wage.
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, *#@!&$, BLAH!! BLAH BLAH BLAH! Boy, unions are great! Yeah right.

Seriously, good luck to all the U folks. Been there done that, it's not fun. Hang in there.

700UW said:
There are Utility at 8 stations on 3 shifts and the other 10 are third shift only.

The department is so short staffed it is unreal.

And remember more airplanes RON at non-mtc then at mtc, so the majority of the cleaning is done by the ramp or vendors.

US flies into 89 mainline stations and mtc is only at 18.
Thanks for the info and explanation. I was going to start another thread to ask why the planes are not clean, rather than hijacking this one. However that seems to have occurred already, so here goes.

It seems to me that if the planes were kept clean they would be easier to keep clean. (Does that make any sense?). Why not take one night a week, say Saturday, and go over these ladies with a real scrub brush. I think I could clean the first class cabin real well with a bottle of 409 in about 10 minutes or less. And for those of you wondering, first class and the exit rows are the only two parts of the plane I care about. 🙄

Some of the stuff I see has to have been there for months and it does appear that it never gets cleaned unless the bird goes in for some kind of check. And it is not just pen marks, it is food stains, stuff sticking to you in the seats, pockets with food in them, etc.

I know that 30-40 minutes is not enough time to do anything other than pick up the trash on the turn around. But do these birds ever get a good cleaning during the week?
700UW said:
I agree DCD, management does not care and niether do the executives.

Whenever Bronner or anyone else of officer level flies, management tells the lead on the particular gate to clean first class better before they board.

We call it the Dog and Pony show.
I really hope you are kidding about this.
Uinvestor said:
. The members of the CWA are overpaid and replaceable. The same with the flight attendants as there are thousands of young job candidates that would love to work for the airlines at the LCC salaries. Don’t blame your management-blame the harsh reality of the aviation industry.
you wouldnt make it 2 hours in res .... I know every rule and can answer any question from a customer. I bring money in to this company ...overpaid sure come over and give my job a try. You cant say that until you have done the work.... Ever been spit on cause you dont have a window seat for a passenger..... ever been called every name in the book because someone cannot use their miles? Ask any United res employee what their turnover is now that they hired off the street for 8 dollars an hours. I talk to them .... do you? they cant keep people working cause they cant put up with it for that kind of pay. I'll take a pay cut if I got a commission check every month. I ave at least 80,000 is sale a month at the international desk. Bring in the kids and soon we will go from having the customer service to the worst . Look at america west they just have been rated the worst in customer service and thats a fact. You comments are your opinion, you can judge someone's work untill you tried it.
Well the company use to have Utility do that, once a month every airplane got what was called an SCO. For an A320 you had six utility do basically a spring cleaning on the plane.

But as they closed maintenance stations and eliminated more and more utility the program came to a grinding halt.

So now instead the company took the SCO and broke it up into a regular RON cleaning with one area of the plane each night getting a deep cleaning at every station instead of just maintenance.

But as you the workers and passengers know the work is not getting done, yet US is paying vendors do accomplish the work.

Also the at stations where there are utility, the cleaning job has gotten more detailed with less time and less manpower to accomplish the work. Adding on top of that the security checks must be done, so since everything is shorthanded the cleaning gets cut.

Many nights due to lack of manpower, management tells the leads to just clean the plane as a through flight and get the security check done.

Hope this helps you out a bit more.

But it basically amounts too no accountablity at the non-mtc and vendor stations and lack of manpower at the mtc stations.

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