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Very well said Basher. Let me add to your post from what I posted in another thread:

As far back as Ed Colodny mistakes have been made that has probably cost this company millions if not billons if you add all the blunders.

Colodny’s Blunders:

· Mirror Image, imposing US Air’s business methods upon Piedmont and PSA, instead of looking at each respective airline and adapting their successful practices. Some examples would be dismantling of the Piedmont Shuttle which accounted for 32% of Piedmont’s Gross Revenue.

· Not furthering International Service and canceling the last three 767s on order from Boeing, then realizing how much money was made serving international destinations and paying Boeing a $30 million penalty to reorder the three planes.

Schofield’s Blunders:

· Business select, $50 million on wasted seats that never worked properly and we eventually removed from the 737-200 fleet. Operation Highground.

· The IAM Mechanic and Related Strike of 1992 in which US Air lost $35 million and agreeing to pay all the pilots during our strike regardless if they flew or not.

· The hiring of Joe Gorman from United Airlines. Gorman stayed a few months then went right back to United, then United started taking us on head to head in numerous markets where we did not compete before Gorman’s tenure.

· The alliance with British Airways to infuse quick cash, but not on favorable terms to US Air, BA got more out of the alliance then we did.

Wolf and Gangwal:

· Canceling all the Boeing orders and having to pay a substantial penalty to Boeing to this day the dollar amount is not known as it was a confidential out of court settlement after Boeing sued US Airways, but it is believed to be hundreds of millions of dollars.

· Closing of three maintenance bases and trying to accomplish all the work in just three bases, which caused a backlog of airplanes awaiting “Q†and “C†checks and Mod visits. At one point you could see numerous airplanes parked in Charlotte, Pittsburgh and Tampa awaiting maintenance.

· Buying back over $1.5 billon of US Airways stock instead of using the money as operating capital or paying down debt or just having it around for a downturn.

· Selling the company to United Airlines and then for the next 14 months having no direction and running the company into the ground.

· Overreacting to the September 11th tragedy and shrinking the airline by 23% and increasing costs by putting larger airplanes on shorter routes.

Many mistakes have been made by so called corporate executives in this company and the majority of executives who made this horrible business decisions are still here. So now the hard working employees who have kept US Airways going and you can look at the Department of Transportation statistics that have us in the top tier of performance are going to be faced with major decision on concessions to try and keep this company a viable operation. Now is the time to not listen or spread rumors, use sound judgments when the FACTS are explained to you and stop pointing fingers at other workers who are out here just trying to survive and support themselves and/or their families. Many employees are writing executives saying get rid of this classification or that classification, just don’t touch what I have. I do believe a union is supposed to be about what is best for all, not one. All showing the company that we are a group that would eat our young to save ourselves accomplishes nothing positive for our membership.
I love it.. Mr. Union man the infallible one put in his rightful place...

Union rep my a-z-z-
CWA is meeting for 3 days starting Monday we have to wait and see but I don't have any faith anymore........won't be long now.
This is a sad state! I just listened to Chris Rock and he mad a very good point. "Money has turned into our god" We dont care about people anymore. Creditors are telling us how to live and they define who we are. The financial experts have become our priests and preachers. They are the ones that work with the new gods and communicate the laws as passed down and are incharge of implementing them. We as sheep only follow blindly doing what we can to protect/provide for our families, and unfortunately that means devoutly worshipping and praying to the priests and gods of money.

What a sad state we are in.................... 🙁

suze orman says it well "People first, then money then things" When we look in the mirror what are we worshipping durring this financial crisis?

Something to think about :unsure:


I believe the ATSB covenants are broken. The ATSB allowed the co. to use the restricted funds....I guess the ATSB broke the covenants...LOL....

What a circus. :lol:
700UW said:
I do believe a union is supposed to be about what is best for all, not one.

Like cleaners making what skilled labor makes on the outside world, stores people delivering parts and making even more. These are just two examples of your union mentality. The airlines are sinking and sinking fast and you still spout that non skilled labor deserves MORE than what skilled labor brings on the outside world. You know that place, the world outside the airlines in which companies are actually making money and employees are working overtime with good healthcare and benefits. The places that don't pay non skilled labor more than what skilled labor commands like it does in the airlines. Get real! The gravy train ride is history and like all other industries where unions had their way getting NON SKILLED workers MORE in wages and benefits than the rest of the planet, the ride is coming to a screeching halt just like an amusement part ride because after all, this was just all fantasy! Non skilled unions members commanding MORE than skilled labor does on the outside world that sometimes makes one third as much. Your union dribble of supporting non skilled labor with their sky high wages makes you look exactly what you are.

Sure, corporate America is taking advantage of a bad situation, that's a given, but with the unskilled labor situation which the union insists stand, NO ONE of sound mind will defend such lunacy where non skilled union members rake in big bucks for menial skills. Too bad the union is so stupid as to insist that this insanity stand hence bring down the entire house, THAT is what your union brotherhood gets you, its name…“IAMâ€￾. At least there will be lots of space for car washes and shopping centers where U used to be, hope you know how to clean cars and say, good morning madam will that be all today…. Mr. union rep.
Geezus Cav, knock it off already....

CWA has journalists, writers, f/as, communication workers together make a union.

Cleaners do not get paid what mechanics get paid, and depending on the licesnse a mechanic has they don't receive the same wage either. Utlity isn't nearly the majority of the IAM on this property...however, they are paying the same dues to boost your resources.

If you wanted to work for half your wage, Cav, just let your leaders know and gather up the mechanics and tell management you'd be happy to reduce your wages and capitulate.

But, be ready, as soon as your brother is forced to work more hours for less wage, then many, many will lose their jobs.

Those are the consequences of acquiesing to this managment.

With you...folks get blamed for fighting and then get blamed for not.
PITbull said:

I believe the ATSB covenants are broken. The ATSB allowed the co. to use the restricted funds....I guess the ATSB broke the covenants...LOL....

What a circus. :lol:

There are new temporary covenents, which allow for weekly unrestricted cash balances as low as $550mil... $150mil less than the previous covenant. Although, I beleive there is a snap-back on October 15th or so (which the company probably won't meet, my opinion), but I believe a successful 1113(e) filing may convince the ATSB to extend the temporary covenents... That is my take.
The harsh reality has finally fallen upon the employees. I remember advising many years ago that sooner or later the outrageous aviation salaries of the majors would be adjusted. You complained that the “dynamic duoâ€￾ were the root cause of the problems. Then the blame was placed upon the up and coming leader Dave Siegel. The employees didn’t like his message that more concessions were needed and now you are at the point where a Federal Court will decide the fate of your salaries. Sure, it might be only temporary, but how many of the employees that live on paycheck to paycheck can weather the storm with a 23% payout? A certain A320 pilot on this board was ridiculed at the notion that it is better to reach an agreement with your company before it falls into the hands of the court. The mighty Pitbull was the biggest proponent that it is better to allow the court to hear their case-you have made your own bed-and now it is time to lie in it. It will only get worse for your unions in the courts. Itrade can testify to this with his legal expertise. The company has the upper hand and that leaves the unions will very few options. The person in charge of labor relations should be commended for this well executed plan to lower labor costs. He is a genius and I am sure the other carriers will use the same tactics to lower their labor costs. In my 20 years as an attorney, the major carriers are watching this very closely, as this will change the industry once everything is final in the courts. I have always stated that the only aviation employees that deserved their salaries were Pilots and Mechanics. The members of the CWA are overpaid and replaceable. The same with the flight attendants as there are thousands of young job candidates that would love to work for the airlines at the LCC salaries. Don’t blame your management-blame the harsh reality of the aviation industry.
Reminds me of the end of Rambo where Col. Troutman says to Sylvester Stallone "Its over Johnny. Its over"

Agreeing to a new contract 5 or 6 weeks ago would have made no difference, they would have filed for more relief in bankruptcy anyway. All it means is you got 5 or 6 more weeks of non Walmart wages.
PITbull said:
Geezus Cav, knock it off already....


I'll knock it off when I please, you or 700UW will not change my mind or MANY other mechanics who feel the same and why AMFA almost took over.
cavalier said:
I'll knock it off when I please, you or 700UW will not change my mind or MANY other mechanics who feel the same and why AMFA almost took over.
And whats AMFA done for the mechanics at United?

Better yet look how much more an AMFA cleaner makes at United as opposed to a US Air cleaner. GO AMFA 😀

tug_slug said:
And whats AMFA done for the mechanics at United?

Better yet look how much more an AMFA cleaner makes at United as opposed to a US Air cleaner. GO AMFA 😀

View attachment 1952

That was negociated by the iam..
av60 said:
That was negociated by the iam..
So basically what your trying to tell me is that AMFA hasnt done anything for the mechanics at United since they took over?

Cav whats up with that?
And the cleaners at UAL since AMFA has taken over are just about gone, the vendored out the majority of the work.

And I guess mr I am not an employee now I am an employee did not even know those are not the pay scales that are current nor negotiated by amfa, the pay scale was done by the IAM.

Just like the UAL mechanics under the IAM before bankruptcy were making $32 an hour and got full retropay spread out into 4 payments.

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