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1113e Filed - Check 800- Usdaily

I used to politely ask people to take thier feet off of the wall. Its disgusting, unhygenic, and classless. I even used to see folks on the 757 fold down the F/A jumpseats and use them as footrests! Oh, heyulll no!

I have heard the excuse that they paid for the privelege. No matter how much I'm paying someone or a company for thier service- I would still never put my feet on thier walls.

Imagine me at the realtors. "I can put my feet up on your walls if I like- look how much I'm paying for the house." Or at the lawyers office. "I'm paying a fortune, I'll put my feet on the wall, and do my toenails while I'm at it. Oh yeah, let me see if my pen works. I'll just scribble on the back of your chair here. You have cleaners dont you, who are probably also overpaid. Your law firm desrves to go out of business." 🙄

Who wants to sit in that seat after you, possibly eating, inches away from the dog crap off your shoes or foot scum on the wall in front of them? Who acts like that in public? Likely the same folks who stroll into the lavatories on airplanes (Public restrooms! Shared with hundreds of others a day! In a moving, turbulent place!) in thier BARE or stockinged feet!

On a side note, I've noticed while non-revving on the new EJets and CRJs that the bulkheads are now plastic or something instead of carpeting. It looks much sharper and must be easier to clean. Its not, however, an invitation for you rest your janky feet on them. Gross!!!
700UW said:
That is good cav, dont pay your dues so the company will terminate your employment.

Yep the company gave you your wages and benefits out of the kindness of their hearts.

But hey, one day your an employee, one day you are not and the next day you are again.

Ever hear of credibility?
So much for not responding to me which is right in line with everything else you post: Lies, deceit, malice which is due to your hostile impulses showing a very frustrated guy who without the unions will perish. Your poison is only killing the membership and not helping them in the least. Jack is right on and you will be right out unless you make “national level â€￾real soon.

Now MY turn...I am finished responding to you and will turn back on the ignore button after this posts so I no longer see or feel compelled to respond to your toxic dribble.

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