I would wait. Wait until the combined contracts have occurred. You have waited this much, what is a bit more? At least you can see where eveything is, pay wise and seniority wise.
This job is in my blood, but age is in my favor. I WILL ride this out, either way. That is not an option for eveyone. So chose wisely.
I do love the dumbness of my job...
I have to ask what waiting will do...even with a new joint contract it will never be what it used to be. In 1994 I made 18K more than I did last year. I know I will never see that again. Aside from that, it's taken 18+ months to negotiate just the small things in this joint contract---how much longer will it take ? " A bit more" waiting could be until 2012 when the East contract is up.
There are a lot of variables concerning the original poster we do not know.
1) Can you support just yourself or a family on your $1600 per month ? (That's $19,200 per year-ugh !)
2) What is your rent per month?
3) What did the other job pay that you had?
4) As the price of everything goes up a lot and perhaps w/ the new contract your salary will go up a little, will it be worth it ?
5) Does your salary enable you to do other things or just "live" with the bare necessities ?
6) Look at yourself 5 or 10 years down the road....realistically, things are not going to get all that better even w/ a new contract. We may fly to more places and get a few more days vacation. DH will be paid at 100% pay and credit but how much better can it actually get?
7) While you may not be able to fly for free at your other job, is the salary higher where you can just buy a ticket and know you'll have a seat instead of trying to j/s, passride, etc?
I guess what I'm asking is what do you feel your self worth is ? Are you worth what they pay you here ? My guess is no....you are worth much more. This industry has gone SO far down hill and it's very sad. I truly love my job but dislike where my job has gone so I will be leaving in the next 1-2 years. New contract or not.....
How can this industry tell me that in 1994 I was worth so much more then in 2006/2007. We should all be paid double since what happened on 9/11. We are the first line of defense against terrorists in the air if we don't have any FAMs onboard and look at the way we are treated. We are told in letters/CBS messages from the company how great we are but their actions speak louder than words.
My fellow employees here at USAirways are my family, not this management and I will stay in touch with those I have formed bounds with over the years when I leave. You can do the same but leave all this craziness behind and go get paid what your worth where you can feed your self, afford to put gas in your car and not live paycheck to paycheck. Just my two cents...Good Luck !