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Corporate Help Please

well said I agree 7.65 is not realistic. What would you say is a fair wage for a new res agent??

You aren't gonna like this answer, but the fair wage is whatever level it takes to fill the seats.

Most of my airline-employee friends are part-timers in it for the flight benefits. They work a shift or two per week in addition to higher-paying career jobs. Careers that require education and allow them to own homes here in Los Angeles. Some of them have spouses with high-paying careers, and the flight benefits are the only real motivation. Homemakers who get to fly standby for free. My FA friends are in that category. Husbands with decent careers who like flying the family for next to nothing.

Some jobs allow a person to support a family. And other jobs are best for students or as second jobs. Res Agents at less than $10 don't look like family-supporting career positions.

There's a whole host of jobs that don't fit the bill as family-supporting career positions. Included in that list would be anything at a fast-food restaurant that isn't management. Anything at Wal-mart that isn't management. Millions of other similar jobs.

High school guidance counselors have said it for decades now: If you don't get an education, you may not be satisfied with your lifetime earnings potential.
As much as people will sympathize with you here, it's not really the forum to illicit any action from corporate.

As Donald Trump would say "It's not personal, it's business"

Corporate knows only a few things, and one of them is supply and demand. There are many people who, if you quit, would step in and do the same job for your pay (or less). Until that labor supply dries up, the low pay will continue. Sad, but true.

Elicit, not illicut.
It's really quite simple. The airline business has gone the way of the railraods circa 1950's. Back then, the railroad was among the most lucrative, secure and available work around. It was eroded by suprise, the airlines. Now the airline industry is undergoing a bizarre form of cannibalism. For anyone over thirty, GET OUT.

Start over while you can.

Healthcare $20+/hr
Real estate $10/hr for temps, 40K-???/yr
Teachers 25K+/yr


I love the airlines too, but there is no reason to stay in this business and struggle.
For those of you that have Anthem BS/BS of South Carolina.
I just checked online at the NEW 06 INCREASES!

I Carry 100%, I'm partime, starting Jan01 =316.30
My spouse had an 80% coverage at the time this was fair, now it's lousy and this IS NO BARGAIN>
That is one of my paychecks!

US Needs to LOOK ELSEWHERE for a DIF Plan.

This plan is NO BARGAIN.
The Employee is damn near footing it all!

I'll bet the Exec's are not?

Same pay rate, no increase in our salary's and still MAINLINE EXPRESS..

I've called my union rep-although she'll probably call me next week.
You aren't gonna like this answer, but the fair wage is whatever level it takes to fill the seats.

😛h34r: That in a nut shell is the problem. They can fill the seats at 8.00 ph
There are airlines paying 17.00+ hr and makeing money and filling the seats
quote ;That in a nut shell is the problem. They can fill the seats at 8.00 ph

Are they driving off psgrs at that amount? Turn over is high.
I disagree on the flight benefits. You may not use them (and I am guessing many can't afford to use them), but that doesn't mean they are not offered. And many part-timer probably work solely for the flight benefits, without much concern for the low salary.

You need to realize this when working for an airline. You give something up in salary for this benefit, even if you don't utilize it. (I have a friend that estimates his annual flight benefits are worth $15,000.)
My suggestion, go to your local one-stop career center, take free classes in resume preparation, take some software classes and start networking and find a job that pays what you need.

I left the airlines because I just couldn't afford to be there, I got out and made 2X what I made and lived like I did when I worked for the airlines, I socked away a lot of dough to cover any rough spots and put the excess into some funds.

Working for the airlines is tough, we all love it and I miss it every day, but you have to make some dough to live.

Best of luck, go out and get free help and career guidance, and network like hell! :up:
Most new hires at $8-9.00 hr last just a few days. They simply walk away, and never return. I wonder how much money is being wasted on training these folks.

Way to go .....You know you really get what you pay for...except Crellin.
Good thing we had a union to represent the agent group in BK.There are 9000 DL employee's waiting to get cut.

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