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yep tulsa you were mislead by the twu AGAIN

[sub]what can you expect when you have idiots running the show? PLEASE SIGN A CARD!!!!![/sub]
American tells pilots "vast majority" of work rules will not change
Read more here: http://blogs.star-te...l#storylink=cpy
And the mechanics sign a contract with open language on work rules, and eliminate article 42 (everything a union stands for). If your supporting the twu, your next of kin should be notified , you are brain dead. I don't care if you voted yes on the ta, just sign an amfa card
Funny the title reads Tulsa mislead. Today all the yes voters are up in arms that AA lied about the RIF numbers they are a bit more then they said haha. I can't believe they lied and the TWU reps helped them sell it. And for the record yes I'm getting RIFed so I can laugh
The TWU has lost control of its membership. They lied and lied until they got what they wanted. Now watch the Teamsters drive kick up another notch courtesy of the TWU's request.

Sign a damm card people!! How much more of this crap can you guys take?
So hewitt says the company mislead the union regarding the amount of lay offs? Hey, john! Why are you so upset? The international officers aren't going to be affected by the lay offs so your pals, don, bobby, gary and jimmy will be fine come December when Tulsa AMTs get their pink slips. The international will once again be home for the Holidays enjoying a pay check three times what you make.
Did it EVER.....cross the minds of you PRO AA..YES voters, that by voting ..NO, that Perhaps,.........Just maybe.....by playing Hardball with AA, That you might have saved some of those 993 jobs ??????????????????
Did it EVER.....cross the minds of you PRO AA..YES voters, that by voting ..NO, that Perhaps,.........Just maybe.....by playing Hardball with AA, That you might have saved some of those 993 jobs ??????????????????

Hell no they didn't. They keep hanging on to the Twu believing everything they say. This is for the TULE guys mostly since they seem to keep voting yes on every POS thing the Twu puts on the table. You guys are now going to get what you deserve for being so stupid and having no balls to fight for what is right.
So hewitt says the company mislead the union regarding the amount of lay offs? Hey, john! Why are you so upset? The international officers aren't going to be affected by the lay offs so your pals, don, bobby, gary and jimmy will be fine come December when Tulsa AMTs get their pink slips. The international will once again be home for the Holidays enjoying a pay check three times what you make.

Isn't he the one who pushed the hardest for a YES vote?
I don't why this is a surprise to some. The contract language is pretty open-ended.

As for the pilots, maybe the company won't impose all the term sheets, but who is to say what they impose are the worst ones for the pilots.
We'd have to wait and see and hear from them.
WOW know Hewitt is complaining that this is not what the company told us they were going to do. Hewitt is a friggin jackass and an idiot. He is not even an aircraft mechanic.

Read the article and chime in on the comments and let Hewitt and the YES voters realize what the hell they just did to our profession.


Sign a AMFA card today people. Lets get rid of IDIOTS like Hewitt once and for all.
WOW know Hewitt is complaining that this is not what the company told us they were going to do. Hewitt is a friggin jackass and an idiot. He is not even an aircraft mechanic.

Read the article and chime in on the comments and let Hewitt and the YES voters realize what the hell they just did to our profession.


Sign a AMFA card today people. Lets get rid of IDIOTS like Hewitt once and for all.

He and the union know full well what is in the contract. With language like that, how can you NOT know?
He and the union know full well what is in the contract. With language like that, how can you NOT know?

Have you ever met Hewitt? Have you seen the interviews this guy makes. He was clueless. He just listened to his master in return for a International position. He is a real idiot and jackass. Question is who is more of an idiot? Him or the ones that believed him in voting yes without looking at the proposal.
Have you ever met Hewitt? Have you seen the interviews this guy makes. He was clueless. He just listened to his master in return for a International position. He is a real idiot and jackass. Question is who is more of an idiot? Him or the ones that believed him in voting yes without looking at the proposal.
No, I haven't had the pleasure..But for some reason I keep thinking of the "deer in the headlight" look.
Hewitt what an idiot. Just watched the video on the local news. Now he is saddened by the companies decision to lay off more jobs than what he believed was suppose to be. Boo Hoo.

Hey Hewitt since the terms of the contract changed can we get a re vote? Oh we tried that back in 03. Remember Little insisted to the members that the terms changed and he was requesting a re vote. Then some back door deal happened and it was all good to go.
Maybe Hewitt should give it a go. Think he is smart enough?