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X- TWA flight attendants still hope to return to the skies

As a member of the erswhile TWA Aviators Club (still have my card), and after flying hundreds of thousands of miles over the years on TWA, I can say they had plenty of "stinkers," along with some good ones. There really was nothing special about their service or their flight attendants which would set them apart from any other airline.
No her post has much truth to it... If TWA was so great why did it fail...??? We get tired of hearing how TWA did things better. I guess it gets old after a while ... After all AA did buy TWA ,so we must be doing something right...

Where does it say TWA was so great? No where in any of these posts does it say TWA was great. You distort information.
If TWA was so great why did it fail...??? We get tired of hearing how TWA did things better.
One thing's for certain: TWA didn't fail because the pilots made lousy landings, the mechanics didn't fix things right or because the FA's gave bad service. It failed because management, over many years, made the wrong decisions.

As for ways of doing things, there are many things I prefer about AA over TWA. Position bidding (AA) is better. Handing over liquor money to the agent when the aircraft door is opened (TWA) is better. Not being balanced (AA) is better. Having ten days to bid (TWA) is better. I could go on, but the main point is that for the most part, it's the same.

Having a job beats not having a job hands down.

Strange, the Congress thought so little of what happened to the TWAers, they passed a law so it would not happen again.
So what, the delegation from Missouri was able to attach their bill to another piece of legislation. This is irrelevant to the topic. The fact is that with out AA, the TWAers would have not even received their last paycheck for hours worked when TWA would have ceased operations.
Another piece of information you do not know to be true. You just make stuff up to suit your own bitter agenda one time after another.
You should reply to Jeffster's post.... love to hear that one!!! Come on....
Though unfortunate, your rant has nothing to do with the topic.
Actually you are the one who seems to think that AA will deem the "good service" as co-relational to customer satisfaction and therefore deem the employee valuable. See you posts on pages 1 & 2. My point was that they don't care. We are numbers that are expendable and easily replaceable. I am not under a false presumption that AA could not replace me me very easily and much cheaper. Apparently you seem to think they value your wife's service. They don't...
BTW your response was rude and abrupt. I was not being derogatory towards anyone, but apparently that seems to be you MO on this board. If this is the way you relate to your patients...well God Bless them because you are probably more of a hindrance to these poor people than a help. Happy New Year...
You are right, I do believe AA managers deem good service as co-relational to customer satisfaction. If AA does not care about service, why does L. Curtis spend so much time talking about it? My response was rude and abrupt, you are right! It was irrelevent to the topic, it was a personal rant about your belief AA does not care about you. You are right, they do not. AA could not care about you, AA is just a name without any feelings at all. It is not living flesh so how could it care about you?
You should reply to Jeffster's post.... love to hear that one!!! Come on....

Sure, I believe he is right on. But I also believe that those TWA f/as who have returned to AA are overall as a group better motivated towards service than many of the younger AA f/as. There are of course stinkers in both groups.
As a member of the erswhile TWA Aviators Club (still have my card), and after flying hundreds of thousands of miles over the years on TWA, I can say they had plenty of "stinkers," along with some good ones. There really was nothing special about their service or their flight attendants which would set them apart from any other airline.
<_< ------ Hey jeffster! If you've flown TWA "hundreds of thousands of miles over the years", we must have been doing "something" right!!!---------- Otherwise you would have taken your business elsewhere!----- No? :huh:
As far as the IAM roster of employees to AA from TWA are concerned, this group worked under some of the best managerial minds for ground service employees. Managers at TWA at this level were in control of the minute by minute ground operation ready to over-rule Crew Chiefs at every turn. There was always the impression that someone is always in charge.

Sadly durning the turn over to AA many of theese people were just tossed into the street. Like yesterday's news. I'm certain that TWA type of controls didn't meet with the TWU's over-time farce.

At AA this control is lost, where managers are reduced to payroll clerks.

TWA received many on-time performance awards even as it's doors were closing.

Hopefully 2009 will bring similar awards to AA.
I for one have nothing against the TWA f/as and I am sure that they are a great group of people. I remember getting a package before the deal went down and a section on the different seniorities of the two airlines. While I do not care about the age of the F/as I was horrified at the seniority of the f/as at TWA. I remember seeing that over 60 percent had over 26 years seniority which would have totally eclipsed the f/as at AA. I was happy that they got pay parity for their TWA seniority but was not willing to be pushed back past the seniority that I had when I started 12 years prior. And the statement about staying in STL because thats where they were based and had their homes their, well that was just not a believable argument to me. Also please remember that this was prior to 9/11 so nobody at AA had any wish or desires for the TWA f/as to be furloughed. I hope on day that all this subliminal or overt animosity, shown here on this message board ( on both parts), can someday be released on behalf of both parts. Happy New Year and may 2009 bring peace and happiness and good health. 🙂
Bears, all the TWAers (from every group) were SCREAMING DOH as soon as the deal closed. Some TWA pilots got protection while mechanic/related and ramp went to binding arbitration resulting in the Kasher decision which gave them DOH in their bases but protected nAAtives in their bases from the TWAers attempted predations. Guess what?? That still wasn't good enough for them. Their mantra was "what is mine is mine and what is yours is mine." The APFA did do it right because without AA, they would have been on the street without a pot to pi$$ in. The TWAers owe AA and the nAAtives an enormous debt of gratitude because many are still working at top legacy pay and those who were laid off got FULL severance plus unused vacation. Additionally, MANY of them have been able to retire from AA with a PENSION (an item they willingly surrendered at TWA), retiree medical, life insurance, money from cashing in unused sick time,and passes. And if all that wasn't enough, MANY have taken the VBR which was a nice chunk of change. They would have had NONE of this had AA not thrown them a life line. I find it very strange that so many want to be recalled while at the same time complaining about how bad AA and the nAAtives are.
<_< ------ aa! Their you go again! exTWAer's own the nAAtives nothing! We as employees weren't asked if we wanted to be acquired! But it seems AA's management, at that time, saw value in doing just that! As for how long TWA would have lasted on it's own, without that buyout is up for speculation! Are "some" of the exTWAers better off because of the buyout? Myself included? I have to say, probably! But, as is the case with many of the exTWAer's, F/A's especialy, probably not!------- Let me also point out that anything given to me, or us, as an full time AA employee, I've, or we've, earned!!! So forget it if you feel all us exTWAer's owe you nAAtives anything! You gave us nothing! We had no say in being here in the first place! Took your placed in the unemployment lines when times turned bad! Worked, and earned, every cent AA spent on us while we were here working as full time AA employees!!!------ Now, if you can't excecpt that, that's your problem!!!
Which airlines' CEO stated in a courthouse that they were out of cash and no other airline wanted anything to do with said airline? Answer: TWA. Which airline made it possible for you and many others to retire with pensions, medical and passes? Answer:AA. Which airline is providing retiree medical and passes to people who never worked for one minute on it's premises? Answer: AA. Who has always made AA's very existence as an airline possible? Answer: the nAAtives. Who took deep concessions in part because of the TWA deal? Answer: the nAAtives. Who made more money at AA even after the concessions than they were making at their previous employer? Answer: the TWAers. You did not "take our place in the unemployment line", last in, first out.
<_< ----- The problem with you aa, is you don't know the difference between AA as a company, and the employees you refer to as nAAtives! Was it the decision of the "nAAtive" employees to buy TWA? Or was it the "Companies" decision? The "nAAtives" gave us nothing! It was the decision of the "Company" to buy TWA!!! And under their own Contracts, had to give us our due! That my Friend was part of the price that they agreed to pay for TWA! -----We owe you as nAAtives nothing! And as for the Company, they made a business decision, and for better, or worse, have to live with it! ------ Again, let me make myself perfectly clear! I feel anything given to me, or my fellow exTWA workers, since the accusation, has been earned!!!----- We owe them, or you, nothing!