PineyBob said:
1. You took the job! No one holds a gun to your head. If you can get a better deal? DO IT! for yourself not anyone else.
2. Customers define the wage/cost structure of EVERY business transaction in the world. Why do you think Greyhound went into BK at least once? Airfares got so low it dried up alot of their business.
3. News Flash! The business changed! Airlines used to be a great place to have a career, now they suck. Get over it.
Just like Tom Hank's character in "A league of their own" said, "There's No Crying in Baseball" Well there's no crying in business either.
Actually, I agree with many of your points, although it hurts to say so!
1. I took the job when it was a career, sorry to bore you with my pain!
2. Customers may have the leverage now, but wait until you've gotten your wish for 'dried up' business. This dry up will eventually amount to fewer carriers, and then what, higher fares! Back in your court, you will pay a fare that can transport you from point a, to point b, at your loss, not the airlines! Once they have bled the employees for all they can, not only will you have to pay a real fare, but the employees left won't be kissing your butt no more!
3. You're 100% correct. Things have changed, we're now in the process of getting over it. Again, sorry to bore you with our pain!
It must have been impressive to see you at your bottom, (BK filing you brag about) how quick you said oh well, and moved on. Quite the hero you were, telling your creditors to kiss off, and getting right back to life. Congrates to you my friend!
Say all you will about business, and you 'feeling our pain!' The facts will rule, as you so rightly point out, and we'll eventually get on with our life. Meanwhile, you will pay more, for less service, and one day it will be you saying how much you miss the 'good old days!' Be sure to let us know how that works out for you, we can't wait!