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Wtf Happened In Phl Today?

sfb said:
As a bunch of other folks have said, "you get what you pay for." If the company's attitude is that Fleet Service is "just a job" and not a career, the people in those jobs are going to take the same attitude as well. And frankly, I can't see who (at entry level) would want to take the job considering that UPS will hire you part-time to handle packages with a relatively fixed shift for $8.50/hour. If you're a college student, they have tuition reimbursement, too. When the message from upper management is repeatedly that your job is not valued, what sort of attitude do you expect people to take? I suppose the company could try to contract out the ramp, but does anyone think that a contractor could do a better job with lower-wage employees?

At some point (and they're probably getting close to it at PHL), the overall response to management's "if you don't like it, then leave" attitude will be either "fine, here's my badge" or "go ahead and fire me." For what they're willing to pay new hires, they're going to have trouble finding qualified applicants to take the job. The allure of flight benefits wears off when you find out how hard it is to use them to go anywhere good.

Great post sfb. I think you have pretty much descibed the current situation at US Airways. Sad as it may be, I think the majority of employees now feel this way. There is only so much a dedicated employee can take. When you are constantly being told you are worthless you develope a general attitude of F-it! My wife resigned from US Airways on the day the 21% pay cut was instituted by the court. Since that day she has been in contact with just about all of her colleagues. ALL of them are disgusted, frustrated, and seeking employment elsewhere. They are burning sick days and basically doing as little as possible when they are on duty. Too me, this is a major shift in attitude because I would certainly consider these people to be professionals by anyones definition. Good luck everyone! 🙁
So why is it that Charlotte, for the most part, continues to run so efficiently month after month after month? Bad management in Crystal City?
Imamec said:
By the way, is it my spelling? :lol:
No it is your attitude. Most of the customers who post here feel true compassion for the employees of this airline. But folks like you I consider pond scum. It is a shame that you and your kind will be the downfall of the company in the end and will take the many employees who take pride in what they do with them. And in your case I will enjoy coming in everyday and giving you my order at Wendy's.
tadjr said:
From 10news article "U.S. Airways said a new shift is on the job Monday to help passengers get their luggage on time.

Airline officials said they don't expect the problem to happen again."

This is also an interesting take from the company regarding the shortages. We had a schedule change yesterday, BUT, a work schedule change today. Even in TPA we had flights that werent covered because no one in (management) bothered to notice that the staffing for the old flight schedule did NOT correspond to the new flight schedule for yesterday. Hello! I would think that would be a managers job to make sure the staffing was right when the schedule changes. Its been like this for years though and I'm not one bit surprised something like this happened AGAIN! The agents ended up redoing the schedule yesterday with the people we had to cover ALL the flights and we were taking invols as well!! If you're going to play a manager then you need to be held accountable. I'm tired of covering their ineptness.


Let the significance of tadjr's post sink in.

This, unfortunately, happens all too often.

U makes a major flight schedule change.

The station WORK schedule is adjusted too soon, too late, or sometimes, not at all.

Then comes the pressure for folks to 'volunteer' for ot, or to have their schedule changed at a moment's notice.

For years, employees HAVE volunteered to have their lives disrupted, to keep this airline aloft. Without so much as a thank you from the folks who screwed the pooch to start with. And management, rather than fix their dysfunctional scheduling, came to rely on the goodwill of their employees.

Well, the goodwill is OVER.
CNN reported this morning that US Airways said:

"It was not an employee job action, it was just some problems"
700UW said:
CNN reported this morning that US Airways said:

"It was not an employee job action, it was just some problems"
yeah he forgot to list attitude.
Those in CCY remind me of the dysfunctional Adams Family. Crellin and Paladini should have their heads on a platter and fired immediately for allowing the problems at PHL to continue. Either staff it correctly, or fix what ever is wrong. Aren"t they getting fat checks every payday? Can't they do what their paid to do???? Either fix it or get the hell out and get somebody else who can do the job.
:up: if the fsa in pit bos lga clt and all the other large cities did the same as phl
maybe the IAM would have a better chance at neg a contract that would mean
a fair wage for a fair days work. These people have to stand up and get behind
there union. NO fair wage no work.
When are you guys going to get it?


Who would they blame when they close the doors?
Surely it's not CCY's fault the airline os going under.....it's PHL!
Pacemaker said:
I am sick and tired of hearing excuses when the blame can only be placed in one place: management! It is inconceivable that after 15 years, 2 bankruptcies, and 5 management teams we are still talking about the dysfunctionality of PHL.

When an engine fails on my jet no one wants to hear me whine about my misfortune; I am expected to perform and do what I'm paid to do and failure is not an option. Or I die. US Airways management - do your job, make it work. No excuses, don't tell us your problems, fix the frickin' thing, NOW! Or get out!

"We're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize?
Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired!"

Blake - Glengarry Glenn Ross
Great post, Pacemaker!! :up: :up:
WestCoastGuy said:
Those in CCY remind me of the dysfunctional Adams Family. Crellin and Paladini should have their heads on a platter and fired immediately for allowing the problems at PHL to continue. Either staff it correctly, or fix what ever is wrong. Aren"t they getting fat checks every payday? Can't they do what their paid to do???? Either fix it or get the hell out and get somebody else who can do the job.

Dont forget fully funded pensions and totally paid healthcare plus some yearend bonuses I.m sure is figured in. These guys should be fired and made managers at Burger King. :angry:
Pacemaker said:
I am sick and tired of hearing excuses when the blame can only be placed in one place: management!

Can someone explain to the customers then, why in PHL, and only in PHL:

1. we arrive 20 minutes early and get off the plane 20 minutes late because no one is there to operate the jetway or to pull us into the gate

2. Why a mechanic comes onto the plane to fix something and disappears for an hour while they page him to see where he is and no one can find him

3. Why if everyone is so overworked you see groups of tan shirts standing around in the concourse laughing and talking at all times of the day

I'm sure others could add to the list of problems. At some point, people have to be accountable for their actions. Management may suck, but somewhere the blame has to stop. You don't see this in BOS, you don't see this in CLT, you don't see this in DCA and you don't see it at UAL in PHL or YX in PHL or AA in PHL. WN is not having these problems at PHL. FL isn't having these problems at PHL.

And, again, despite what people say on these boards, most F/A's say they want to keep their job and help turn this airline around. They aren't happy about what is going on, but they know that they can leave or be part of the attempt to transform the company into something profitable and competitive. The vast majority of F/A's work together and work outside of their list of duties so that they can help their co-workers and make things easier for everyone. The F/A's even complain about PHL and they aren't blaming management for the problems.
OK, lets assume for a minute that it's the fault of all these 'tan shirted' employees, you keep seeing in all the wrong places. Then tell me this, where is the management paid to supervise these people?

US has over 3,000 people in management. Considering we only have a total of about 28,000 employees left, this amounts to almost 1 out of every 9 employees being in management. Seems to me if it were truly your average guy at fault, someone could expect at least one management sort to show up, and get them back to work??? If not, then I guess that right there provides you with proof that they AREN'T doing their job.
What is WTF? If it is what I think it is that is a terribly rude way to headline a topic.

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