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Wtf Happened In Phl Today?

Art at ISP said:
Hey folks,

Regardless of the truth, in cases like this perception rules. If it truly your intent to drive this thing into the ground, congratulations, you're on the right path.

If, however, you're trying to make a point, then you chose a bad way of doing it.

Allowing for the possibility that this was NOT a union slowdown, then there is really no excuse is there?

There is plenty of blame to go around. Instead of wasting your time pointing fingers, why don't you just fix it???

If things like this keep happening, there isn't going to be a company to save....

My best to you all...

You must be kidding fix WHAT the morale or the personel shortages the miss management for the last 10 years you must live under a rock..Management doesn't listen to the employees in this industry never have never will .
Please don't say make them listen it's stupid ....
They will continue to blame everything on the employees wages untill its over and I hope its over soon I need the $$$$$ for school and the 528.00 a week in unemployment .
Most left school to get these jobs and worked our asses off for 20 years or more for what to have no pension no retiremnent they owe us a chap 7 so we can collect for the full term ...Bitter yes very bitter I liked my job and they have reduced it to nothing.....
This could have been a great airline but they reduced our wage to a level that is insulting ....and they want even more they showed there true colors......

Art, you need to understand that the Employees are just not working Overtime. Some may have found employment elsewhere because O.T. is not a given and they need to make up that lost income. People are showing up to work, yes with every job some people actually do get sick and can not work, BUT they are just not working any extra hours.
lindy said:
I talked to OCC several times throughout the day. The biggest problem was the computer that keeps tracks of the daily staffing went OTS. Thus, when the managers arrived in the morning, they had no good idea as to who was working.
This was compounded by numerous rampers disappearing during the time the
Eagles-Steelers football game was being played. Further, when word spread about the computer, anecdotal reports indicate some rampers left the property, knowing it could not be proven if they worked or not.

You could staff this place 300% and it would not matter. There is a group of individuals that work harder at not working than working.

All in all, a wonderful work ethic in the CITY of BROTHERLY LOVE.

700UW, West Coast Guy, Pit Bull, Robbed Again, please do not respond. We all know what your canned response is going to be.

actually i will respond: isnt this a free place to talk? if not then why? i have not been too harsh on you. my question about the situation is if the mgrs had to work in phl this whole wknd then why cant upper level vampires see right thru the problems of phl that they started? even our mgr in my city was p'oed due to having to work in phlly aww too bad i dont feel for him. now that i responded to this it was not too harsh nor to critical what will you do next?
From 10news article "U.S. Airways said a new shift is on the job Monday to help passengers get their luggage on time.

Airline officials said they don't expect the problem to happen again."

This is also an interesting take from the company regarding the shortages. We had a schedule change yesterday, BUT, a work schedule change today. Even in TPA we had flights that werent covered because no one in (management) bothered to notice that the staffing for the old flight schedule did NOT correspond to the new flight schedule for yesterday. Hello! I would think that would be a managers job to make sure the staffing was right when the schedule changes. Its been like this for years though and I'm not one bit surprised something like this happened AGAIN! The agents ended up redoing the schedule yesterday with the people we had to cover ALL the flights and we were taking invols as well!! If you're going to play a manager then you need to be held accountable. I'm tired of covering their ineptness.
Among the too many to count "noone to unload/load bags" delays from PHL yesteday are some catering delays. (and you thought US didn't serve meals anymore 🙂 )

Flight 99 "56 mins catering. Awaiting F/C meals. Left without. "

Longest cargo delay that I can see on the delay reort is 2hr 28 mins. But I may have oerlooked some. The printout is about 8 feet long.

But you can't blame any employees or management for the nine min delay on flt 592. "mgr speaking with pax about vibrating bag"

I hope today is better!
lindy said:
700UW, West Coast Guy, Pit Bull, Robbed Again, please do not respond. We all know what your canned response is going to be.

Until they rename the forum Lindyworld.com, you cannot dictate whomever you choose to or not to reply. If it is bothersome, perhaps you might want to place those you've isolated as predictable on ignore. It reduces your drama factor, however.

Just an aside, I have always and will continue to avoid PHL, regardless of the airline, it is a nightmare.
Art at ISP said:

With all due respect, there is no point to be made by staging a work slowdown.


I just want to make it clear to you and everyone else that there is no staged work slowdown going on in PHL. In order for PHL to run smooth things have to be done in a different manner than they are done in any other city. I don't want to go into details, but basically one hand washes the other. When we work together with management things run smooth. Unfortunately it has become a one way street with management (from the top down) and now most FSAs aren't willing to go the extra mile it takes to get the job done. Management and their scheduling are so screwed up that we don't need a job action, it's being done for us.

It has come to the point with this company that the majority of FSA in PHL feel that they have to look out for number one, themselves. Any actions being done are on an individual basis, such as not working OT on weekends and using up sick time. The company has stated that we should not look at our jobs with them as a career. So be it.

As I said in my earlier post, FSAs don't like the fact that the customers are the ones to suffer, but there's no way around it.
As a bunch of other folks have said, "you get what you pay for." If the company's attitude is that Fleet Service is "just a job" and not a career, the people in those jobs are going to take the same attitude as well. And frankly, I can't see who (at entry level) would want to take the job considering that UPS will hire you part-time to handle packages with a relatively fixed shift for $8.50/hour. If you're a college student, they have tuition reimbursement, too. When the message from upper management is repeatedly that your job is not valued, what sort of attitude do you expect people to take? I suppose the company could try to contract out the ramp, but does anyone think that a contractor could do a better job with lower-wage employees?

At some point (and they're probably getting close to it at PHL), the overall response to management's "if you don't like it, then leave" attitude will be either "fine, here's my badge" or "go ahead and fire me." For what they're willing to pay new hires, they're going to have trouble finding qualified applicants to take the job. The allure of flight benefits wears off when you find out how hard it is to use them to go anywhere good.
sfb said:
As a bunch of other folks have said, "you get what you pay for." If the company's attitude is that Fleet Service is "just a job" and not a career, the people in those jobs are going to take the same attitude as well. And frankly, I can't see who (at entry level) would want to take the job considering that UPS will hire you part-time to handle packages with a relatively fixed shift for $8.50/hour. If you're a college student, they have tuition reimbursement, too. When the message from upper management is repeatedly that your job is not valued, what sort of attitude do you expect people to take? I suppose the company could try to contract out the ramp, but does anyone think that a contractor could do a better job with lower-wage employees?

At some point (and they're probably getting close to it at PHL), the overall response to management's "if you don't like it, then leave" attitude will be either "fine, here's my badge" or "go ahead and fire me." For what they're willing to pay new hires, they're going to have trouble finding qualified applicants to take the job. The allure of flight benefits wears off when you find out how hard it is to use them to go anywhere good.

you have made very good excellent points. our mgr told us today that the airline is having trouble getting new hires because he said that usair's new pay scale is the main reason. usair is getting what it truely asked for.
not to worry folks plenty of low skilled non english speaking "guest workers" will be filling our positions in the near future, trouble is once the middle class has been decimated in this country only the rich will be left to purchase the products.
The unfortunate problem with PHL is the airport itself. When weather is bad, they reduce the landing cycles dramatically. When there is bad weather in the area, Washington Ctr and and NY Ctr steal the airspace. Add to the misnomer that it is "The city of Brotherly Love" and you have a potential for bad things, even if you are running a fully-staffed hub.
local 12 proud said:
not to worry folks plenty of low skilled non english speaking "guest workers" will be filling our positions in the near future, trouble is once the middle class has been decimated in this country only the rich will be left to purchase the products.

WARNING - topic drift ahead!

With only the rich left to buy anything, there will be fewer flights and few ATC delays. Look at the bright side!

There will be no need to have NAFTA II (my term - there is no NAFTA II. Yet) "guest workers". The race to the bottom in our economy will leave only Walmart type jobs for the vast majority. No need to import workers; Americans will have little choice but to take these jobs.
I am sick and tired of hearing excuses when the blame can only be placed in one place: management! It is inconceivable that after 15 years, 2 bankruptcies, and 5 management teams we are still talking about the dysfunctionality of PHL.

When an engine fails on my jet no one wants to hear me whine about my misfortune; I am expected to perform and do what I'm paid to do and failure is not an option. Or I die. US Airways management - do your job, make it work. No excuses, don't tell us your problems, fix the frickin' thing, NOW! Or get out!

"We're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize?
Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired!"

Blake - Glengarry Glenn Ross
Art at ISP said:
Hey folks,

Regardless of the truth, in cases like this perception rules. If it truly your intent to drive this thing into the ground, congratulations, you're on the right path.

If, however, you're trying to make a point, then you chose a bad way of doing it.

Allowing for the possibility that this was NOT a union slowdown, then there is really no excuse is there?

There is plenty of blame to go around. Instead of wasting your time pointing fingers, why don't you just fix it???

If things like this keep happening, there isn't going to be a company to save....

My best to you all...

Preception, now that's a new idea! Instead of making my next morgage payment, I'll just hope the bank has the 'preception' that I've already made it! Why didn't I think of this years ago?

As for any point being made... The company has admitted that their 10 year old computer system went down, and yet you're ready to jump on the employees as the sole fault. Maybe we don't need your low fares so bad after all!

Excuse... PHL, need I say more? US isn't the first airline to discover that this messed up airport, is less than friendly when it comes to keeping things running smoothly!

As for fixing it, we employees aren't allowed in on that part of the 'big picture.' You need to take your comments to CCY, not this board!

Low fares may be the point, but if they come with no wages, and customers like you, why bother???
Hey Imamech,

Try reading complete posts before flaming. I did not place the blame on labor or anyone else. I provided plenty of what ifs and statements to the effect that IF it is the case.....

I NEVER unfairly jump on employees, and I did NOT place blame--I commented as a devils advocate. I am well aware with the problems at PHL, and for what its worth I HAVE taken my comments to CCY.

So before you jump on the hand that feeds you try reading the whole post and get your facts straight.

Also as most of you know, fliers like myself are not looking for artificially low fares. We are looking for RATIONAL or FAIR fares..so get your facts straight. I have always said to let the once a year SW style flier go there....

And whether you like it or not, perception is important (please note the spelling). Appearances mean alot, and are perceived by people on the outside as fact--kind of like a lot of posts around here.....

I do wish you well, but your anger at me is misdirected.

And by the way, its customers like me who are helping to keep the place alive...and at least WE appreciate you guys and gals out there, although there isn't much we can do to help.

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