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Would US Airways buy Mesa?

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Man, I didn't mean to stir the pot. But then again, if these "Mid Atlantic" guys get to keep their seniority, it will push a lot of HP'ers down the list, so I think I'd be Anti-MDA too if I was an HP driver!

Regarding Republic, it was a smart move with the asset purchase. Mesa has its hands firmly on Phoenix for a few more years before US can move another carrier in. From what I'm hearing, YV isn't doing HORRIBLE, and they aren't the worst ranked USX carrier anymore. However, I think the CR9's are not something that US wants to really take on independently. Plus, YV has 36 Embraer 145s that they OWN, again, more planes US doesn't want to have to think about when DL finally cuts out the rest F8 plane.
Correct - there was no MDA ops cert for Republic to buy. Republic did not provided any financing during or on exit from either BK either (other than the money used to purchase the 170's - an asset purchase not investment in US).

If I remember correctly, US sold Republic a bunch of DCA slots for cash, with the exclusive right to repurchase those slots within a certain timeframe.
Also, didn't Republic buy some of our slots in LGA and then lease them back to us in exchange for long term Express flying contracts?

As already posted, they bought both LGA and DCA slots which US leases back. FWIW, even the 170's were leased from the date of the sales transaction till each plane was turned over to Republic.

The whole deal was really wrapped in one agreement covering two transactions - the commitment to an equity investment upon BK exit was one transaction. The sale of the 170's and slots, and the leaseback of slots and the 170's while they were being phased out at MDA was the other transaction. US had the choice on whether or not to require the equity investment (they declined) while Republic had the choice on the sales/leasebacks (obviously they chose to buy the assets).

The slot transaction allowed US to repurchase the slots at any time following the end of the 2nd anniversary of the sale to Republic (or after Sept 2007). In December 2006, due to regulatory changes affecting LGA, the LGA slots were returned to US leaving Republic still owning only the DCA slots (this per annual reports). Presumably US repaid Republic for the LGA slots.

Great, now we have FA's chiming in on a topic that has nothing to do with them.

All of your examples mean very little which is why the MDA lawsuit is all but dead.

Weren't the mainline pilots required to have received a furlough notice prior to going to MDA?


Could the FURLOUGHED mainline pilots flying for MDA bid mainline aircraft?


Two separate ops tied together only superficially. Nicolau did it correctly.

So I suggest you take your own advice and keep it SHUT and focus on your cabin service.
Considering I'm one of the flight attendants that started MDA I just might know a hell of a lot more than you about it and YES it had a LOT to do with me! It concerns you in no way!
Considering I'm one of the flight attendants that started MDA...
Wow. Let me guess. All the big money people came to you to put the operation together? Or were you, an FA, one of the big money people?

Just what exactly did you "start?"
I would imagine that by "STARTING MDA" USStew was probably involved in the Proving Runs/FAA Certification of the the E170? Correct me if I'm wrong Stew?
I would imagine that by "STARTING MDA" USStew was probably involved in the Proving Runs/FAA Certification of the the E170? Correct me if I'm wrong Stew?
And how exactly would that make her an expert on our pilot issues?
My My my aren't we the testy one? Did somebody pee in your Wheaties or are you always this pleasant?

I'm thinking that US stew is someone who cares what happens to US Airways and as a result quite proud to be one of the first to join MDA and fly for them. While I do not know this person other than by the posts here I'm betting that they put their customers first.

Its obvious you're a lover of the east, but could you tone it down a bit?

US stew is an FA who is doing nothing but repeating what every bitter east FO who is stuck flying an RJ at low pay is telling her. Nothing more. There is no thought to her post beyond what little, irrelevant facts she threw up.

Putting Customers and Employees first is a concept that Neither old US, HP nor the current management team have any concept of as reflected in the tone for your posts.

So you're equating my work ethic with my posts? That's brilliant!

As far a F/A's "chiming in" I don't recall anything in the TOS that requires any poster to be an airline employee or even have set foot in an airplane.

That's quite obvious as you keep chiming in on everything.

See HPDriver it's called FREEDOM of SPEECH and you're just going to have to deal with it.
Hmmmmm, I think I'll forward that line to USAPA. What say you Megasnoop?
I'm sure that given the fact that USstew23 was a f/a for Midatlantic he/she has a great understanding of how/what happened. Midatlantic was very close group and many knew of each others issues. Anyway what on EARTH does this have to do with US possibly being interested in Mesa? I agree....OFF TOPIC! ! ! Moving on.
MidAtlantic NEVER had an operating certificate, those planes were on the Mainline CERT, hence some of the issues with St. Nic and the pilots (USAirways pilots that flew the Fukker 100s were put into the E170, and their time flying the E170 doesn't "count" as seniority @ Airways, even though their callsign was "USAirways", their releases came from PIT-OCC, blah blah blah....
Starts back here.
This guy is a troll looking to flame posters, and is not worth responding to. Hopefully the maturity level and ignorance are not representative of his pilot group in general, if indeed he is a pilot- most pilots do not have such disrespect for their F/A co-workers, and are at least a little more familiar with industry goings-on.

While he has been useful in having us explain the MidAtlantic concept, the thread has gone off topic and has become nothing but a platform for this poster to flame US Airways pilots, flight attendants, and even customers with unsubstantial and baiting posts. I think it's time for this one to be closed.
I happen to agree that this thread has outlived its usefulness. Since some people insist on veering off topic, I am going to close it.

IF and WHEN there is news of another "acquisition" we will permit another thread on the topic, but to just go on and on about labor issues serves no point.

If you want to discuss Mesa itself please use the regional forum.

Thank you.
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