- Feb 15, 2006
- 3,244
- 274
Wall Street was looking for confidence in mondays 1st prime time televised speech. {so on and so forth }
Obama knows history! And too many of us have forgotten.
you "bla bla bla TARP BAD "
wrong ... the reason no one wanted to vote for it in the first place was because people didn't understand why it was necessary , that's why it got voted down the first time , and then the market fell by 700 points , remember that ?... in fact even TODAY people don't understand what it did for our nation ...
Was it misreprsented ? yes ..... did it protect major banks from going belly up ? YES ....
why don't you look up how much the FDIC had in it's bank account last year dapones ... i'll bet you it wasn't going to be enough if some of the larger banks had gone under .... and if they HAD gone under , game over for the us economy ....
As for TODAYS market reaction , word on the street ( WALL STREET ) is that the stimlus is now considered too SMALL ....
i don't know why you want to tear down this president who appears to be doing everything humanly possible to save your beloved captalist system ... he really is taking prudent action considering the circumstances ... and i thought he gave a great speech last night , and yes while he didn't answer every question , DUH that's what polticans do ...