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Worst Inauguration Day Selloff In History

It shows how wrong people were back then, and how wrong you are now.

We will all watch the economy continue to grow...slowly for the next 12 months, then picking up steam in early 2014.

The right wing drama club said how the stock market was going to tank, and 401k accounts were all but lost.

Well here we are.

checked out property values lately? don't know about where you are at but they are in the tank here
The day Obama signs in the generational theft act, markets once again fall off a cliff. :down:
On Nov. 4, after Barack Obama clinched the White House, the market closed at 9,625.28, now its down 7552, over 2k point decline. The markets have zero confidence in his hair brained scheme.

Anyone willing to bet how soon Porkulous package 2.0 will be "urgently" needed by the clowns on the hill and the messiah? <_<
And here we are now.