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A Track Record That Speaks for itself!

I'm Hoping to Change Mr Obama's schedule to allow him the maximum flexibility that goes along with being an ex-president

Fiscal years ending Sept. 30
Source: US Budget: Table 5.2 - Budget Authority by Agency

How dare you let facts get in the way of Barry-O's ranting !
Hey Southwind!! i GOT SOME MORE FACTS FOR OUR COLLEAGUE. Check this out. I'm posting a huge chunck of this as it affects all of us. Yet another example of the Out of Control Federal Government and how their rules impact OUR wallets be we Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian.

Obama’s War on Coal has already taken a remarkable toll on coal-fired power plants in America.
Last week the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported a shocking drop in power sector coal consumption in the first quarter of 2012. Coal-fired power plants are now generating just 36 percent of U.S. electricity, versus 44.6 percent just one year ago.
It’s the result of an unprecedented regulatory assault on coal that will leave us all much poorer.
Last week PJM Interconnection, the company that operates the electric grid for 13 states (Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia) held its 2015 capacity auction. These are the first real, market prices that take Obama’s most recent anti-coal regulations into account, and they prove that he is keeping his 2008 campaign promise to make electricity prices “necessarily skyrocket.”
The market-clearing price for new 2015 capacity – almost all natural gas – was $136 per megawatt. That’s eight times higher than the price for 2012, which was just $16 per megawatt. In the mid-Atlantic area covering New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and DC the new price is $167 per megawatt. For the northern Ohio territory served by FirstEnergy, the price is a shocking $357 per megawatt.
Why the massive price increases? Andy Ott from PJM stated the obvious: “Capacity prices were higher than last year's because of retirements of existing coal-fired generation resulting largely from environmental regulations which go into effect in 2015.” Northern Ohio is suffering from more forced coal-plant retirements than the rest of the region, hence the even higher price.
These are not computer models or projections or estimates. These are the actual prices that electric distributors have agreed to pay for new capacity. The costs will be passed on to consumers at the retail level.

[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Once again the Empty suit imposes another indirect tax on those who can afford it least. Under this buffoon's scheme my electric bill would rise 600% from $35/mo to $210.00. Just as a side note the difference is about what I pay per month for food. So by EPA regulation without approval from We The People, Barack Obama has personally taken food from my mouth to foster a lame brain agenda. So far this is what Obama has cost me per month.[/background]​

[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]30% increase in groceries from around $150/Mo to $195 or a net gain of $45.00[/background]​
[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Gasoline from $120.00/month to $225/Mo or a net gain of $105.00[/background]​

[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]So far to date I have to earn $150/mo more after taxes just to break even with where I was at the end of 2008 and now the penis cranium wants to lard on another $175.00???[/background]​

[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]If this guy is a friend of the working man please don't introduce me to any enemies, I've had all the hope and change I can afford.
I'm Hoping to Change Mr Obama's schedule to allow him the maximum flexibility that goes along with being an ex-president


Your meaningless vote for Ol' Man PAUL will equate to a vote AGAINST MITTens.

Who-in-HEL is Kurt Pills, and what Mn. US senate race is this fool trying to get DECAPITATED in ?
Sparrow, DON"T make me FALL on the FLOOR and split a gut open by announcing it's against AMY KLOBUCAR !!!
AMY's been the best MN. Senator since Hubert H. Humphrey !

Your meaningless vote for Ol' Man PAUL will equate to a vote AGAINST MITTens.

Who-in-HEL is Kurt Pills, and what Mn. US senate race is this fool trying to get DECAPITATED in ?
Sparrow, DON"T make me FALL on the FLOOR and split a gut open by announcing it's against AMY KLOBUCAR !!!
AMY's been the best MN. Senator since Hubert H. Humphrey !

HHH, now there's a socialist Obama would love.

Your meaningless vote for Ol' Man PAUL will equate to a vote AGAINST MITTens.

Who-in-HEL is Kurt Pills, and what Mn. US senate race is this fool trying to get DECAPITATED in ?
Sparrow, DON"T make me FALL on the FLOOR and split a gut open by announcing it's against AMY KLOBUCAR !!!
AMY's been the best MN. Senator since Hubert H. Humphrey !

Well now that's why we have elections now don't we? Amy K is beatable as is ANY incumbent in any party. Also bear in mind that Ron Paul got 27% of the popular vote. Democrat Governor Dayton has been rendered largely irrelevant by the Republicans. Michelle Bachmann is not assured of reelection either.

One reason is the rise of the Liberty Movement. A movement with Ron Paul as it's primary spokesman but by no means the only one. The times they are a changin'. The true impact of Ron Paul and the Liberty Movement will not be known for as long as a decade. When you look at the three distinct movements out there they all share a few things albeit from different perspectives.

Occupy Wall Street: The Banksters and the 1% of the people holding 99% of the wealth. The reason for this is largely due to fiat currency and central banks used to enslave the working man. Central banks caused and prolonged the Great Depression, same as now.. Their identification of the problem is accurate, the disconnect is in the solution.

Tea Party Activists: Are stuck on Federal Government spending, Entitlements and, balancing the budget. All of this is accurate as well for the economic stability of the nation.

Liberty Movement: is in a way an overlay of the first two fiscally and focuses on sound currency, fiscal responsibility & throws in a significant dose of Non interventionist foreign policy and a huge dose of Liberty, advocating shrinking the Federal Government by nearly one third and actually following the Constitution.

There is a ton of common ground between these groups and if they ever figure it out the sea change in public policy will be staggering. If I were an incumbent I'd start doing some serious campaigning because IMO there is no such thing as a "Safe Seat"
Sparrow, the VA system was already RAPED/Downsized BEFORE B O came aboard.
SO, who did "shrink" the VA system ?

A. Clinton?
B. El-Chimpo/Dirty DICK?

(Drum roll Plz.).................... " B " !!!!!!!!!!

Reagan did more damage than anyone that I know. With his medicate-and-release of the psychiatric patients at the VA and mental institutions, he took away the needed help to these people. I worked the field when the axe came down.

But the government as a whole, has always actually given veterans minimal care. The figures that Dell put up, I'd guess are more administrative fees than veteran health care.

Sad but true.
HHH, now there's a socialist Obama would love.

Hubert Horatio would have made a triple cover-up for the Dems. Remember the great war that Kennedy got us into? Lyndon Baines just made sure that troops would die for a very justifiable war. Yep, HHH would have made sure many more young Americans would have died for a war that was justified by the dems.
Reagan did more damage than anyone that I know. With his medicate-and-release of the psychiatric patients at the VA and mental institutions, he took away the needed help to these people. I worked the field when the axe came down.

But the government as a whole, has always actually given veterans minimal care. The figures that Dell put up, I'd guess are more administrative fees than veteran health care.

Sad but true.

Oh no!
You dissed Reagan..(rightly so).. 😛
But now you will receive the wrath of the right for dissing the their martyr... :lol: