What a crock of sit. 20 years at AArogant Airlines and you still spew that rhetoric. The true words of AArogant Airlines management.
Productivity is low because the pay is low. Jobs are being outsourced because it costs 10 cents for bread and milk in Mexico and 3 dollars in the US.
Get a grip you Jackass
You make it sound as if I am some top level management. My understanding of why crew skd is a management position instead of agent is that there is a clause in the contract that specifies that fa’s can only be scheduled by a manager. Crew skd is level 1 through 3. We are not in charge of budgets, decisions or anything that has any impact on how this company is run. I am a grunt just like you. No that’s not true. You are a bitter grunt who apparently is stuck in his job (why else would you stay if you are so unhappy) and I am not.
Rhetoric? Call it what ever you want. I am not bitter about coming to work each day. I like the people I work with. I get paid enough to cover my bills and go on vacation. There are days when I would rather be home but I believe most people have a few of those days.
As for the attitude of American workers. I have read several articles and spoken with enough people to know that for the most part, the American work ethic is pathetic. Most come to work, do the bare minimum to get by and that is it. Most have an entitlement mentality and think they deserve far more than they are worth. Most would rather #### about their horrible work conditions, pay, or what ever than go out and find another job or start their own business and show all these other idiots who run companies how it should be done. Maybe it is because it is not as easy driving the bus as it is to tell someone they are doing a bad job.
By the way, please let me know when you become CEO of a multi million dollar corporation where all employees are paid what they feel they are worth and were you (as the CEO) turn down a 10 million dollar contract (according to CNN that is the CEO average for 1 year of salary) and only accept … OH lets say 200k a year.
Also, the economy is turning to crap. Energy cost, which all companies depend on (some more than others) is sky rocketing, inflation is starting to set in. Consumer savings is negative, consumer debt is growing, and the list goes on. If companies are making money they will pay their employees better. If they are not, pay goes down. I know, top level management is making dumb ass decisions and getting paid so much … blah blah blah. Dumb decisions, perhaps. Paid too much …. Probably but I do not see how bitching about it will solve anything. Like I said, several other times. Come up with a business plan that you think will work in the real world. In other words, don’t come here and say that you will raise fares 100%. That won’t work because you will have empty planes. Don’t tell me that you will increase pay for ALL employees because we are loosing money already and loosing more money will not solve anything.
The way I see it, the only solution is on the revenue side. If we can find a way to get the revenue side to keep up with the cost side we have a chance. We need to encourage the Govt to let the market take care of the playing field. If a company cannot pay it’s bills, then they close their doors. I don’t want to see anyone out of a job, but if comes down to a decision between them or us, I pick us to survive.
On the employee side, we need to be willing to get rid of dead weight and reward good behavior.
Then again, as far as I am concerned, this all boils back down to the work ethic of the employee. CEO down to bottle washer. All as grunts are not as pure as the driven snow. If you think paying us what we deserve, much less what we want will change the attitude of the work force as a whole, I fear you are delusional but that is just my opinion. Theft, graft, laziness, corruption and deceit are not dependent on salary. Lay and Skilling are proof of that. Bush and Cheney are proof of that.
Come up with some answers. Find a different job. But geez, just stop your bitching already.