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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I think they threw their pom poms away and went home. The truth has sent them free!
I hope that this tragedy will wake people up to what is important, at least an industrial union like the Teamsters would have trucks rolling to Houston, I am sure Seham will just say sorry, SWA will lead the way, always has !
I hope that this tragedy will wake people up to what is important, at least an industrial union like the Teamsters would have trucks rolling to Houston, I am sure Seham will just say sorry, SWA will lead the way, always has !
The Reamster crooks would charge $100 a head to use their trucks. You and "One Too Many" need to get a life, the Reamsters are not coming back to SWA. Just be patient and enjoy your current contract with all the perks like double time, triple time, 10 holidays, and VC that we at AA lost 14 years ago. Industrial unions like our TWU gave away the farm with just a THREAT of BK, and nobody in their right mind would have a card drive for any of them. In fact, how about starting a Reamster card drive at SWA? It should be going strong by now with all the whining you two do here.
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I guess the SWA Reamster card drive is a failure, it was here at AA too. They ran away, and the Reamster trucker that visited my house ran away too.
There is no card drive we are waiting on a contract, when I said give it a rest I was talking about what our guys in Houston are going through, instead of fighting about an contract, SWA will lead the way taking care of their employees, while people still ***** about a contract, I swear pom pom guys seem they have to call you in for reinforcement when they feel like they are losing an argument!
Give it a rest? You mean like you are? Between your sniveling about a T/A to look at (your money), your SDS (Seham Derangment Syndrome),"One too Many" crying about "self help" (which is nonsensical considering SWA billions in current profits) and your company-suck up praise that management will "take care of its employees",(doing a bang up job I must say with the 5 year contract stall).it is you lost Reamster girls who need to "give it a rest".
The Reamster crooks would charge $100 a head to use their trucks. You and "One Too Many" need to get a life, the Reamsters are not coming back to SWA. Just be patient and enjoy your current contract with all the perks like double time, triple time, 10 holidays, and VC that we at AA lost 14 years ago. Industrial unions like our TWU gave away the farm with just a THREAT of BK, and nobody in their right mind would have a card drive for any of them. In fact, how about starting a Reamster card drive at SWA? It should be going strong by now with all the whining you two do here.
Funny stuff! The cheerleaders brought in their heavy hitter. Quit exaggerating, it's still only $50 a head. All the perks you talk about were not had by amfa. Heard the twu got or getting you boys over 50 bones an hour. And you want to dump them! How's that amfa card drive going? Seems to have been going for quit sometime. Here's what you'll get from amfa. Take a look at the amfa national website, not a peep from them in 10 days. You would think they would acknowledge their members in Houston.
Give it a rest? You mean like you are? Between your sniveling about a T/A to look at (your money), your SDS (Seham Derangment Syndrome),"One too Many" crying about "self help" (which is nonsensical considering SWA billions in current profits) and your company-suck up praise that management will "take care of its employees",(doing a bang up job I must say with the 5 year contract stall).it is you lost Reamster girls who need to "give it a rest".
Well we aren't any futher along than any other maintenance group is, are we, if they can produce something great,if not then the membership can decide if they want to keep AMFA or not, If they can't get us a deal at SWA I doubt they would get you a deal at American, but you are welcome to get rid of your association, which you can't seem to do and give AMFA a try!
Funny stuff! The cheerleaders brought in their heavy hitter. Quit exaggerating, it's still only $50 a head. All the perks you talk about were not had by amfa. Heard the twu got or getting you boys over 50 bones an hour. And you want to dump them! How's that amfa card drive going? Seems to have been going for quit sometime. Here's what you'll get from amfa. Take a look at the amfa national website, not a peep from them in 10 days. You would think they would acknowledge their members in Houston.
Let's see what we paid Seham last year was in $316,000 , we could have gotten at $50 a head 6,320 Teamsters trucks to Houston, at Hackman's rate $100 3,160 Teamsters trucks to Houston , AFMA silent on helping their members sad!
"TWU gave away the farm...". UAL 10 mechanics per aircraft, AA 16 mechanics per aircraft, Delta 11 mechanics per aircraft. SWA 3.3 mechanics per aircraft with a contract that allows a minimum of 2.75 mechanic per aircraft..whackman, you don't know what giving away the farm is. We don't have a rusty shed left!
Funny stuff! The cheerleaders brought in their heavy hitter. Quit exaggerating, it's still only $50 a head. All the perks you talk about were not had by amfa. Heard the twu got or getting you boys over 50 bones an hour. And you want to dump them! How's that amfa card drive going? Seems to have been going for quit sometime. Here's what you'll get from amfa. Take a look at the amfa national website, not a peep from them in 10 days. You would think they would acknowledge their members in Houston.
Heavy hitter? LOL, if I was I wouldn't be working as a lowly AMT, that I can assure you. Its not really so funny when you have apparently had "One Too Many" before quitting time. You also seem to be rather misinformed about AA wages, not surprised if your talking about a SWA "self help" event at a carrier will into making a record profits again in the billions for 2017. Kind of not-so-bright on your part. $50 an hour? Where did you hear that? A Reamster trucker convention? You can do a easy search and find out our AA wage rates. It's been posted here many times also, do some research before you look stupid. I can only imagine the trail of tears if you endured 14 years of record setting TWu concessions the we have had since the 2003 sellout. You Reamster girls would be a straight jacket locked up at Happy Hills Sanitarium. Pathetic.
Heavy hitter? LOL, if I was I wouldn't be working as a lowly AMT, that I can assure you. Its not really so funny when you have apparently had "One Too Many" before quitting time. You also seem to be rather misinformed about AA wages, not surprised if your talking about a SWA "self help" event at a carrier will into making a record profits again in the billions for 2017. Kind of not-so-bright on your part. $50 an hour? Where did you hear that? A Reamster trucker convention? You can do a easy search and find out our AA wage rates. It's been posted here many times also, do some research before you look stupid. I can only imagine the trail of tears if you endured 14 years of record setting TWu concessions the we have had since the 2003 sellout. You Reamster girls would be a straight jacket locked up at Happy Hills Sanitarium. Pathetic.
I never partake on duty. Maybe a little brown bagging to and from but that's it. 14 years of record setting concessions and still the majority loves the twu and amfa can't get a foot in the door. Talk about pathetic. I think you're exaggerating again.
I never partake on duty. Maybe a little brown bagging to and from but that's it. 14 years of record setting concessions and still the majority loves the twu and amfa can't get a foot in the door. Talk about pathetic. I think you're exaggerating again.
All I know I'll have another is people think AMFA is done after we get this contract there were people screaming at each other in Dallas and it got heated from what I was told, so if they get kicked out Hackman can bring them to American !
All I know I'll have another is people think AMFA is done after we get this contract there were people screaming at each other in Dallas and it got heated from what I was told, so if they get kicked out Hackman can bring them to American !
It was probably the start of," this is the best we can do fellas" roadshow. Like we have been saying, contract gets gutted, amfa must go. Now if amfa could pull a rabbit out of its hat with a decent t/a, then they will survive.
It was probably the start of," this is the best we can do fellas" roadshow. Like we have been saying, contract gets gutted, amfa must go. Now if amfa could pull a rabbit out of its hat with a decent t/a, then they will survive.
Well people had to be separated because they were about to come to blows, senior people feeling like they are being held hostage by less junior people that have not been at SWA that long it will not be pretty !

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