I despise the way the Association was hatched by the AFl-Cio and Trumka then rammed down our throats by the NMB. We were continuously lied to that there would be a membership vote on the Association. An Association no one wanted or voted for, except the leaders of the IAm/TWu and AFl-CIo. That vote failed to happen as predicted. The corrupt NMB sided with Trumka and the Association was forced into place. All this was done to protect the IAm dues flow and the IAm failing pension fund (which many predict will be forced on AA in a new JCBA). What you have now is the IAm who won't fight with the TWu, seems to be content they got saved, got to enjoy a 22% pay raise Parker gave us out of his "goodwill", and keep all the double time pay, vacation, holidays, and low medical we had at AA before the 2003 major TWu gutting. The IAm did not enjoin the DFW and MIA TWu protests, just letters of support from Grand Lodge minions. Won't even show up because they don't want a JCBA with the AA screwing we got in 2003. In addition, no one I know at AA wanted the merger to happen except AA pilots AA F/As and Jim little of the TWu. Parker needed a dancing partner to bail out his failing airline and would probably be in Chapter 7 liquidation by now, Delta and United told US Air to merge with a middle finger, but AA unions thought they knew better. Instead, we have the twice bankrupt US Air/America West failed management style, blatant lies, and stupid slogans like "Validate the Trust", and "Team Members". Then add a sprinkling of Northwest arrogance and aggression for us AMT slugs. Parker won the AA lottery, he's making about double what Kelly is bringing in, while he lies like a rug and his bottom feeder henchmen destroy what's left of a once great airline. We are now the largest suckyest commuter "nickel and dime" airline in the world. You think it sucks working at SWA?
So why do we keep the Association at AA? Apathy and pure disgust in the process to remove them I guess. We had over 10,000 AMTs at one time, so it's a big undertaking to get a card drive started. AMFA filed cards in 2003 after a long and nasty fight to get them signed, Tulsa Base is especially difficult because of TWu indoctrination since the 40s, they don't like any change. Then AMFA had to fight a three headed monster, the far from neutral AA management, who wanted to keep the company union TWu and padded the eligibility vote list with dead people, rampers, and yes even management. The TWu and its no expense spared demonetization fight against it's own membership who desired a change in representation, all to stay in power and stay under managements desk, keeping all those special perks the TWu leadership enjoys being a lapdog. Finally and most important, the corrupt NMB, who apparently sided with the company and the company union refusing the AMFA card count, protest of the eligibility voter list, and finally rejected the request to have representation vote. The TWu crowed' 'We won the right not to have a vote!!!" Because they would have lost more than likely. Real democratic they are.
AMFA could easily give in a do what Industrial Unions have done for years, just sell out and say the infamous words: 'We'll get em next time". Well, that time is now!!! You at SWA have a good livable contract now, one of the best out there, but your AMFA/Seham hatred prevents you from seeing the forest through the trees. You miss your Reamster perks, I know the story. No airline union today can FORCE the company to give you a contract on demand, one the membership deserves for the risky and very critical jobs we perform on aircraft every day. The government stops the self help or strike as soon as it starts, ask the AA Pilots or Billdo Clinton. Can't shut down a major carrier, that would cause a hardship for the nation. Exception is, when the corrupt NMB plays along with management and lets management lock out the union and use replacement scabs like happened at NWA. Yet morons like yourself bash AMFA for standing tall and fighting at NWA, a strike was the only option with the outrageous demands by Dougie Steenland and his band of NWA henchmen. I have good friends that were in MSP at NWA, so I know what they went through. I'd like to see naysayers like you tell them they were wrong to their face. The strike was a watershed moment for labor, and they were hung out to dry by labor unions like the IAm and TWu. Now we are all paying for it. All I will say on NWA.
I am an unapologetic AMFA supporter. I think Dells' vision of all AMT's in one union is a great idea and one that has never been realized unfortunately. A catch all industrial union can't do the job for the AMTs, ask us AMTs at AA who are still under a horrible bankruptcy TWu contract after 14 years. Then you can whine like a school girl after you have lived what we have suffered. You think your not respected or feared at SWA? Cry me some crocodile tears son, you don't know what your talking about. Trust me.