WN Mechanics seek mediation

You are wrong.
WE have those protections right now. Time is on our side and the status quo is OUR friend.
The only way that stuff happens is if we give away those protections in at the table. That is why our guys are fighting so hard in negotiations. It is time to support them and some people need to grow a spine.
Agreed. As time moves forward it leans further and further to our favor not the company. He needs to also understand that the company can offer us 100.00 per hour and the majority will still vote no with scope as is. Pretty hard to make that 100.00 per hour when you will have no job to come to thru attrition. If the company gets their current way they want things, then we will report to work and told where we will be working there will no longer be bidding for positions. And eventually all the positions will all be on graves, line ron, hngr ron and other new overnight maint lines will get created. But hey, you will still have a job. Yes there will still be line maint on days, eves, but those will be limited positions that will take a great deal of seniority to hold and some that are there now will not be there after rebidding those positions on an annual after all the changes are implemented. I was told that the A/T guys were like this before we bought them. They reported in the middle of the hangars and were told where to report for work, and nothing by seniority, this kind of system will get into the ole buddy-buddy system with the foremans again and would not be good for the employees, except for the ones that are buddy-buddy with the foremans. Welcome to the new Southwest maint. Tech-Ops gentlemen.
Agreed. As time moves forward it leans further and further to our favor not the company. He needs to also understand that the company can offer us 100.00 per hour and the majority will still vote no with scope as is. Pretty hard to make that 100.00 per hour when you will have no job to come to thru attrition. If the company gets their current way they want things, then we will report to work and told where we will be working there will no longer be bidding for positions. And eventually all the positions will all be on graves, line ron, hngr ron and other new overnight maint lines will get created. But hey, you will still have a job. Yes there will still be line maint on days, eves, but those will be limited positions that will take a great deal of seniority to hold and some that are there now will not be there after rebidding those positions on an annual after all the changes are implemented. I was told that the A/T guys were like this before we bought them. They reported in the middle of the hangars and were told where to report for work, and nothing by seniority, this kind of system will get into the ole buddy-buddy system with the foremans again and would not be good for the employees, except for the ones that are buddy-buddy with the foremans. Welcome to the new Southwest maint. Tech-Ops gentlemen.
I am glad you think we have all this power, I haven't seen any real labor power since the 1960's or unless you are a pilot, I don't see it here, or anywhere else in the industry, we try something we get sued, and then we have to spend money defending the law suits, but I am glad you really think we have it !
Unfortunately time is on the company side, always was, if you going to bend on scope for money and we know it is, you better put current head count protection in the stations you have or AMFA will be toast !
For me to consider voting yes on anything, station head count must not decrease except through attrition, meaning people quit or retire. That would stop any station to station bumping scenario. In other words station protection. Many will retire in the next few years anyhow. That's how SWA can realign.
For me to consider voting yes on anything, station head count must not decrease except through attrition, meaning people quit or retire. That would stop any station to station bumping scenario. In other words station protection. Many will retire in the next few years anyhow. That's how SWA can realign.
That's the most important scope for me, I could really care less about future numbers for dues money for AMFA or whatever union we have on property! You achieve current station head counts money is there, where I am at most people would be happy !
That's the most important scope for me, I could really care less about future numbers for dues money for AMFA or whatever union we have on property! You achieve current station head counts money is there, where I am at most people would be happy !
It probably is the most important scope for most people especially the lower seniority folks. It just causes chaos for families. It's very wrong considering the ultra low mechanic To aircraft ratio. To the point it's heartless. The morale is slowly whittling away. Can you imagine if SWA gets what they want. Don't they know it's going to take 3 mechanics to screw in a light bulb instead of one.
Already done. He just posted it in the wrong place and confused the names is all.
Amazing. I would think that swamt would want to clean up his own house before slamming another group. How's your negotiations working out and strategy at SWA. He loves stirring in other people's business but can not even address his own Union. They have been at it going on 6 years. 2 years in mediation and not even close to deal. Going to trade scope for money. It's coming. Smallest work force in industry and keeps touting there great job and blaming everything on Teamsters that has not represented group in 14 years. Appalling. Actually disgusting. Really it is sad. Will not admit there flawed strategy and the dual lawsuits filed and their game plan besides- " we will wait em out". But- he goes and slams other unions for their tactics. Am I the only one that sees this!!!??? Unbelievable. Must be Seham strategy. I called him out and ignores real issues. I will sign off- Go Figure.

#1577Today at 1:05 AM
NewThis asso. is going to break you guys. It is coming. You guys were promised a vote on this asso., never happened. They promised a pension for all, and now that is not gonna happen. They promised "industry leading contract if you all kept them at the new AA, and that seems to not be happening. They promised all kinds of crap to you guys, what does it take for you guys to pull the trigger and get rid of this completely unprofessional asso. assembled JUST because they were soon to be booted from the property and finally out of our industry once and for all, and that goes for both the TWU and the IAM. Weez cannot handle how right I have been for the many years of how each and every year has turned out for the last 5 years. Especially how this totally dysfunctional asso. was forced upon you guys. No matter how he wants to sugar coat it and put the blinders on, this is in fact the exact same union you guys have had at AA for well over 4 decades. It is in fact the TWU and the IAM together, but with each of them in control every 2 years, how fuk up is that? From the updates I have read as of late, I don't see you guys getting to a JCBA for at least how long we have been at it here at SWA. Minimum 5 years guys. Weez can deny it all he wants to, but when your right on each and every issue that has happened for the last 5 years and not even an employee or a union member of the union representing the members at AA, that my friends is pretty freakin sad.
It probably is the most important scope for most people especially the lower seniority folks. It just causes chaos for families. It's very wrong considering the ultra low mechanic To aircraft ratio. To the point it's heartless. The morale is slowly whittling away. Can you imagine if SWA gets what they want. Don't they know it's going to take 3 mechanics to screw in a light bulb instead of one.
And with the four year bump we have on the low time guys hired passed the 2012 cut off they have even less protection, talk about having to chase a job !
And with the four year bump we have on the low time guys hired passed the 2012 cut off they have even less protection, talk about having to chase a job !
True. Where I work it use to be a good place to work. Now it's turned into one of the most miserable places I have worked. Nobody gives a rat anymore. People do the very minimum. Not a good situation and will only get worse if this contract is gutted.
True. Where I work it use to be a good place to work. Now it's turned into one of the most miserable places I have worked. Nobody gives a rat anymore. People do the very minimum. Not a good situation and will only get worse if this contract is gutted.
You mean we have turned into a real legacy airline, alright we have achieved the ultimate status no one is happy !
That's the most important scope for me, I could really care less about future numbers for dues money for AMFA or whatever union we have on property! You achieve current station head counts money is there, where I am at most people would be happy !

There you have it. You made it. I tried to warn you about this. You have officially just became a confirmed IGM mechanic. You were getting real close in your post #1103 but now you are there. That's what I thought...
Oh look I spoke my mind, I care about current head counts where everyone is at, for station protections, so guys don't get bumped, I really don't care what you think about me, you can go on Americans boards and tell them how wonderful we have it at SWA and how their association sucks, and they need to get rid of it! Meanwhile we will sit here being spoon fed about all the power we have and how we will get everything our hearts desire, instead of trying to find a contract that most of us can live with !
Oh look I spoke my mind, I care about current head counts where everyone is at, for station protections, so guys don't get bumped, I really don't care what you think about me, you can go on Americans boards and tell them how wonderful we have it at SWA and how their association sucks, and they need to get rid of it! Meanwhile we will sit here being spoon fed about all the power we have and how we will get everything our hearts desire, instead of trying to find a contract that most of us can live with !
Uh oh. You fell out of graces with swamt. You are in trouble now. His Pom Pom rants are almost humerous. Does not answer his own dilemna and issues but is the union guru on every other issue and every sight. It is appalling. Disturbing almost but really sad. Going to hold his breath and wait out company and probably have Seham file another lawsuit. Great bargaining tactics. That's how school children negotiate and then attack and call derogatory names. Never worked in my union or household!! He obviously is living in his own fantasy world. A statement repeated often enough sometimes becomes construed as the truth!! I will sign off- Go Figure.
With all of swamt knowledge and wisdom I am just amazed he is not on negotiating committee or head counsel for team going in to tell the company what to do. Knows everything about RLA and negotiations. I think he is under utilized for the SWA group. It's easy to sit on sidelines throwing rocks but challenging to do your job representing the total membership and take the heat. He won't respond and I understand. I have asked the hard questions and he has no answers just raising his Pom Pom cheerleaders. It will be interesting if he brings 3700 people to his planned event coming up. TWU/IAM showing was impressive. I can honestly say I won't be there with one of his Pom Poms for his event.
With all of swamt knowledge and wisdom I am just amazed he is not on negotiating committee or head counsel for team going in to tell the company what to do. Knows everything about RLA and negotiations. I think he is under utilized for the SWA group. It's easy to sit on sidelines throwing rocks but challenging to do your job representing the total membership and take the heat. He won't respond and I understand. I have asked the hard questions and he has no answers just raising his Pom Pom cheerleaders. It will be interesting if he brings 3700 people to his planned event coming up. TWU/IAM showing was impressive. I can honestly say I won't be there with one of his Pom Poms for his event.
We will lucky if we have 50, but there needs to be honesty with this membership, instead of left thinking liberalism that we hold all this power. If the company really feared AMFA they would have met a lot more with us, there is nothing worse than promoting fake power, when you have no real leverage. We are not part of the AFL/ CIO or the Teamsters that have 1.4 million members that can affect commerce! Some people would say I am a defeatist, I am a realist! The longer this goes on the less people care, simple as that!
Here's a great video of support from our fantastic Pilot's group SWAPA and the President of the SWAPA with our National Director of AMFA. So great to see our Pilots let the company know they are supporting us 100%. I give great thanks to Jon Weaks and our fantastic Pilots at Southwest for their wonderful support. So very nice to see our Mechanics and Pilots group working together as one.


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