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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I bet you'd let Lee Seham wine and dine your girlfriend as you sit watching. What a suk azz.
And to think I once had sympathy for you when you told me in a behind the scenes conversation that all your anger issues stemmed from the time the first girl asked you to show it to her and she laughed hysterically.

BTW how long have you worked at SSM&P again? I forgot.

I think you have sunk to a new all time low.
You just answered mine and your question why we really have little to no leverage , if we had any real leverage do you really think they would have met with us more than 2 to 3 days a month for the last five years, they just push us into a corner, until we bend to what they want !I am at a line station and it falls on deaf ears about shops and C checks, and most of the line guys will just take the money and run, the company knows it, therefore no real leverage !
Wow! You still don't get it.
Actually, NONE of you have a clue and your postings prove this.
All the more reason to hold on to our present work scope or at least as much as possible. The mechanics at SWA don't know what it's like to be bumped from their bid location or station........yet.
I'm starting to think that is the way to go. Keep this bugger in status quo. It's better than to let our scope get gutted.
Uh Oh. I think I hear a long disparaging post formulating.

Already done. He just posted it in the wrong place and confused the names is all.

#1577Today at 1:05 AM
NewThis asso. is going to break you guys. It is coming. You guys were promised a vote on this asso., never happened. They promised a pension for all, and now that is not gonna happen. They promised "industry leading contract if you all kept them at the new AA, and that seems to not be happening. They promised all kinds of crap to you guys, what does it take for you guys to pull the trigger and get rid of this completely unprofessional asso. assembled JUST because they were soon to be booted from the property and finally out of our industry once and for all, and that goes for both the TWU and the IAM. Weez cannot handle how right I have been for the many years of how each and every year has turned out for the last 5 years. Especially how this totally dysfunctional asso. was forced upon you guys. No matter how he wants to sugar coat it and put the blinders on, this is in fact the exact same union you guys have had at AA for well over 4 decades. It is in fact the TWU and the IAM together, but with each of them in control every 2 years, how fuk up is that? From the updates I have read as of late, I don't see you guys getting to a JCBA for at least how long we have been at it here at SWA. Minimum 5 years guys. Weez can deny it all he wants to, but when your right on each and every issue that has happened for the last 5 years and not even an employee or a union member of the union representing the members at AA, that my friends is pretty freakin sad.
Wow! You still don't get it.
I do get it, where I am at some are AMFA diehards most just don't care and are waiting for a t/a to move on, will this mood spread throughout the membership in the short run no, if it goes another year or two yes that is human nature, sadly the same thing will happen at American, or any other airline where it takes forever to get a contract! Companies don't have to create an Eastern or Northwest airlines anymore they just stall till people get tired ! Where I am at people are tired of what the company says and what the union says!
I do get it, where I am at some are AMFA diehards most just don't care and are waiting for a t/a to move on, will this mood spread throughout the membership in the short run no, if it goes another year or two yes that is human nature, sadly the same thing will happen at American, or any other airline where it takes forever to get a contract! Companies don't have to create an Eastern or Northwest airlines anymore they just stall till people get tired ! Where I am at people are tired of what the company says and what the union says!
imagine a 3 to 5 year mechanic in Mecca with a house and a couple kids getting bumped to graves say to oakland or L.A.. Now he's sleeping in a car or van at the airport parking lot hating life. That cowboy is gonna be pe'd off for years. That's what's gonna happen if SWA gets what they want. SWA can rearrange through attrition. That's what AMFA should be pushing. No bumping from station to station. We are too small a work group compared to the amount of aircraft we have for any of this to happen.
imagine a 3 to 5 year mechanic in Mecca with a house and a couple kids getting bumped to graves say to oakland or L.A.. Now he's sleeping in a car or van at the airport parking lot hating life. That cowboy is gonna be pe'd off for years. That's what's gonna happen if SWA gets what they want. SWA can rearrange through attrition. That's what AMFA should be pushing. No bumping from station to station. We are too small a work group compared to the amount of aircraft we have for any of this to happen.
Unfortunately time is on the company side, always was, if you going to bend on scope for money and we know it is, you better put current head count protection in the stations you have or AMFA will be toast !
Unfortunately time is on the company side, always was, if you going to bend on scope for money and we know it is, you better put current head count protection in the stations you have or AMFA will be toast !

You are wrong.
WE have those protections right now. Time is on our side and the status quo is OUR friend.
The only way that stuff happens is if we give away those protections in at the table. That is why our guys are fighting so hard in negotiations. It is time to support them and some people need to grow a spine.

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