Where did you get that I said or meant the union should ignore outstations or your station? Never did I say that or imply it. What I did say and meant was it's not the union's job to pressure anyone to get involved into anything. This is no longer the old union that represents us. I do not know who your area rep is as I do not know where you are nor do I need to know here. But there are so many avenues the members can take now days to get their info. Some people really do get sick and tired of spoon feeding the troops. There are AMFA apps., text, fb, twitter, email etc to get information from our reps and leaders. It sounds to me (only going by your post and frustrations posted) that maybe you need a station visit. Like I have suggested before, why don't you contact your area rep and request one? Let him know that you and your fellow workers will need some time to answer some questions. If he cannot, or does not answer your calls, emails, or text to reply I would take the next step up the ladder and contact the local Pres. of your local, if not happy there contact the National Regional Director of your area, then on up to the top until you are satisfied.
Now sometimes I piss people off by the way I post. But, I really do feel that an effort needs to be made to contact the union to come for a meeting before just coming on the internet and slamming away about being ignored by the entire union. You are right about one thing, I am not at an outstation, and I have no idea how that is. But I do know how easy it is to contact the union and get contacted back. When I posted my last post I felt that no effort was being made to contact the union local, and or National to remedy you problems of communications and information. I simply can only make suggestions on what to do, it will be totally up to you and your fellow workers to follow thru with the suggestions. Good luck and I hope you get your answers and info requested.
BTW; Don't forget they are currently in nego's for 3 days, so some may not be able to get to you until afterwards. Also wanna let you know there is a monthly meeting this coming Tues. 22nd of Aug at Local 11 Union hall located at SWAPA headquarters. If you do have time please attend and express your concerns. This is probably the best way to have all of them there at the same time to answer anything and everything. If you cannot make it, contact the secretary for the minutes of the meeting.