Pilots are done because they HAD to have an agreement before they would fly the Max, just like they HAD to have an agreement to fly the 800's. The F/A's were the same. I would call that leverage on their side. Now the company needs an agreement with the mechanics in order to have some movement with the 800's and MAX's. This is why they are so bent on getting some give on the scope, they have to have it in order not to spend several years in litigation and expenses if they try to get maint done not in house as we have currently in the contract. It may not be as much leverage as the pilots and such but it is leaning in our favor because they will fall within the timeline of this new contract. The company needs relief for some future maint, just like they needed relief with the pilots and F/A's. They moved with the pilots, they moved with the F/A's it is time for them to move with the mechanics. The NC is not just gonna give the farm away, this is not the teamsters anymore. They are looking out for the best interest of all of us down the road, and in the future. If we gave the company what they are currently asking for, yea, sure, we could all be making better money and even industry leading, however, they only are guaranteeing that the current people that are here are safe, and that no one will get riffed or laid off, they do not say where or what shift they will all be working, or what kind of maint. You do realize with this new maint program they need will be the majority of it on overnight maint don't you? They are gonna need several more headcount on graveyards without adding any headcount to the ranks. They will just do the typical rearrange the mechanics they have now around to fill that. You will start to see premium shop positions go bye-bye, they will start to farm everything out and slowly rearrange the current mechanics where they need them and NOT hire any new hires for those positions. This is why they will not agree with an increase in the ratio of mechanics to A/C. They keep saying all mechanics that are here when this contract is signed are protected, they just won't say where they will all be working or on what shift. And BTW, they also are saying that the current number of mechanics currently employed are protected for the length of this contract (5 years) not saying anything about beyond that. They say it on video in their last update from McCrady I do believe, check it out and pay very close attention to the words he uses. It will set you back a bit.