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WN Mechanics seek mediation

WNMECH said:
It isn't about how much the company will pay at this point.
The company already offered money in their last comprehensive proposal to us.
The company is asking for language changes in our contract that we would not vote for.
Instant deal killers and the company calls them "must haves".
A mediator can point out that these changes are not warranted, and can urge the company to seek different approaches.
We need a third party to oversee the process as long as the company wants to make changes to our contract as if we were in bankruptcy court.
It is all about their hard line on language and work rule changes. Wage rates and retro is another discussion.
Before you ask, I wont be detailing these must haves.
An internet forum is not the place to argue about these differences, and both sides arguments can be misconstrued.
Some of the back and forth has been documented in letters to and from the company.
Both sides dispute what the language changes can mean for our members.
Responding to that troll in any way, shape, or form, is bad. You would do well to just keep silent.
WNMech has a brain and knows how to use it.

He also is capable of engaging in conversation with people who have differing views.

He is a welcome rarity on this board. And I completely understand his position and wish him well in achieving it.
1st Mediation dates have been set for the SWA mechanics contract nego's. Nov. 30th, Dec. 1 and 2nd.  Not expecting much more for this year as we have been told by the mediators that it will be very hard to schedule anything this year due to the approaching holidays as well as the Oct budget being discussed by the gov.  Also hearing that mediation nego's will be increased greatly after the holidays. Stay tuned for more updates...
FYI:  For anyone keeping up with the SWA nego's here are some dates and times...
The Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the AMFA Membership at Southwest Airlines. This report is the only official authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee.
First, we would like to notify you that we have dates scheduled for our first mediated Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) negotiations. We will meet in Irving, Texas at 1:00pm on November 30, 2015, and two full days are scheduled for December 1 and 2, 2015. This will be our first negotiation session since we sought the assistance of the National Mediation Board in July 2015. Although the mediator stated that observers would not be allowed in the room for our initial meetings, if there is interest, we will establish a break-out room that we can give updates during caucuses for any members who desire to attend. Please contact your local representative if you choose to be present during this session so that prior arrangements can be made.
It appears with the DL raises and UA T/A, that in all likelihood surpasses WN's topout, managements excuse for not negotiating until the industry catches up has vanished. The F/A's turned down their T/A and the pilot's voting period nears its end. I do believe it's Maintenance and Related's turn for the company to put forth a T/A worthy to be voted on.  
Birdman said:
It appears with the DL raises and UA T/A, that in all likelihood surpasses WN's topout, managements excuse for not negotiating until the industry catches up has vanished. The F/A's turned down their T/A and the pilot's voting period nears its end. I do believe it's Maintenance and Related's turn for the company to put forth a T/A worthy to be voted on.  
Agreed. Question is, will it be "worthy" enough to be voted on?
Just FYI. Mon starts our mediation talks at the table. Will be interesting to see if the co. is going to be serious or not.  The dates are Nov 30th thru Dec 2.  3 days straight, if we stay all 3 days and use the three days to their fullest it will be the longest time frame that SWA has sat at the negotiating table at once.  All other gatherings have ended after 2-4 hours of starting, canceled last day and or canceled last two days or even cancels entire nego meeting set.  These two mediators are very serious about getting work done at the table and even scolded the co saying they WILL have someone at the table to make final decisions, or they will have to get someone on the phone with a decision in the next 20 minutes.  
Remember guys what the mechanics #1 priority was on the contract suggestions collected prior to nego's starting.  The #1 item listed by the majority was "FULL RETRO".  We must hold the co. to this full RETRO as it has been their delays and stall tactics to get thru the 14 and 15 years and take care of the shareholders.  It's been over 3 years now since our last contract raise and that was a mere 1% compared to the previous years of 3%.  If we do not hold to FULL RETRO then the company will be doing this every single time our contract comes up for renewal.  I know, I know the co. says they will not pay retro, well guess what that is now in the mediators hands and one of the 2 we are getting gave us our last retro, and she has even said now is the time to demand retro as your co. is making record after record numbers in profits, so NOW is the time to get it.  I can see it now, the company will try to buy their way out of FULL RETRO by offering larger raises in order to buy their way out of RETRO.  We need buttons or shirts that say "FULL RETRO"...
hey swamt Is AMFA pushing to do even more work in-house with this contract? I have been pretty impressed with them getting more work with the last few contracts. 
Aren't you guys up to 4 lines of overhaul in-house?
Hey dawg.  AMFA is always trying to get more work in house, (here at SWA) bring back or in shop work, and of course added lines of maint.  Yes we are at 4 lines of heavy maint in house, which has doubled since AMFA took over the contract from the teamsters.  I do believe some of the highlights the nego cmte is working on is focusing hard on this new maint program SWA is trying to go to, and to make sure that this new maint program called EPIC does not allow them to outsource any work we currently do. Another thing happening with going to this new EPIC program is SWA has to hire alot of mechanics to cover the workload being put on our line RON, hanger RON, and other work groups as well.  The rumor is that we will/are going to 40 over nighters and in my opinion we still do not have enough man power to staff the work load coming. It will take some time into the new year, but I think the company will be forced to hire more than they wanted to as they are always trying to run as lean as possible.  Other work that the nego cmte is focusing on is a lot of new work coming our way with the -800's as well as the 737-MAX, AMFA is is trying to keep some of the new aircraft in house too. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions...
Good luck to you and everyone waiting for a good contract over there SWAMT.

I guess SWA isn't the same company that I remember back in 97 when some girl invited me to one of those rooftop parties over at LUV that had beer and a salsa band playing?

Never saw anything like it. These (office people) were drinking and working at the same time.
WeAAsles said:
Good luck to you and everyone waiting for a good contract over there SWAMT.

I guess SWA isn't the same company that I remember back in 97 when some girl invited me to one of those rooftop parties over at LUV that had beer and a salsa band playing?

Never saw anything like it. These (office people) were drinking and working at the same time.
Thx for the good wishes.  It's not the same co.  Don't get me wrong, it's still the choice airline to work at, but we all have seen the big changes since Herb and Colleen have left.  
The Deck parties still happen each and every week, and maint puts one on every Mon.  When you were at the Deck party that you mentioned it was not only office people there.  Anyone at SWA is welcome to attend the Deck parties.  Many, many times mechanics (as well as others) are mingling about these deck parties.  A lot of the deck parties are put on by all the different departments within SWA to raise money for their big Christmas and a lot of other holiday parties held off company property at rented hotels or auditoriums elsewhere due to the large turn out of attendees. It's a pretty big deal at SWA and a way to keep the employees engaged with one another instead of the ole them and us per say.  At these parties you will be standing there with a group of people and all of a sudden you are sharing a beer with Our CEO, board members, VP's, Presidents, directors and so on.  It is still good relationships throughout the company.  I honestly do not know if other airlines would allow this type of partying is done where any and all employees from top to bottom are all mingling together, drinking and carrying on and just having a good ole time. It is something to see, and I guess to an outsider coming to one and seeing it first hand is kinda set back a little, but yea, SWA does really still do this and has since SWA started, it's a tradition, or maybe trade mark if you will.  Good times...
It was weird and surreal at the same time. I had just transferred to DFW and only had 2 years with AA at that time. I had only barely heard of SWA at the time. Maybe in hindsight I should have applied for a job there after that party? If I had a crystal ball I would have. Probably would have done the Love field thing for awhile and then transferred to FLL. Oh well I guess.

No AA has never done anything like that. They've always been too corporate stuffy to like to have any real fun. Even had a manager give me a hard time for throwing a football once. When AA tries to do a fun thing it just always feels strained and phony. Like they're just doing it to get a photo op. Just doesn't feel genuine.

AA always felt to me like they were trying to copy the US military style. It's laughable because most of the people I work with would never make it in the military. I didn't care for the USAF myself actually.

I've heard that Doug likes to have a little more fun than the old stuff shirts we had around here? Honestly I'm still waiting to see when the fun starts? And I'm not saying that my job sucks by any means. I just want to really see them lighten up a bit. Hell I'm 100% positive if they did it would also help their bottom line.

Getting all the contracts done for both our airlines is the first step though.
Yes, your right, we need to get the contracts done.  We have now had more days in mediation and planned meetings for next month than SWA has ever had set or planned our entire 3.3 years in nego's. Just goes to show how bad the company was stalling this whole time.  Some at work are saying they expect to see something to vote on by end of 1st Q and some are saying 2-3 more years before we see something.  I don't expect it to go the 2-3 years but at the same time don't expect it to be by end of first Q.  If I were a guessing man I would guess by end of 16 or early 17 so SWA can keep up the roic back to the investors as promised by SWA. 
BTW, if you are still in the area, you should try to attend one of our "Mayfest" or "Octoberfest" parties (mayfest) is where a lot of mechanics go to.  This is where several parking lots, hangars, and ramp areas are closed down to support the turnouts, SWA flies in several charters just to bring in employees from all over the system then charters them home at no cost to any employees. I believe the Pilots even volunteer to fly them but not positive.  Good luck with your contract nego's, hope you guys get everything back that you all sacrificed to help the company...

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