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WN Mechanics seek mediation

If GK really wants to get a deal done, how about he do the following.
1. Go visit Herb's memorial, and ask, "what would you do Herbie"?
2. Go to the next damned meeting and that way there is none of this ongoing crap about nobody with bargaining power is at the negotiating sessions so we have to check with the puppet masters, back at HQ.

Many I talked to last weekend believe SW should be able to use whoever they want to maintain their fleet, outside of our protected work, knowing that they do so at their own peril. It's their business plan, not ours, and we can't protect them from themselves. Sure, let's exploit the horror stories of our a/c coming back from south of the border only to be taken back out of service for needed repairs. I agree it would be in the USA's best interest to let our own workers maintain our fleet but I also understand the tightening MRO market. Granted, SW could retain current domestic MRO contracts by outbidding their competition but we all know that's not their style. I honestly don't think at this juncture that we should draw a line in the sand in regard to international outsourcing but the 16 hour duty time and payed rest, that's non-negotiable. And finally SWAPA, many thanks for inserting yourselves into this safety issue paramount to protecting the flying public.
All I know is that it is time to look at something to vote on again. We are approaching the same time period as our Pilots, F/A's and even Mat. spec. reached for their second good offers. They were all right at 1 year after 1st offer.
I don't know all the rules while nego. but I would expect the company will make some adjustments and ask the NC to take it the membership and they might even tag it with "last best and final offer" not exactly sure what that phrase entails but I think if they do make that statement doesn't the union have to bring it out? Or maybe the mediators supervisor will get them to bring it out for a vote. Just not sure how the RLA works after the statement of "last, best, and final offer."
Just hope we are voting on something by April again. I would also expect the same language within an offer to include dropping all lawsuits on both sides if an offer was to pass a membership vote just like last time. That very well could be why they filed a suit prior to the next set of Nego's. A move to be played out at the nego table in a couple weeks. All I know is this crap is getting old. I would like to move on as most do too now.
We have heard of some members missing out on some extremely important dates with their families and loved ones, even emergencies. Funerals, weddings, birthdays, as well as newborns being borned. Now that is just wrong. None of these people were able to take the time off for these very important family times. That's just too much and too far IMO...
All I know is that it is time to look at something to vote on again. We are approaching the same time period as our Pilots, F/A's and even Mat. spec. reached for their second good offers. They were all right at 1 year after 1st offer.
I don't know all the rules while nego. but I would expect the company will make some adjustments and ask the NC to take it the membership and they might even tag it with "last best and final offer" not exactly sure what that phrase entails but I think if they do make that statement doesn't the union have to bring it out? Or maybe the mediators supervisor will get them to bring it out for a vote. Just not sure how the RLA works after the statement of "last, best, and final offer."
Just hope we are voting on something by April again. I would also expect the same language within an offer to include dropping all lawsuits on both sides if an offer was to pass a membership vote just like last time. That very well could be why they filed a suit prior to the next set of Nego's. A move to be played out at the nego table in a couple weeks. All I know is this crap is getting old. I would like to move on as most do too now.
We have heard of some members missing out on some extremely important dates with their families and loved ones, even emergencies. Funerals, weddings, birthdays, as well as newborns being borned. Now that is just wrong. None of these people were able to take the time off for these very important family times. That's just too much and too far IMO...
Then vote and move on, and then consider replacing our union, or at least the stupid law firm making money off of us.
All I know is that it is time to look at something to vote on again. We are approaching the same time period as our Pilots, F/A's and even Mat. spec. reached for their second good offers. They were all right at 1 year after 1st offer.
I don't know all the rules while nego. but I would expect the company will make some adjustments and ask the NC to take it the membership and they might even tag it with "last best and final offer" not exactly sure what that phrase entails but I think if they do make that statement doesn't the union have to bring it out? Or maybe the mediators supervisor will get them to bring it out for a vote. Just not sure how the RLA works after the statement of "last, best, and final offer."
Just hope we are voting on something by April again. I would also expect the same language within an offer to include dropping all lawsuits on both sides if an offer was to pass a membership vote just like last time. That very well could be why they filed a suit prior to the next set of Nego's. A move to be played out at the nego table in a couple weeks. All I know is this crap is getting old. I would like to move on as most do too now.
We have heard of some members missing out on some extremely important dates with their families and loved ones, even emergencies. Funerals, weddings, birthdays, as well as newborns being borned. Now that is just wrong. None of these people were able to take the time off for these very important family times. That's just too much and too far IMO...

Funerals? You've got to be kidding me.
Whenever there are labor issues between an airline and mechanics, the FAA steps up its oversight of maintenance. An agency spokesman says the FAA is continuing its heightened oversight that was already in place.

Dunn says, “Surely if the union can show that these are truly safety concerns that involve passenger safety and that they’re just doing that job their job, the union could defeat the lawsuit.”

Funerals? You've got to be kidding me.
No sir, and now we are hearing of a certain mechanic requesting time off for his daughters surgery. He was first told no, then after some managers got involved and discussions, he was allowed to leave. Pathetic I tell you. Both sides need to remove the personal side of this crap and get in there and get it done. We are hearing rumors that this "new guy" from ALK is saying he will get in there and get it done at these March meetings and I can only hope he is correct.
The ALK mechanics speak pretty highly of this man, so hope all come true at the March meetings. He could become a "Hero" or a "Zero". For the sake of peace and moving forward, I hope he becomes a "HERO".
I know, I know, we have all heard this crap before for the past 7 years. But i am still willing to give him a shot to get this done.
Never in my career would I have ever guessed we would be in these issues with Southwest, WOW!!!
I really hope you guys get something worth voting for in the next month. The CEO needs to put his foot down get Southwests many issues solved instead of letting the vice presidents run the place into the ground.
I really hope you guys get something worth voting for in the next month. The CEO needs to put his foot down get Southwests many issues solved instead of letting the vice presidents run the place into the ground.
Couldn't agree more brother. VP's need to get a clue don't they???
I really hope you guys get something worth voting for in the next month. The CEO needs to put his foot down get Southwests many issues solved instead of letting the vice presidents run the place into the ground.
The ceo knows what's going on. He is calling the shots. You're naive if you think he doesn't.
Couldn't agree more brother. VP's need to get a clue don't they???
The problem is they will bring us an offer, will we be smart enough and vote it in, and actually have a union that can function. If we say no, and they pursue the lawsuits against AMFA, and win the damages it will bankrupt our union, and they will be powerless to help us, even with grievances That's how they beat them at Northwest.
The problem is they will bring us an offer, will we be smart enough and vote it in, and actually have a union that can function. If we say no, and they pursue the lawsuits against AMFA, and win the damages it will bankrupt our union, and they will be powerless to help us, even with grievances That's how they beat them at Northwest.
How can you say vote it in when you haven't even seen it yet? Anyone that would do that is an idiot. Guys we must read the entire offer front to back, word for word. It's not a gimme that we will vote yes.
driver, you should know that these grounded aircraft are in fact grounded with legit write-ups otherwise they would not be grounded. For the co. to put out that a/c are being grounded for non safety items or that they are being grounded for missing the row numbers is completely not true and we all know it.
Also when you have the majority of write-ups coming from the Pilots and flight crews, and these are too of items listed for grounding and the co is still trying to put the blame on the mechanics. It is pathetic what this company management is doing.
That's how they beat them at NW? Really?? Where is NW now driver??? If you call that beating them, whatever. NW's management was a failure to all the employees, period. I sure hope our BOD and top leaders do not let it happen here, but it sure does look like it is headed that way. Sad to watch.
Hopefully the new guy can get it done. And if he does make some changes for the good and the union refuses to bring it out, I can assure you, if the NC is being too greedy or still being stubborn, it could very well be the nail in the coffin for them.
BTW; Is anyone hearing that the mediators supervisor will be attending the March meetings? I actually hope so as this current mediator is not getting the two sides closer together.
BOTH sides need to settle down and let cooler heads prevail get in there and nego not blame and point fingers like Kelly said.
How can you say vote it in when you haven't even seen it yet? Anyone that would do that is an idiot. Guys we must read the entire offer front to back, word for word. It's not a gimme that we will vote yes.
driver, you should know that these grounded aircraft are in fact grounded with legit write-ups otherwise they would not be grounded. For the co. to put out that a/c are being grounded for non safety items or that they are being grounded for missing the row numbers is completely not true and we all know it.
Also when you have the majority of write-ups coming from the Pilots and flight crews, and these are too of items listed for grounding and the co is still trying to put the blame on the mechanics. It is pathetic what this company management is doing.
That's how they beat them at NW? Really?? Where is NW now driver??? If you call that beating them, whatever. NW's management was a failure to all the employees, period. I sure hope our BOD and top leaders do not let it happen here, but it sure does look like it is headed that way. Sad to watch.
Hopefully the new guy can get it done. And if he does make some changes for the good and the union refuses to bring it out, I can assure you, if the NC is being too greedy or still being stubborn, it could very well be the nail in the coffin for them.
BTW; Is anyone hearing that the mediators supervisor will be attending the March meetings? I actually hope so as this current mediator is not getting the two sides closer together.
BOTH sides need to settle down and let cooler heads prevail get in there and nego not blame and point fingers like Kelly said.
Oh course you read it. Northwest beat AMFA by bankrupting the union.SWA my like their mechanics, but they hate AMFA. I guarantee if you kicked AMFA out, and brought the Teamsters back, most of the animosity would evaporate, instantly.
Oh course you read it. Northwest beat AMFA by bankrupting the union.SWA my like their mechanics, but they hate AMFA.
I am referring to the contract that you said to vote for without reading yet.
SWA hates all the unions now. That's a no brainer.
And trust me everyone is woke up. The problem we talk about at work is IF there is decent offer coming with good changes as we are being told by the new guy (forgive me but his name is escaping me) and our NC refuses to bring it out there will be a problem. This is where I keep posting that both sides need to keep the personalization out of it and come to an agreement and ALLOW the membership to have a say in it if it comes out for a vote. This is what the co wants, the mechanics to have another vote according to Kelly and this new guy coming in, so maybe we will get something to vote on.
People are frustrated, people are exhausted, and people are sick and tired of how long this has dragged out. It is really sad when all the mechanics that came from other airlines are second guessing their decisions to coming here. They are saying they are seeing the exact same management here now that they did at their old airline.
For God's sake, just get it done so we can move forward. And I am talking to BOTH sides. Take two to nego...
How can you say vote it in when you haven't even seen it yet? Anyone that would do that is an idiot. Guys we must read the entire offer front to back, word for word. It's not a gimme that we will vote yes.
driver, you should know that these grounded aircraft are in fact grounded with legit write-ups otherwise they would not be grounded. For the co. to put out that a/c are being grounded for non safety items or that they are being grounded for missing the row numbers is completely not true and we all know it.
Also when you have the majority of write-ups coming from the Pilots and flight crews, and these are too of items listed for grounding and the co is still trying to put the blame on the mechanics. It is pathetic what this company management is doing.
That's how they beat them at NW? Really?? Where is NW now driver??? If you call that beating them, whatever. NW's management was a failure to all the employees, period. I sure hope our BOD and top leaders do not let it happen here, but it sure does look like it is headed that way. Sad to watch.
Hopefully the new guy can get it done. And if he does make some changes for the good and the union refuses to bring it out, I can assure you, if the NC is being too greedy or still being stubborn, it could very well be the nail in the coffin for them.
BTW; Is anyone hearing that the mediators supervisor will be attending the March meetings? I actually hope so as this current mediator is not getting the two sides closer together.
BOTH sides need to settle down and let cooler heads prevail get in there and nego not blame and point fingers like Kelly said.

Man you hit the nail on the head here. When is the last time anyone of you have been called out by a Flight Att or Flt crew for a missing row number and called Duty Control to take that aircraft out of service for that. I'll tell you when, NEVER. They would Mel that crap and move the jet, for the Fn idiot that is putting that PR out for SW and filing a law suit is only to garner public support. That is not why SW aircraft are out of service. I still can't wrap my head around how they think they can get a judge to tell me, that because I'm told or I find a row number missing, (it is a defect), that I better not write it up because it's not a Safety of Flight issue. The FAA will have a hay day with that. Basically put on your blinders and don't look at anything not deemed major, is what they are trying to say? Wow, just wow.

My second part of this is, I think the March negotiations are going to be very important, if the company does not have some high power going to that meeting, as in people that can make decisions without having to go back to Daddy to ask for approval, that is going to show if they are truly motivated on getting a deal done or if they are intent on sinking SWA and destroying AMFA and all it's mechanics.
Speaking of the new guy, I've also heard good things about him and he was good for AK, now could be a time for him to shine as someone said, hero or zero. That's a lot of pressure to put on someone new walking in but if he pulled it off, could we give the Northwest guy (you know who) a damned parachute packed by a Jiffy Lube mechanic, and shove him out the door. Please!

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