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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Does it go somewhere along these lines?

Airliners.net post.
View attachment 13990
Gary's letter was a little more thoughtful and compassionate to the entire airline, not necessarily blaming or finger pointing anyone just that the mechanics had gone for 6 years without a contract, and that was too long. Though he did mention the industry leading contract offer we were given (october or november, I can't remember now) last fall, was shot down (I wouldn't necessarily call it industry leading, decent, not industry leading Gary) However the lawyers letter was a direct 180 from Gary's letter in my opinion. It was pretty much a scare and intimidation letter that we see who's been writing stuff up and taking stuff out of service and we have your names, and looking at each case to punish those that we deem illegal job actions.
Gary's letter was a little more thoughtful and compassionate to the entire airline, not necessarily blaming or finger pointing anyone just that the mechanics had gone for 6 years without a contract, and that was too long. Though he did mention the industry leading contract offer we were given (october or november, I can't remember now) last fall, was shot down (I wouldn't necessarily call it industry leading, decent, not industry leading Gary) However the lawyers letter was a direct 180 from Gary's letter in my opinion. It was pretty much a scare and intimidation letter that we see who's been writing stuff up and taking stuff out of service and we have your names, and looking at each case to punish those that we deem illegal job actions.

We’ve gotten plenty of that fluff fluff crap from our CEO over here trust me. It’s been too long and we need to get this done. Don’t buy into any of their crap man they’re FOS.

On the other letter that Lawyer threw at you guys he’s also FOS too and I’ll tell you why.

You don’t telegraph to the criminal that we know where you live and that we’re coming to get you. They just come and get you and the word gets back to the Neighborhood that the Cops are hanging around.

This is the moment for you guys to stay your course. Don’t let the Bastards intimidate you. They’re the ones blowing up and losing it, you guys remain calm.
Gary's letter was a little more thoughtful and compassionate to the entire airline, not necessarily blaming or finger pointing anyone just that the mechanics had gone for 6 years without a contract, and that was too long. Though he did mention the industry leading contract offer we were given (october or november, I can't remember now) last fall, was shot down (I wouldn't necessarily call it industry leading, decent, not industry leading Gary) However the lawyers letter was a direct 180 from Gary's letter in my opinion. It was pretty much a scare and intimidation letter that we see who's been writing stuff up and taking stuff out of service and we have your names, and looking at each case to punish those that we deem illegal job actions.
Looks like tit for tat threatened law suits just like last time.
That's because some Morons took the picture of the out of service screen on SWA internal network and shared it with the news media. You sign disclosure statements from time to time, logging onto SWA internal network. So when they figure out who did it, they are fired.

driver are you kidding here? Seriously. You think CBS is going to give some goofball Lawyer from SWA the name of the Mechanics helping them with their stories?
driver are you kidding here? Seriously. You think CBS is going to give some goofball Lawyer from SWA the name of the Mechanics helping them with their stories?
They don't have too there are electronic trails everytime you log on, wouldn't be hard to trace it.
They don't have too there are electronic trails everytime you log on, wouldn't be hard to trace it.

driver you seem to be unfortunately hoping and maybe wanting some of your fellow AMT’s to get caught in job actions against the Company? I hope I’m wrong?

But anyway if someone takes pictures of a Computer screen from their phone and passes that on to the media, no there won’t be a trail that SWA Management can follow.

Don’t you think you should let this play out some before you pass judgement?
driver you seem to be unfortunately hoping and maybe wanting some of your fellow AMT’s to get caught in job actions against the Company? I hope I’m wrong?

But anyway if someone takes pictures of a Computer screen from their phone and passes that on to the media, no there won’t be a trail that SWA Management can follow.

Don’t you think you should let this play out some before you pass judgement?
No I don't I just see getting sued as a set back to getting a contract. But in reality I just hope both sides are tired of it, and finally settle it.You can create such bad blood that nothing gets done. Or the union gets bankrupt from all the lawsuits and legal bills, and has absolutely no bargaining power, and you finally get a so so deal, and the company wins.
Does it go somewhere along these lines?

Airliners.net post.
View attachment 13990
Heard these type of statements before weez. March meetings will go nowhere as usual. The co. will just continue to go backwards once again at the table just like they did last meetings. No longer do we believe the co. on trying to get a deal done, if that were the case we would have a deal plain and simple. Like the article below says, "the co is pinching pennies that is costing them dollars."
If GK was serious and being truthful then he should direct (not publically) the co. NC to come to a conclusion in March. The only problem with that is the fact the co went completely backwards at last sessions in Feb. So we will see come March just what the co's intentions really are...
Forgot to add these:

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And very unprofessional by the company to put out in the media first before AMFA had answered them with a response, which the co. knew would be coming. It just proves that this co wants to publically fight about it to try and get the general public in their corner, not going to work. SWA has always said they will not nego or argue publically, and here they are doing it.
We have already heard of some possible changes from the co coming to the table in March, maybe with GK's letter it might come to fruition, just not expecting anything, as usual, from the co NC.
driver you seem to be unfortunately hoping and maybe wanting some of your fellow AMT’s to get caught in job actions against the Company? I hope I’m wrong?

But anyway if someone takes pictures of a Computer screen from their phone and passes that on to the media, no there won’t be a trail that SWA Management can follow.

Don’t you think you should let this play out some before you pass judgement?
I have asked the same of him but he will not. Your right it does seem he wants some of his fellow mechanics to get caught doing some kind of action. Sad to read his postings as of late. We all are frustrated and tired of waiting but it seems to be hitting him quite hard lately. Nothing we can do guys, get over it and like the weez says, let it play out, it is what it is, we as individuals can do nothing.
There better be movement in March otherwise you will start hearing the membership speaking up...

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