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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I've always heard that history will repeat itself. So here we are at Southwest and AMFA is trying to lead everyone off the cliff just like they did at Northwest! Most of the idiots on here are too stupid to even realize what is happening. Good luck when you all get replaced! Unlike AMFA I will not try to bully or intimidate anyone on which way to vote. Just vote!!!
Best 9f luck to all of you folks at SouthwestAirlines
Thanks a bunch Ford. Same to you on getting a new contract as well.
Like I said before, we waited patiently for 6 years why give in now. Make us whole and the company will get a yes vote, period...
I've always heard that history will repeat itself. So here we are at Southwest and AMFA is trying to lead everyone off the cliff just like they did at Northwest! Most of the idiots on here are too stupid to even realize what is happening. Good luck when you all get replaced! Unlike AMFA I will not try to bully or intimidate anyone on which way to vote. Just vote!!!
737 best to just let it play out. If it is defeated let's see if they are still singing AMFA praises a year from now. They are in their own world. Best of luck to you.
So you claim to be upset that airtran lost 4 years seniority because of AMFA.

Yet you also claim you lost ALL of your seniority when you came from morris, but THAT was because of the company and the teamsters that you love so much, not AMFA.

But now you love the company offer and the IBT.

Give us break.
It is really hard to respond to this individual, it was his past on the property Representative Teamsters or Morris air or co-workers if on committee (non-union) during buy-out or merger that negotiations for seniority integration. He claims and deflects its others fault (AMFA), yet points the finger at everyone else never takes responsibility for the truth. TWA GUYS GO SCREWED BY IAM coming to TWU. TWU wanted to go to Arbitration for the ruling so they didn't have to make the decision and could blame the arbitration process and a law was formed called McCaskill-Bond, no one wins in a merger or buyout, someone always gets screwed like TWA guys getting stapled to bottom. The 737 dude is delusional. Kinda funny and feel bad at the same time for him, you question him on the truth he deflects and distorts, and question him too much, he starts getting accusatory of being company or Union Officers. If he is a yes voter for the guys at SWA, ok so be it, I respect his position as a voting member, at least the Union is not telling them to voice yes to stop fighting for what is best and because fight costs the union too much money, like over here with TWU the last 3 contracts. 1989, 2003, and 2012 bankruptcy. TWU E board gets you in a room and tells you "this is the best we are going to get, Im going to vote yes...you need to vote yes, if you dont like what's on the table we will get them next time". I have heard that from this TWU leadership so many times it is disgusting! Best of luck to you guys at SWA.
Oh lookie lookie. I pulled the Ballot from my mailbox today. Maybe I will take a pause and scroll back thru all the threads to see if I need refreshers to make my decision.
As I was doing my research my AMFA app sounded off on my phone. So my research to figure out if I will vote yes or no will be slightly delayed. It was some very informative information that I received from my AMFA app. So I read it with great focus. It really is amazing what has taken place during the entire time we have been under this 6 year pay freeze so the company can enrich themselves as well as the stockholders. NOW it's our turn to get rewarded.
I will add that during my long and exhausting research, so far I have only found 2 individuals that are voting yes. The first one is an individual that calls himself the "weesal" and come to find out, this weesal is not employed by SWA, nor is he a member of AMFA or aloud to vote on our contract, so it baffles me, why in the world is he saying he is voting yes on our contract? So strike that yes vote off the list.
The 2nd individual is a person by the handle of driver. Now what he drives, I have no clue nor do I even care. He says himself that he is a yes vote simply because he is tired, beat down and ready to move on. Well, sorry for you that you are so weak.
During our long awaited contract for the last 6 years of pay freezes, our leaders have been raking in the bucks for themselves each and every year. All the while they expect us to accept a simple COL raises, snap up and bonus with no compounding as we would have received if we did get those raises in the past. This is where the company is hoping all of us will look the other way.
I am sick and tired of the company constantly trying to get away with pennies on the dollar for our past compensations. They will continue to do so if we let them get away with it again. Just ask yourselves why do they always give the pilots full retro and not us. We are ALL employees of Southwest Airlines. This is the time to stop past practice by SWA when dealing with their mechanics, if we do not, they will continue to do so contract after contract after contract. If we come together and vote no, rather, click the O I REJECT circle on the ballot, then we can stop this fiasco from happening again, just ask the pilots guys.
Me personally, I will be clicking the I REJECT circle.
Below is the latest from AMFA and economist what SWA has been reaping in for the last 6 years during our pay freeze. Just one more eye poking before we send that ballot back:

Southwest Airlines Record Profits Flyer
I've always heard that history will repeat itself. So here we are at Southwest and AMFA is trying to lead everyone off the cliff just like they did at Northwest! Most of the idiots on here are too stupid to even realize what is happening. Good luck when you all get replaced! Unlike AMFA I will not try to bully or intimidate anyone on which way to vote. Just vote!!!

Oh wait. And then I ran across this guy. He claims AMFA is "trying" to lead everyone off the cliff. What? Where in the hell do you get that?? Get replaced??? What the heck are you talking about. Oh, I know, just some more company propaganda scare tactics. AMFA is not be a bully or intimidating anyone. AMFA NC is not telling anyone to vote this down. They are staying neutral, but also NOT endorsing this current offer from SWA to the mechanics. I do agree with you on everyone needs to vote and vote the best way that fits them and their families. What I still do not get is why are you saying "Good luck when you all get replaced!" Where in the world did this come from????
Just more company propaganda and scare tactics as the vote is now underway.
I could say the same for you 737MX, maybe your too stupid to see what the company is trying to get away with.
We are nowhere near where NWA was back in 04-05. So where do you get that mechanics will get replaced by scabs as you indicate that will happen if we vote this in????? Ha Ha you funny MoFo!!!
Oh wait. And then I ran across this guy. He claims AMFA is "trying" to lead everyone off the cliff. What? Where in the hell do you get that?? Get replaced??? What the heck are you talking about. Oh, I know, just some more company propaganda scare tactics. AMFA is not be a bully or intimidating anyone. AMFA NC is not telling anyone to vote this down. They are staying neutral, but also NOT endorsing this current offer from SWA to the mechanics. I do agree with you on everyone needs to vote and vote the best way that fits them and their families. What I still do not get is why are you saying "Good luck when you all get replaced!" Where in the world did this come from????
Just more company propaganda and scare tactics as the vote is now underway.
I could say the same for you 737MX, maybe your too stupid to see what the company is trying to get away with.
We are nowhere near where NWA was back in 04-05. So where do you get that mechanics will get replaced by scabs as you indicate that will happen if we vote this in????? Ha Ha you funny MoFo!!!
Staying Neutral, what a big fat whopper lies we tell Swarat!- That's rich. So tell us, none of our Union dues where used to purchase Vote no bracelets? Vote No tumbler cups mailed out by our Union? The Facebook pages we the Vote no stickers? Weasel should have fun with you! 🙂
Well, well, well. After a refreshed night sleep and 24 hours after I received my ballot, this morning I sent it back with a check mark in the "I REJECT"
Whooo, that was extremely hard to take all of 24 secs to vote from the comfort of my chair. No excuses guys just make sure you vote. Good luck to all of us...
Well, well, well. After a refreshed night sleep and 24 hours after I received my ballot, this morning I sent it back with a check mark in the "I REJECT"

Whooo, that was extremely hard to take all of 24 secs to vote from the comfort of my chair. No excuses guys just make sure you vote. Good luck to all of us...

Well after all the Vote No bracelets, tumblers, beer cozies and Beach Towels AMFA sent out to everyone it’s nice to hear they’re going to get at least one guy to go their way.

AMFA SWA 2018 Contract Vote results.
97% YES
3% NO
Hey look here. AMFA doesn’t have a preference on how they want Members to vote. Naaahhhhhhhh!!!!!

Well after all the Vote No bracelets, tumblers, beer cozies and Beach Towels AMFA sent out to everyone it’s nice to hear they’re going to get at least one guy to go their way.

AMFA SWA 2018 Contract Vote results.
97% YES
3% NO
Thought results weren't calculated until next month, more attempts in fabricating fake news want a be humor? Stick to your fleet service news and fabricated worth, spread lies and discontent with your own group and see where it gets you genius!
Thought results weren't calculated until next month, more attempts in fabricating fake news want a be humor? Stick to your fleet service news and fabricated worth, spread lies and discontent with your own group and see where it gets you genius!

Man I think I like you. Your a nitz goof aren’t ya?

Floppy and sloppy.