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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I have too. And I hear ya. I can only hope the NC is very successful in convincing the membership to vote NO thru the road shows and the monthly meeting. Missing out on 5% at our payrate is over 5,000 for the year, and almost 500 per month. Think about it guys. We cannot allow the company to get by with only giving us pennies on the dollar for the now going on 6 plus years of pay freezes. I cannot vote for that, period. Why give up now, wait for the full amount due to us. It won't be a full year. Remember what happened in 2002 when we delivered the huge 95% NO vote? The company came back to the table and settled it the very next meeting within a week, we now need to do the same, a huge 90% plus NO vote to send out NC back to the table with the power they need to get this done...
2002,-was when we had the Teamsters, so that's why it was resolved so quickly. We have the survey they want to do. It's to bad on this ballots, that if you vote no, you have a link to do your survey right there. So the survey is done. Plus if the company gets mad then more of the same.
And AMFA is just like your industrial union the TWU , if you challenge them they will make your life a living hell.Just ask Charles Drake.
That Drake character has quite a reputation that follows him like a plague from airline to airline, he worked at UAL and was a train wreck, integrity and character follows you everywhere In this industry.
AMFA. So bad even a Skunk has to wear a gas mask.

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Yeah, under TWU-IAM Association is a total d
2002,-was when we had the Teamsters, so that's why it was resolved so quickly. We have the survey they want to do. It's to bad on this ballots, that if you vote no, you have a link to do your survey right there. So the survey is done. Plus if the company gets mad then more of the same.
Dude you are so extremely off base you are delusional. I'm a neutral party here and your true colors are exposed on spreading half truth and deceit. Incredibly, again your ideology is explicitly uncovered. Not waisting time with you. History is tracked this thing called internet and deceit of the facts dont warrant my reply. No wonder this industry is not appealing or attract such talent to the promote and elevate our class in next generations, because of people like you who give away the farm and point the finger at everyone and everything else. Done with you dude!
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You better check your Facts about what Union gutted United Airlines scope. It wasn't the Teamsters , it was AMFA, that's why they were kicked out. Looks like Ford wreck , is a duck, quack quack.
Wrong again dude IAM, deceitful again, you are incredible!
Didn’t you say that you were done with the dude on the post just before this one? Obviously I guess not.

VOTE YES!!!!!!!
What are you the regulator or the strings behind the curtain, vote YES? Coming from an outsider like me, majority rules for AMTs, sorry to say you dont have a fight in the game bud. You two are like bullies on these threads....always someone bigger and badder my friend. Go sit in the pickup
What are you the regulator or the strings behind the curtain, vote YES? Coming from an outsider like me, majority rules for AMTs, sorry to say you dont have a fight in the game bud. You two are like bullies on these threads....always someone bigger and badder my friend. Go sit in the pickup

Wrong again dude IAM, deceitful again, you are incredible!
You better check your facts, the IAM in bankruptcy agreed to a 13% pay cut and the pension. AMFA was certified then allowed the 747 & 777s heavy maintenance checks contracted out to China. Then they AMFA were kicked out, Teamsters brought in. So I am done with you Ford wreck, next fake fact arguments, Mr. Outsider?

Why are you sticking your damn nose in mechanic issues dude? I doubt there are any AMT's that are going to follow your advice union wise. iam and twu and even the reamsters have failed the AMT pretty sad when non union carriers mop the floor in pay and bennies over union carriers what do you have to say about that wheez?
Why are you sticking your damn nose in mechanic issues dude? I doubt there are any AMT's that are going to follow your advice union wise. iam and twu and even the reamsters have failed the AMT pretty sad when non union carriers mop the floor in pay and bennies over union carriers what do you have to say about that wheez?
Then why even have a Union , and pay dues. If Delta and Fed ex pay more?
Wrong again dude IAM, deceitful again, you are incredible!
They fail to remember who was representing when the agreement for the outsourcing was made. You are correct it was the IAM representing when they agreed to the increases in outsourcing, cut in pay and bennies. After the IAM agreed to the concessions, AMFA was brought in and "inherited" existing contract that was already agreed to by IAM. AMFA just happen to be there when the IAM concessions took effect. Then AMFA saw what was happening and nego some better changes but was unable to fix the outsourcing, pay and bennies cuts and was able to nego better rules and restrictions.
The exact same thing happened here at SWA with the teamsters gettincame g fired. AMFA "inherited" the teamsters previously nego outsourcing, foreign outsourcing etc... And AMFA came in and promptly renego some better rules, regs and restrictions to those teamster previously nego wide open outsourcing, and of course, just like in the UAL ordeal AMFA caught the blame as they were the "inherited" union coming in.
In each case it was AMFA coming in "AFTER" the previous unions (IAM @ UAL, and IBT @ SWA) already agreed to said outsourcing and foreign outsourcing pay and bennie cuts.
Whomever you are arguing with doesn't have a clue what went on and/or is just trying to deface AMFA as much as possible because they are so discuntled over AMFA removing and improving the situations. Mechanics in the industry actually know exactly how everything went down at UAL, SWA and even NWA back in the day. All these made up stories and misinformation about AMFA is just propaganda to try and discredit AMFA's reputation.
It is hard to follow who you were in discussions with but I am sure it was one of the three I have on ignore. Either way, one is just butt hurt that his almighty teamsters were fired from here, and the other 2 are just non mechanics and know nothing and TWU/IAM planted minions to try and crash AMFA card drives. Most out here already know this.
Sorry for rambling but sometimes they have to be reminded of what really went on. The ignore feature is a great tool Ford.
Can't wait to get my ballot to send back so quickly.
They fail to remember who was representing when the agreement for the outsourcing was made. You are correct it was the IAM representing when they agreed to the increases in outsourcing, cut in pay and bennies. After the IAM agreed to the concessions, AMFA was brought in and "inherited" existing contract that was already agreed to by IAM. AMFA just happen to be there when the IAM concessions took effect. Then AMFA saw what was happening and nego some better changes but was unable to fix the outsourcing, pay and bennies cuts and was able to nego better rules and restrictions.
The exact same thing happened here at SWA with the teamsters gettincame g fired. AMFA "inherited" the teamsters previously nego outsourcing, foreign outsourcing etc... And AMFA came in and promptly renego some better rules, regs and restrictions to those teamster previously nego wide open outsourcing, and of course, just like in the UAL ordeal AMFA caught the blame as they were the "inherited" union coming in.
In each case it was AMFA coming in "AFTER" the previous unions (IAM @ UAL, and IBT @ SWA) already agreed to said outsourcing and foreign outsourcing pay and bennie cuts.
Whomever you are arguing with doesn't have a clue what went on and/or is just trying to deface AMFA as much as possible because they are so discuntled over AMFA removing and improving the situations. Mechanics in the industry actually know exactly how everything went down at UAL, SWA and even NWA back in the day. All these made up stories and misinformation about AMFA is just propaganda to try and discredit AMFA's reputation.
It is hard to follow who you were in discussions with but I am sure it was one of the three I have on ignore. Either way, one is just butt hurt that his almighty teamsters were fired from here, and the other 2 are just non mechanics and know nothing and TWU/IAM planted minions to try and crash AMFA card drives. Most out here already know this.
Sorry for rambling but sometimes they have to be reminded of what really went on. The ignore feature is a great tool Ford.
Can't wait to get my ballot to send back so quickly.
Your ignore feature doesn't change the fact they did a disaster strike at Northwest. Were kicked out at United, if United hates the Teamsters so bad, why haven't they brought AMFA back. American Airlines has abandoned bringing them in. Face it, they can't run from their record. And if you vote it down, you and your foolish buddies will continue to lose money. Listening to same people that took 6 years to produce a so/so deal. I hope the members that believe their lies , will turn on you like a pack of dogs.Remember the big ETOPS lies. Good luck! 🙂
Your ignore feature doesn't change the fact they did a disaster strike at Northwest. Were kicked out at United, if United hates the Teamsters so bad, why haven't they brought AMFA back. American Airlines has abandoned bringing them in. Face it, they can't run from their record. And if you vote it down, you and your foolish buddies will continue to lose money. Listening to same people that took 6 years to produce a so/so deal. I hope the members that believe their lies , will turn on you like a pack of dogs.Remember the big ETOPS lies. Good luck! 🙂

Oh I forgot all about that big ETOPS Horse Manuere lie. I guess maintaining any credibility whatsoever isn’t something in the AMFA handbook?

And yes finally AA Mechanics have seen AMFA for what they really are and want no part of them. Hey driver don’t forget about those 8 write in votes over there at UAL.

Why are you sticking your damn nose in mechanic issues dude? I doubt there are any AMT's that are going to follow your advice union wise. iam and twu and even the reamsters have failed the AMT pretty sad when non union carriers mop the floor in pay and bennies over union carriers what do you have to say about that wheez?

What do I have to say? Well I say

Hey driver you have to get a kick out of how swamp rat keeps going back and forth between here and the AA threads trying to convince people (himself) how he is ignoring what you and I are posting.

What a pathetic attention whore.
Hey driver you have to get a kick out of how swamp rat keeps going back and forth between here and the AA threads trying to convince people (himself) how he is ignoring what you and I are posting.

What a pathetic attention whore.
He can't help it. I love how he trashes the rampers on American. Then commenting on Charlie Brown comments . But at least the American AMTs are smarter than us. Have a great Saturday Weazz, at work today! Oh I forgot his little Lt cronnies like to put little X marks on my comments, makes them feel big! 🙂

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