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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Been watching this thread as outsider. Sounds like your company created this state of affairs and environment for you and your SWA AMT's (based on historical facts), yet you wont put your frustrations and emotional empathy towards the actual problem. Interestingly, You will knowingly reward the company for their intentional actions based on the play book of the other legacy carriers of dragging out Negotiations for multiple years, where some of your maintenance department management team came from. More importantly, you seem to be part of the problem....not a healthy solution to the problem. Sounds like your Negotiating Committee is willing to fight harder for you than you are willing to fight for your own career and well being. Rolling over and taking it, is the problem we all are facing in this industry. You and your type of ideologies are truly part of the problem, rewarding a company for creating the actual problem of emotions/frustrations to not only SWA, but to the whole industry. Respecfully, disgraceful to all AMT's.

Best of luck on your TA vote, hopefully your SWA AMT's can consciously see through the intentional pay freeze, threats and company propaganda. The whole industry is watching your workgroup. I hope rolling over to the company without a fight is not the final outcome. Sounds like more no voters by the day. I wish you all the best, majority rules.
My ideology, no one, has been serious from day one. We have been told it will take this long, has taken twice as long. It will be just like at every other Airline, people talk big then vote yes. Then when it passes no one will admit that they voted for it. This contract secured our scope. Got the back pay our union asked for. Our illustrative union preached scope forever, even the survey they did and refused to release the results of, everyone talked about scope. Now after 6 years, Mr. Outsider it is suddenly economics. This is AMFA way of saving face that after 6 years. We got a raise and secured their scope. Not a very good recruiting tool for other Airlines. If you work for American, even you guys didn't want to go with AMFA, again. I would say top recruiting would go to the Teamsters with UPS.
My ideology, no one, has been serious from day one. We have been told it will take this long, has taken twice as long. It will be just like at every other Airline, people talk big then vote yes. Then when it passes no one will admit that they voted for it. This contract secured our scope. Got the back pay our union asked for. Our illustrative union preached scope forever, even the survey they did and refused to release the results of, everyone talked about scope. Now after 6 years, Mr. Outsider it is suddenly economics. This is AMFA way of saving face that after 6 years. We got a raise and secured their scope. Not a very good recruiting tool for other Airlines. If you work for American, even you guys didn't want to go with AMFA, again. I would say top recruiting would go to the Teamsters with UPS.
Unfortunately, this is not about AMFA, TWU or IBT. This is about the AMT's standing up for our professional obligations in this industry not only at SWA, but AA and UAL. Teamsters brought back a substandard TA to their members which gutted the scope and was mediocre wages after close to 5 years at UAL. Teamsters are not the winner in these negotiations, if you count UPS holding the ground after 5 years as winning? UPS intentionally stalled negotiations also, but we will see if that gets voted in the next month or two. The Association TWU-IAM is going on 4 years with AA and stalled negotiations is the common denominator. You and SWA AMT's are hopeful in breaking ground, setting the stage in the much needed increases in wages, 401K increases and protection of scope language to outsourcing vendors in the best times of record profits and best aviation industrial atmosphere. All AMTs have taken it in the shorts for years at all Airlines during the worst of times. Hopefully you at SWA can capitalize first and the other Airlines to follow. Sorry you have shown your true colors on multiple posts on your ideologies and self serving motives. Sorry if it walks and quakes like a duck, it's a duck!
Unfortunately, this is not about AMFA, TWU or IBT. This is about the AMT's standing up for our professional obligations in this industry not only at SWA, but AA and UAL. Teamsters brought back a substandard TA to their members which gutted the scope and was mediocre wages after close to 5 years at UAL. Teamsters are not the winner in these negotiations, if you count UPS holding the ground after 5 years as winning? UPS intentionally stalled negotiations also, but we will see if that gets voted in the next month or two. The Association TWU-IAM is going on 4 years with AA and stalled negotiations is the common denominator. You and SWA AMT's are hopeful in breaking ground, setting the stage in the much needed increases in wages, 401K increases and protection of scope language to outsourcing vendors in the best times of record profits and best aviation industrial atmosphere. All AMTs have taken it in the shorts for years at all Airlines during the worst of times. Hopefully you at SWA can capitalize first and the other Airlines to follow. Sorry you have shown your true colors on multiple posts on your ideologies and self serving motives. Sorry if it walks and quakes like a duck, it's a duck!
Everyone does what is best for them. You work long enough and your seniority is what you have and that's all you have, so save your holy attitude, good luck with your card drive at American. At least I am honest about it.
Been watching this thread as outsider. Sounds like your company created this state of affairs and environment for you and your SWA AMT's (based on historical facts), yet you wont put your frustrations and emotional empathy towards the actual problem. Interestingly, You will knowingly reward the company for their intentional actions based on the play book of the other legacy carriers of dragging out Negotiations for multiple years, where some of your maintenance department management team came from. More importantly, you seem to be part of the problem....not a healthy solution to the problem. Sounds like your Negotiating Committee is willing to fight harder for you than you are willing to fight for your own career and well being. Rolling over and taking it, is the problem we all are facing in this industry. You and your type of ideologies are truly part of the problem, rewarding a company for creating the actual problem of emotions/frustrations to not only SWA, but to the whole industry. Respecfully, disgraceful to all AMT's.

Best of luck on your TA vote, hopefully your SWA AMT's can consciously see through the intentional pay freeze, threats and company propaganda. The whole industry is watching your workgroup. I hope rolling over to the company without a fight is not the final outcome. Sounds like more no voters by the day. I wish you all the best, majority rules.


Unfortunately, this is not about AMFA, TWU or IBT. This is about the AMT's standing up for our professional obligations in this industry not only at SWA, but AA and UAL. Teamsters brought back a substandard TA to their members which gutted the scope and was mediocre wages after close to 5 years at UAL. Teamsters are not the winner in these negotiations, if you count UPS holding the ground after 5 years as winning? UPS intentionally stalled negotiations also, but we will see if that gets voted in the next month or two. The Association TWU-IAM is going on 4 years with AA and stalled negotiations is the common denominator. You and SWA AMT's are hopeful in breaking ground, setting the stage in the much needed increases in wages, 401K increases and protection of scope language to outsourcing vendors in the best times of record profits and best aviation industrial atmosphere. All AMTs have taken it in the shorts for years at all Airlines during the worst of times. Hopefully you at SWA can capitalize first and the other Airlines to follow. Sorry you have shown your true colors on multiple posts on your ideologies and self serving motives. Sorry if it walks and quakes like a duck, it's a duck!

And even more correct.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please stop feeding the ducks. They keep quacking about propaganda and shitting on the other ducks within their ranks...
Don’t be a bunch of idiots. It’s already been 6 years. What are you going to hold out till your all freakin dead?


And even more correct.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please stop feeding the ducks. They keep quacking about propaganda and shitting on the other ducks within their ranks...
I hate to tell you stupid you are in the same boat, making the same money, working for the same company. There is no propaganda. If you haven't gotten a company to hardly move in six years. What will get them to move any faster if you say no?
Don’t be a bunch of idiots. It’s already been 6 years. What are you going to hold out till your all freakin dead?

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I figured it out Weazz we think as mechanics, we are as important as a pilot, and better than a ramper. In reality we are less than a pilot, and the same as a ramper. You guys have to load it, and cater it, and fuel it. We as mechanics have to repair it, without ramp and maintenance ,it does not fly.
Unfortunately, this is not about AMFA, TWU or IBT. This is about the AMT's standing up for our professional obligations in this industry not only at SWA, but AA and UAL. Teamsters brought back a substandard TA to their members which gutted the scope and was mediocre wages after close to 5 years at UAL. Teamsters are not the winner in these negotiations, if you count UPS holding the ground after 5 years as winning? UPS intentionally stalled negotiations also, but we will see if that gets voted in the next month or two. The Association TWU-IAM is going on 4 years with AA and stalled negotiations is the common denominator. You and SWA AMT's are hopeful in breaking ground, setting the stage in the much needed increases in wages, 401K increases and protection of scope language to outsourcing vendors in the best times of record profits and best aviation industrial atmosphere. All AMTs have taken it in the shorts for years at all Airlines during the worst of times. Hopefully you at SWA can capitalize first and the other Airlines to follow. Sorry you have shown your true colors on multiple posts on your ideologies and self serving motives. Sorry if it walks and quakes like a duck, it's a duck!
You better check your Facts about what Union gutted United Airlines scope. It wasn't the Teamsters , it was AMFA, that's why they were kicked out. Looks like Ford wreck , is a duck, quack quack.
And the debate rages on as to the merits or shortfalls of AMFA, a craft union, who's sole purpose was and is to promote aviation mechanics. I bought into this movement in the late 90's and proudly spent the last 13 years at AA in bad standing with the TWU. There was and still are many reasons I support craft unionism and believe AMFA has done just as much for my profession as plumber, electrician, and elevator mechanic unions have theirs. After years of debate little credit is given to AMFA for breaking the $30, $40, and soon to be $50 glass ceiling for commercial AMT's. I don't give a toss if you throw bags, change engines, serve drinks/direct passengers to exits in an emergency, or fly the aircraft, your only worth what you can get regardless of union affiliation. I respect democracy and will honor its results every time.
And the debate rages on as to the merits or shortfalls of AMFA, a craft union, who's sole purpose was and is to promote aviation mechanics. I bought into this movement in the late 90's and proudly spent the last 13 years at AA in bad standing with the TWU. There was and still are many reasons I support craft unionism and believe AMFA has done just as much for my profession as plumber, electrician, and elevator mechanic unions have theirs. After years of debate little credit is given to AMFA for breaking the $30, $40, and soon to be $50 glass ceiling for commercial AMT's. I don't give a toss if you throw bags, change engines, serve drinks/direct passengers to exits in an emergency, or fly the aircraft, your only worth what you can get regardless of union affiliation. I respect democracy and will honor its results every time.
And AMFA is just like your industrial union the TWU , if you challenge them they will make your life a living hell.Just ask Charles Drake.
And AMFA is just like your industrial union the TWU , if you challenge them they will make your life a living hell.Just ask Charles Drake.
I don't know Charles Drake but whatever occurred was not the fault of a craft union but of perhaps some personal disagreement. I don't fault industrial unions but their representatives in the TWU stooped to whatever lowlife tactics they could muster to thwart AMFA drives at AA including threatening high school principles with violence if we were allowed to meet on their premises and nearly killing AMFA supporters at an information picket across from the maintenance base by driving up onto the curb in a truck, by the local president no less. I have nothing against you but removing the personal element and emotion from the debate of industrial vs craft I'll choose craft ever time to represent skilled labor.
The union is countering the companies propaganda games. Below is a response to how the co. puppets are acting on the floor with their scare tactics. If I could make a suggestion, maybe the union should take get the facts questions and address each and every lie they printed. We were never told at any of the meetings that the union was guaranteeing a quick and fast return to the table. Matter fact they were saying it could very well and possibly easily extend into next year. I like the response the union is putting out, but I think they should address the question one at a time and put out there what was really said about each.
Again the companies "get the facts" Q & A is all lies and propaganda I was there and the union never said anything like what the company says they said at the RS's.
Here's the AMFA response to the companies propaganda scare tactics by their company puppets on the floor:

AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #67

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