Fight give me a break, everyone works all the overtime they can, does downlines .Take a look out in the parking lot with the $60,000 Trucks. They tried one week of an overtime ban, and the mighty AMFA got their dick knocked into the dirt with a Federal lawsuit. You have people happily do the ETOPS. What are we going to fight with? Let's see AMFA wants us to lose $15,000 a year minimum in straight time wages plus a minimum of $35,000 in backpay bonus, not to mention another 6 months of backpay at the new pay scale another at minimum of $7500 . You sir with that mentality are Gary Kelly's Dream mechanics at 2012 wages, for say another 2 years, more profit sharing for management, and all the other employees. Plus a bigger piece of the pie with the other groups in their negotiations. Hey look customer service and Fight attendants we have another $500,000,000 for you because these stupid mechanics said no. Meanwhile we are still changing tires and brakes ,people working Ron with no raise. Sorry someone better teach you something about economics. These other so called Airlines took 5 years, not 6,or 7, or 8 years!