That looks like a pretty good deal on the UPS contract. I work with a guy who came from UPS years ago, I need to try and see if he has reached out to some of his guys on the atmosphere over there. I do remember him saying partly why he left was it like a Gestapo, over there. Their tolerance for BS was minimal, you worked your a$$ off, very heavily regulated. Example, when it was lunch or break time, you get your 10 minutes or 30 or whatnot and when's times up, your a$$ is back on the job. We all know we have some real winners running this outfit now but it's nothing like that in the 3 stations I've worked in my tenure here.
As to the 2.75, I agree with driver above, it's a false sense of protection if you asked me. Article 2 is where the job protection is/was at, and that was never in article 2, it was a LOA that had an expiration without renewing. Quite honestly the business model/programs are going to forecast headcount required whether it's everybody on the line, 90% line, 10% hangar, whatever. We had Msg, epic and now the Max maintenance program is coming, whether there is a 2.75 or any of that. That's what's driving the cards and where they are worked. I realize guys want to exercise seniority and "Hey I don't want to work in the elements any more, or Hey, I don't want to pound rivets", but the bottom line is work must not leave the premises. Again the work changes, we use to do all the classics in Houston C check at one time, then they brought em up to Dallas, now the classics are gone, and we're still here. You have to adapt somewhat to industry as it changes. I think everybody knows that's been here, that SWA is and has been for a hell of a long time one of the biggest outsourcing airlines in existence, not wanting or willing to outsource more, but this industry changes and so do we I reckon. I think guys take that number like gossip from the bible. This airline is growing like a weed, and we can't do the crap now with what we got. We can't hire guys with any experience, because the Legacy carriers are all good, and who wants to leave there now to come here for less money. I also agree, I'm concerned about the guys that on the property now, and having a job for the rest of their career here. As long as we aren't having contractors do the jobs that SWA badged employees do now, then that should be the bigger focus I would think.