No prob. dgaf.
And your right, hangars are needed for certain work being performed. UPS will rent hangar spaces if at an airport that they don't have their own hangars. Another big reason UPS uses hangars for are for when gear swings are required after performing certain maint.
I have also heard that they run the "prison inmates" (lol) real hard in their loading stations where the loaders load all the 18 wheelers and delivery trucks where management uses stopwatches to time the loads. If you are not within the parameters you are removed, relocated, or even fired. Sad, but true. My son has worked for both UPS and FedEx loading stations and you work non stop until all trucks are loaded and out of there, then you get the long awaited "long" breaks. Pretty sure it's the same with the aircraft loaders too.
You are also correct about the difference in scope language. However, we are all fully responsible for anything that happens with these aircraft, passengers, flight crews as well as human life on the ground, if anything goes wrong until the aircraft is retired, destroyed, or no longer in service. Even if these aircraft change air carriers, our sign offs follow them to the bone yard. In other words, no matter if we work freighters or passenger airliners we have the same, if not a little more with passenger aircraft, responsibility...
dgaf, I still am on the fence as far as which way I will vote. I am waiting for final decision to be made after all the RS's are done from both union and co. Once I have all my info I will vote accordingly as I se fit for me, my family and our futures. Good luck to you and yours on this contract offer. At this point I'm like most here. I would be fine if it gets voted down and I would be fine if it gets voted in. I will not shame anyone for the way they vote. Whatever the turn out it will be what the majority wants, and I will respect whatever that is and move on.
Great talking with you, have a good one...