And what is wrong with making us whole like they did the Pilots and then some. When you add in all factors, the monies missing are not chump change. If you take the 3 (should be 4-5%) missing from years 2018 and from the final year 2023 (which was smaller in 2012 so more like 2% for 2023) and you add in the missing snap up portion which I have been told somewhere around 1.7-2.1% missing you have a total of about somewhere between 7-8%. With where we will be with this contract that is no chump changes guys. 7% would be around 8,400 per year missing (no O/T). 8% would be 9,600 per year missing. Now you add in the average overtime we do (going by Dallas average here guys) it's more like 10K-12K each and every year by end of current contract offer. Why did I use average overtime? Because the company loves to do that when they offer something. I know not all of us have the o/t available or even want to do any, but just getting the average out there to be fair. You know that's 100K over a 10 year span and that's on the low end. That would be a great down payment on a new home, it could be a cash payment for a new "nice" car. Or even better a more wise move of sending the 10K into 2 Roth IRA accounts tax free. Now how does that "not making the mechanics whole offer" look? It's not as small as some are wanting the membership to think it is. I will get my final numbers from "OUR" economist and NC not from the co. twisted math they want you to believe. And like I have always said, I am sick and tired of this company "expecting" to always get by with what they really owe thru the years and contracts that did involve back pay, retro. It's time we be made whole. If they would raise the snap up to what it should be, add in the 2018 raise, and add in the 2023 raise (I would even agree with a reduced 2% on year 2023, but not 1%, then maybe that might sway my vote. But I still need to see all the rest of language and rules if and how much has changed.
I will not knock how anyone will vote. I am merely expressing my personal reasons of why I would be a yes or a no vote. I still will wait for the RS's and the full explanation and description of everything from my NC, economist and the union before I make my final decision, but, in the meantime I will not let or allow any company rhetoric get in my way or influence me or my decision in any way, I simply do not trust this company as much as I use to. It use to be what the co. said was golden, not so much any more.
Glad to hear some others (dgaf) are hearing the same about a T/A this week some time and I too, dgaf, really hope there were some improvements, otherwise, I will be stuck in the no column. Sorry for rambling on fellas but am passionate about being made whole...