Well, hopefully next week we might see this T/A, and hopefully while in it's AIP form, the passing back and forth, maybe enticed the deal a little to try and get this a more attractive Yes vote across the system. I mean ultimately that's the end goal here, we'll see. I will say this, one thing to think about, if we do reject it, I wouldn't put all my stock in the fact the company will be chomping at the bit to get back to negotiating with us. Here's a prime example of that,
Material specialist folks had a T/A April of last year, and that's still in lala land with no sense of urgency there. The flight attendants and CSR's are coming up this year as well. No doubt the company needs us for Etops. They need us in the sense to have a smooth launch, transition, customer impact. If they don't have a contract done with us quickly, will no doubt delay Etops some. However, the company is bound and determined to launch Etops and don't think for a moment, they can't launch it without our blessing, it might be not real pretty, but they are not going to be held hostage, by our workgroup. All of you guys internal here, you might take a look at those load factor numbers, and see if all the great press we've had lately is working in our favor.