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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Well, we can only hope so. Co. has dragged this out way too long this time. But I do not expect anything to change from how the co. has been nego at the table, why would they? Everything is still going smooth. Maybe with the push of Mikes statements their might be some movement, we will see.

5 and a half years isn’t long at all. But you’re 100% right in that I doubt anything is going to change either. I’m betting you go to 8 years. That’s my bet.
5 and a half years isn’t long at all. But you’re 100% right in that I doubt anything is going to change either. I’m betting you go to 8 years. That’s my bet.
Probably go 6 , or a little into next year. Or they might surprise me , and come to an agreement.
Probably go 6 , or a little into next year. Or they might surprise me , and come to an agreement.

Why I say 8 driver is because Swampy believes that our Association at AA is going to release a TA that is going to make “All hell break loose” as he says.

So when they do what Swampy says and Hell opens up of course the members at AA are going to overwhelming vote down that deal and send them back to the drawing board.

Leaving SWA Management in the dark still on what their competitor’s Maintenance costs are going to be and in turn unfortunately keeping you all firmly on ice.

That’s what Swampy is saying so it has to be true.
5 and a half years isn’t long at all. But you’re 100% right in that I doubt anything is going to change either. I’m betting you go to 8 years. That’s my bet.
Whatever it takes. Not going to cave for the asks. If it takes 8 years then it takes 8 years. What's a couple more years after the co. has stalled, admittedly for the first 5 years for the pay freezes. Now that the co. is ready to make a deal they are all of a sudden in a hurry, and even claiming that they really do wanna get it done like Mike said in his letter above. Well, I say to MIke, stop by the negotiations coming this week (Mar. 6-8) and experience it all for yourself. Maybe, just maybe the co. nego. team will stop with their games at the table with Mike present.

Probably go 6 , or a little into next year. Or they might surprise me , and come to an agreement.
I honestly hope they do not take until Aug of 2018 (6th yr.) 2018 is the no excuse year to come to terms as the new corp. tax cuts will enable and assist in coming to terms in 2018.
We can only hope they surprise us all and come to an agreement before summer...
Wow. Finally, a ND that will respond to the company's letters. Although I hate to see our airline under investigation for maint. this letter was needed to set the story straight.
I really hope our COO takes AMFA's offer up and attend the nego's 6-8. Oh how differently the co. would act with him present at the table and we may very well have the decision maker at the table as well, then maybe, just maybe there might be an agreement. We shall see...
BTW; I do not see this letter as an OUCH! I see it more like an eye opening reality check. Yes the truth does hurt to hear sometimes but if ignored will only get worse.
Whatever it takes. Not going to cave for the asks. If it takes 8 years then it takes 8 years. What's a couple more years after the co. has stalled, admittedly for the first 5 years for the pay freezes. Now that the co. is ready to make a deal they are all of a sudden in a hurry, and even claiming that they really do wanna get it done like Mike said in his letter above. Well, I say to MIke, stop by the negotiations coming this week (Mar. 6-8) and experience it all for yourself. Maybe, just maybe the co. nego. team will stop with their games at the table with Mike present.


You sadly believe all that written crap? Seriously?

But I’m the one who’s naive for believing “our” written crap? SMH.

Sorry buddy but if we’re getting crap then so are you. You’ve just been smelling your crap longer and maybe enjoy the stench.
You sadly believe all that written crap? Seriously?

But I’m the one who’s naive for believing “our” written crap? SMH.

Sorry buddy but if we’re getting crap then so are you. You’ve just been smelling your crap longer and maybe enjoy the stench.
No reason to accept crap during these record numbers in profits. If your membership accepts what crap your company is currently offering then that will be their fault. I will assure you that if the mechanics contract are not industry leading in all areas (not just a couple) it will get voted down in flames. Not only did the company (Parker) promise an ILC the asso. did as well, rather you wanna believe it or not, they did promise the mechanics an ILC in all areas, just like GP has stated in all his video updates, the companies offers so far are NOT industry leading. BTW: Fed Ex goes to 57.74 in April.
No reason to accept crap during these record numbers in profits. If your membership accepts what crap your company is currently offering then that will be their fault. I will assure you that if the mechanics contract are not industry leading in all areas (not just a couple) it will get voted down in flames. Not only did the company (Parker) promise an ILC the asso. did as well, rather you wanna believe it or not, they did promise the mechanics an ILC in all areas, just like GP has stated in all his video updates, the companies offers so far are NOT industry leading. BTW: Fed Ex goes to 57.74 in April.

No what I’m saying is if what’s being put out publicly by the Association at AA to you is CRAP then what is being put out by AMFA is also CRAP.

You got CRAP and we got CRAP.

But our Association (2 Official years Negotiating) hasn’t sent its members any CRAP to vote on maybe yet any more than your AMFA (5 Official years Negotiating) hasn’t sent it’s members any CRAP to vote on yet either.

Looks to me as if both groups aren’t accepting CRAP actually.

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No what I’m saying is if what’s being put out publicly by the Association at AA to you is CRAP then what is being put out by AMFA is also CRAP.

You got CRAP and we got CRAP.

But our Association (2 Official years Negotiating) hasn’t sent its members any CRAP to vote on maybe yet any more than your AMFA (5 Official years Negotiating) hasn’t sent it’s members any CRAP to vote on yet either.

Looks to me as if both groups aren’t accepting CRAP actually.

I have always said if AMFA brings back a descent contract and can prove to the membership why it worth waiting how long we had to wait. They will stay long term, but if it's not that great, people will be disappointed ,especially if it passes and at the minimum all new ALRs and officers, at the maximum new union.
I am sure the Federal litigation from both sides and the new mud throwing has no outcome on a tentative agreement. I stand by my comments from a long time ago. Good luck!!
I am sure the Federal litigation from both sides and the new mud throwing has no outcome on a tentative agreement. I stand by my comments from a long time ago. Good luck!!
The mud slinging and no vote confidence is typical window dressing bullshit, that all industrial unions and even AMFA does to try to show their members they are tough especially when negotiations take this long, so you feel like you are getting something for your dues money.
SMH!!! AMFA is pulling the same crap they pulled at NWA! Does it make sense to go public and slam our Company? Who does that really hurt? What a bunch of morons? Last time I checked SWA signs my checks and I would like for them to keep signing them for several years. This is nothing but a play out of the New York city law firm to make as much money off of SWA as they can. AMFA has to go!!!!

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